31 May 2004

Sneezing Confuses Them

Anyhow attempting to d/l the newest RvB. Got halfway last night and AOL cut out and Safari then started over (grr). 56k modems and 20+mb movie files are not the greatest combination.
More possible bad news on the Shopko front, let me know if there is ever good news, but we might have to wear stupid blue shirts on overnights. Why? I don't know, there's noone there to even see what we wear. So I am praying this is just some random BS that won't happen cause I don't feel like shelling out money on stupid blue Shopko shirts when I have a bunch of old red work shirts which should be just fine. At this rate I might not come back this winter for Shopko. Heck this summer might be kinda tough if they continue to regulate ever possible thing under the sun. I suppose it hasn't occurred to the higher ups that if you control every detail that efficiency and morale goes out the window because you are forcing a police state on your employees. Ok ranting done. I'm just frustrated. I didn't think it'd onset this quickly but it did.
I am re-reading Nobilis right now, a little D & Ded out so switching up seems like a good thing. Besides which I never managed to read through the whole thing so I am covering stuff I didn't get to before. I still haven't been able to sit down and read and rpg book from front to back. I always jump around. Shame on me.
(Random butt in: AOL died again! AOL for OSX is the most unstable piece of trash on the planet! It's like AOL wants to be rated worse then Microsoft. And now I have to try and restart the download for the newest RvB)
I think I am angry at most of the world right now, I am not really sure why, but I am in kinda sour mood that isn't really front and center in me just hanging there bugging me. It only really manifests when I am working and my mind just kinda goes and thinks about what it wants (I can't pick the topic alas) and well frankly it's not much fun.

Anyhow, since this is another really happy post of joy and love I'll say please remember our veterans today. They died for fighting for the freedom and rights we have today regardless of whether they thought we deserved them or not. So please take some time to respect their sacrifice. This day wasn't supposed to be last the part of a 3 day weekend afterall.

29 May 2004

28 May 2004


So I have heard a lot of people complain that guys on various levels that guys are scum of the earth or worse, well you know what? Lately I've been feeling like I've been treated like total crap by the gals. So keep that in mind, guys aren't the only ones who can be thoughtless. We're human beings too. Try and remember that please? It hurts!

27 May 2004

And I awake.

Well..hmmm..there is absolutely no point to this post..but I said I would post so I am going to post. I just got the internet today at my moms house..not that I am really even home much to use it... 41 hours of work done this week..only 30 more left.. then I get a day off.. but the good news is that I make $15 an hour for the next 30 hours. And my job is not very difficult..and i don't think its too dangerous..besides the fact that you are working with machines that could kill or break you very easily. SO every 20 minutes, me and the other workers on the machine that I work on, make the company over $4000 dollars... so basically in less than an hour of me working this week, they have already enough to pay for my summer salary. I have been getting up at 4 a.m. to go to work, its not as hard as I thought it was going to be. But I have been working 5:30am to 5:30 pm..and next week I have to do 5:30 pm to 5:30 am.. so that will be a whole new thing..buuut on the plus side.. i get to work next sunday... on sunday's I make either 20 or 25 dollars an hour..

Ok I hope you enjoyed this totally useless post!

26 May 2004

Let Sleeping Dragons Lie

So yea, just got in from night #2. Night #3 awaits 15 hours from now. Truck unload, oh yay. Anyhow managed to survive a little better tonight, knees ain't so sore either but still calling for ibuprofen. Life be ok tho, managed to get and watch LotR: Return of the King and watch it before work so that was morale boost. Got to talk a little with Corey and Nikki at work too which was nice. That is one thing I miss, people my age, the next youngest person is Bernie who is 40-something. So I am under half the age of the next youngest person (Todd just had his birthday today too but he's 31 :D ). Yea anywho I am gonna shower and sleep til around suppertime. If you notice I've dissapeared as of late it's because my sleep time if your awake time.

Happy 21st birthday Jenny!
(Not to be confused with Jen a few days back)

And to the CNN Headline News lady: Robin Meade, no I am not starting my coffee maker. Crazy news anchors.

PS Sleepy people should not make blog entries, ya?

25 May 2004

Return to the 'Ko

Yea, so last night/this morning I returned to the employ of the greater Empire fo Shopko. Yes, I'm on overnights for the next 3 months or so until I depart this country (as the first missionary of the Steiner Fan Club of America to Europe no less :D ). Found out if I hadn't taken overnights I'd prolly be unemployed. Not that I'd want to work days, the few nice things about working days have gone by the way side. Shopko's head office continues to mismanage at a pace which makes me wonder if corporate America is 100% dunces not just the 99.9% I thought before. I can't even listen to my iPod at night now. Sheesh, since when did they have to regulate every freaking thing we do? This is no longer about the employees or the customers it's about the money. We are becoming Wal-Mart abandoning what made us better then Wal-Mart!

As you can see I am frustrated! At least I am working though so I suppose I can't complain, I wish Justin was still with Shopko though, then it'd be old times!

22 May 2004


So Friday afternoon I got Harry Potter V (that's the Order of the Phoenix) and by very early Saturday morning (ie about 15 hours later, 10 or so spent reading) I had finished it. Gotta say it dragged a little in parts, Rowling really likes to have inter-group conflict which is something I am not a real big fan of (I don't mind some but it's happened in every book now!) so that made it a slow starter for me. However that's just my personal preference in reading, the end was good although the final wrap up and return home seemed a little rushed, it didn't feel like some of the things usually all tied up at the end of the other books. Not the war, I knew that would continue but some of the plot that really only revolves at the school. That said, the 6th book should be pretty darn good.

What have I become, enjoying Harry Potter books?

Don't tell anyone but I picked up two more D & D books the Monster Manual, 3.5 sadly-ugh!-, and Underdark which is another Forgotten Realms book. Woulda taken Monsters of Faerun if they had it at B & N too but they don't anymore. It's ok tho, less for me to spend/waste money on. It probably is a waste in the end, I don't know tho. I can imagine a lot of things but I usually am not good at the details I can throw stuff already created into a world.

Got my haircut Friday too. Wheee. And I've got work this week too so I'll have people to talk to, etc. Kinda been lonely here up to now. People too busy to hang with an old sod like me. Anyhow, think I am out for the night, gonna read my new books and try to get up earlier then normal today.

21 May 2004

Well we did RPGs...

...so why not anime now?!?

Yea, hehe, I am reveling in my nerdness. Well I get Forgotten Realms and Harry Potter V tomorrow so I will be booking it this weekend unless I get time to spend with Kelsey and Catherine and Ryan (or anyone else in La Crosse).

Ok anime count is somewhat less impressive then my RPG one. I have DVDs from 4 shows/movies (unless you count Final Fantasy as anime then 5). Total 23 DVDs. Full runs for Cowboy Bebop (plus the movie), Gundam W (or Wing if you prefer), FLCL (or Fooly-Cooly if you prefer :D ), and Blue Sub No. 6. That incidentally is it, I prefer to have full runs for shows or full seasons if the shows have long runs or are hour longs (not usually a problem for anime).

Best show by far is Cowboy Bebop although FLCL has it moments. End of Gundam W is quite good as is the start (the middle is ok). That said no one anime really stands out in my collection although I have to admit I don't really put Blue Sub No. 6 in as a contender. Right now I am awaiting Gundam SEED to be released to DVD. Also possibly Witch Hunter Robin. Anyhow, that's my blurb for tonight.

Happy birthday to Jen!

19 May 2004

Life As An RPG

Yea, mostly this will be a post on RPGs and such. So if you aren't interested skim or skip (I might put non-RPG stuff in to throw ya, you never know, I never know!).

First off if you haven't perused Gamethink yet and care anything or are interested in RPGs you should. It's heavy hitters of the industry there as far as I can tell including writers and editors. Something like that. Anyhow I enjoy it because I like to hear what the people directly involved think about what they do.

Anyhow, I am unpacking from college and going through my huge assortment of RPG books (nearly 60 pounds of them) and just thought I'd randomly talk about them. I own core books for 8 different games. Those being Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM), Blue Planet, Dungeons and Dragons (D & D), Engel, Exalted, Nobilis, WindZone, and Xro Din Chronicles. I have supplements for most of those (minus BESM, Nobilis, and Xro Din) although many times its only one or two books that I have randomly acquired through sorting cards for Jason, etc. One supplement which I won through a PointCon raffle has no use for me: anyone ever heard of Killing Fields? Yea, ok, total number of books is 42! A very good number, the meaning of the universe and all. Ok I'll admit it right now, I am feeling very nerdy or whatever you classify gamers as. Come to think of it, I just ordered Forgotten Realms so I suppose I have 43 books.

Personally I have to say my favorite read is definitely still Exalted although both Engal and Blue Planet are wonderfully well written plotwise. Xro Din was not well put together at all, it sounded like a good story (and maybe in later books they fill that in) but the first core book was sorely lacking in anything like that.

Alas of all the games I own I have only played D & D and Exalted (actually I've only run Exalted, badly). So I haven't been able to expierence any of the others.

Not enough time or game running ability to play them all (or players to be in them for that matter). This was gonna be longer but I got distracted so what they hey, this'll end here.

I guess you get crazier when you get older. And I certainly am older today.

A terrabyte?

Rumors are out Gmail has been pushed up to a Terrabyte (that's right 1000 GB). Notice these blogs. I checked my account and don't see it. My call is some editing typo by someone updating the interface. I could be wrong tho. Awaiting news!

17 May 2004

Some Things Here

Since Blogger.com has now provided their own comment system I have now switched to that system. That does mean the old comments will dissapear into backblog's files where I will probably forget about them. However if you want me to dredge them up I might actually be able to. Granting their is about 3 comments total so not a big loss. :D
Lesse, anything to report, well got my grades, all Bs minus a B+ and an A. So I am not sure if my GPA improved a whole lot but at least I am not failing. Alas I did not do as well as I could have. Better do better in London!
Speaking of London, Katy is there, read about it in her LJ (I got the link on the sidebar). I am hoping I will get a chance to talk to her when she gets back.
I added another link for a blog (I have added a bunch lately I guess) called Gamethink. It appears to have a lot of contributors who are major writers/editors/artists in the gaming world. Should be a good thing.
Anyhow, I miss the people back in Point, it is fairly boring here. So give me a holler or something!

14 May 2004


Yes, I'm home. Technically this is no longer based in Point but go figure. Do I have a lot to say right now? No. Let me get my computer hooked up to the web. I need Gmail. Bad. I am sad that I didn't get to say good bye to Jenny, she quit communicating with me (again). I wish I knew why she did this. Yea anyhow, I'm home. I won't live in Point again for 8 months.

12 May 2004


So if you haven't been watching the news lately, well you should be. First of all the Bush administration has let down the ball here big time. I don't have links yet, but go to any major news site and you should be able to find stuff on the Iraqi prisoner abuse. This destroys much of the legitimacy we have there because we are treating in some cases nearly as bad as Saddam did. How this could be allowed or get this far is a painful, demoralizing shock to me (and I hope everyone) regardless of their prior stance of the war. We should be held to higher moral standards then terrorists and the world was right to criticize out at us and the Bush adminstration. I am losing faith in the administration lately, they seem to have had no plans at all about what to do in post-Saddam Iraq, they had to know we'd win because even the Iraqis saw it coming (notice how their military didn't come out to play at all when we invaded, maybe it has something to do because the last time we played, it took us only 100 hours to win). I am slowly but surely leaning towards Kerry (more so if he picks a decent VP) but that is besides the point.
Not to be outdone however al-Queada and friends found themselves a hostage to execute. If you have seen the video you can compare, the photos of our troops abusing prisoners and the terrorists (better yet: murderers) I think you can see who has a more evil sinsister intent. Our people were dumb, to a point that they will pay for a long, long time and rightfully so. The others are pure evil. PURE EVIL. Should they and all their ilk cease to exist this instance the world will be a better place an infinite times over. Simply put you cannot compare the two things. If you have a murderer and an abuser which one would you want to be punished more?
Which reminds me: lots of countries were quick to condemn our troops for doing something dumb, evil and wrong. Where are they now? Or is executing people by cutting their heads off ok and abusing them not? What a world of hypocrites, all of us! (Yes that includes the US too).
I watched the video, don't ask me why I am not really sure why I watched it. Maybe for a simple reality check, I take a strong position in this war, I am not sure it is justified if I can't stomach the reality of it. Not sure if that makes sense tho. Anyhow I have seen it, and well if you want my knee-jerk reaction, this is mostly it. I am not sure I will sort my thoughts better to write another entry on this or not, if I do hopefully it'll make more sense (if this didn't). Anyhow, here I post.
And please prayer for our people out there.

11 May 2004

Minor Issues Here

Blogger's wonderful new stuff seems to be acting strange so if the blog looks weird, not my fault. Trying to tweak but rather busy these days...

10 May 2004

It's Here


Which is more important: right belief or right action?

I have Nobilis.

Blogger site is all new, with its own comment system. Therefore I will be switching to that. Most likely that means old comments will be lost. All 3 of them. I shall see how the new system works.

09 May 2004


Got see The Last Samuari tonight, didn't really expect that I would get to see it (didn't think people would come over here to watch it), so that was a happy surprise. A very good movie, Tom Cruise was outstanding. Not something I have seen him do in awhile. Being the Exalted fanboy this was also quite informative, a lot of Exalted is based off pre-Meiji (spl?) society. See Outcastes (ie Lookshy). Anyhow this is a movie I'm gonna have to go get! (PS, Twism this is my shameless plug to the movie!)
I was doing laundry today and I realized it'll be my last time to do that here. That's right, the last time. In fact this is my last weekend in the dorms. I hadn't really thought about it but things are suddenly coming to an end. Kind of scary. Really busy. For good or for bad, whatever my situation here is, in less then a week I'll be leaving it behind for quite a while. No matter what happens tho, room 325 will never been inhabited by me again, so it's strange to think for me the last thing I will see is a bare white-walled room filled only with memories of two years of my life, some good, some bad, some inbetween. It's an ending.

I really am sorry.

08 May 2004

htjyang would be proud

Michael Moore plays politics to hype his film. If htjyang covered this kinda stuff I can only imagine the comment. Which leads me into my other thing, my newest blog entry on the sidebar there. It's coversative (more then me) but amusing. Used to watch the guy shoot down entire groups of people arguing against him with massive (Googled?) evidence to back up his points. Anywho, check it out if you like. He posts daily usually. There you go. Finals are upon us. I am really gonna be busy trying to do this and fit in stuff with people!

07 May 2004


Mario theme by piano. Your life just doesn't matter til you've seen this. Maybe it still doesn't :D Go watch this.

06 May 2004

1 AM Get Fuzzy Moment

Vent away. :D


Well GASP ended last night. It was highly enjoyable, a whole lot of killing. Eric eventually made my character lawful evil which in retrospect is probably what I am deep down (well I hope I am lawful good, but these days I don't know). As long as I am on a self contemplative moment, today's Doonesbury seems to fit me (and other conservatives to some extent) pretty well I guess.

Bah. I just found out I don't even get to enjoy a single room (and the extra room to pack) next week. How come last year they put the wrath of God on you if you stayed late and now this year they don't care? Are they just trying to screw me (again)?

Oh well, not that anyone cares.

05 May 2004


(Yes this is mostly aimed at one person. Yes this is written in frustration.)
Well it appears I irked someone cause I disagree with them over politics (or maybe just cause I don't hate Bush beyond all things). For the record I didn't bring it up, you did. You ended the conversation not me. I don't take personal offense when people disagree with me, if I did I would hate half the people on my floor. And if you don't like my news sources could you please find my 4500+ better ones so I can be better informed? It's not like I don't keep track of the news. In the end it is pointless tho, on most issues people's minds won't be changed. I wasn't trying to change anyone's I was stating facts that as far as I can discern are true. If you don't like my sources then by and far please find me other sources which disagree! I don't like the situation in Iraq any better then anyone else in the US. Bush screwed up and didn't have a plan to get out. He probably even had questionable reasons for going into Iraq. The point is we're there and if we run away now and millions of Sunni Iraqis die, there on our hands and whoever pulls those troops out of there hands. The fact that we elected Bush (ignoring the whole election debate which is null and void, however you want to see it, he is the legitmate ruler of the US else the entire world hates someone with no real power) means that what happens there reflects us. So do we run away from our problems? We could be like the UN and evacuate at the first sign of danger. Better yet we could close our borders and hope the world quits bothering us. Or we could a)suck it up b)elect someone who can solve this in a way that all parties (including those in other countries) are happy (to the best of our abilities, we can never make the whole world like us, in fact we hate ourselves quite a bit).
Yea, I'm angry. I didn't mean to make you angry but I feel like I am responsible somewhat because I was for the war and now I think we owe it to the Iraqi people to make things better even if it means we as a people make sacrifices. If that means that they reinstate the draft and I am drafted so be it. As a citizen I should be ready to die for my country (thankfully being scared silly while serving is allowed).

That's my rant. It's not well sorted, I am frustrated cause I didn't mean to get anybody angry or upset or insult anyone. I've told everyone that I am not the greatest person in social situations and now you see why. I'll ask for your forgiveness and say I'm sorry but there is little more I can do.

RIAA stealing from Musicians

Oops, we're suing downloaders but we aren't paying the artists the royalties we owe them!

04 May 2004

Jump It (Pt 2)

So with the Pirates of the Carribean soundtrack playing in the background (another iTunes purchase) I shall try and finish up my little random story.

The driver dropped the vehicle into neutral and spun it sideways bleeding off over half the speed before gunning the engine to pursue the off-ramp bound Miata. Acrid smoke hung about the highway as the massive black Humvee plowed its way up the ramp in pursuit.
Traffic had already entangled itself badly due to the first speeding object, the second one had to swerve around or run down everyone at the intersection. A stalled semi with trailer blocked the way. They went right through it, the gunner barely ducking in time. The gun atop the Humvee hung at a strange angle as tin cans rained upon the vehicles on the other side it.
"Someone's not gonna get their soup cans this week!" the gunner shouted angrily.
"Campbell's can send a bill!" a backseatman replied.
"I lost them." reported the driver.
"Give me higher ground!" shouted the gunner.
"Sure, why not."
In front a huge glass panelled multi-level mall area. Large stairs visible through the glass.
Gunner: "Oh no, you are not gonna do what I think-"
Shattered glass went everywhere as the entire side paneling of the mall feels the multi-ton force of the HMMWV. A few people setting up for the day scatter, doing their best to avoid the raining glass shards. Potted plants crumble and benches flatten as they advance.
"Hope it holds us!" some shouts as they go up the stairs.
Up stairs they get a view of the area and quickly ascertain the location of their target. Due west but the floor is buckling behind them as drive not designed for this kind of weight. Driver puts the pedal to the floor and heads for another window.
West of the mall, people are unaware of the pursuit or even the accident just around the corner. A cop gives directions to some tourists. A guy reads his newspaper. Half the people in the area are on cell phones it seems. The window directly above the cop disintegrates as a Humvee passes through it. The cop looks up to see a huge black beast emerging from the 2nd floor of the mall. The guy lowers his paper to watch the vehicle head straight towards him across the street. He does not move.
The gunner peeks out of the roof of the vehicle to sunlight, bits of glass, and a decent view of shocked people looking up. The driver frowns as he tries to not land on anyone or anything important. The guy next to him braces for impact. The two in back give a mind boggling shout of enjoyment.
The last chase begins... (I'll let you make this part up, unless there are demands otherwise)

What's this? Caught up?

Yea I am, sort of. Still have CIS 313 Chapter 13 due but that will be later in the week and next week. I am actually at rest for the moment. Anywho I am killing time in lab so here is a link for you. It was just up on the blogger front page and I randomly read a couple thing. Mostly it seems like your normal average guy's page but I liked the end part (on Flight Sim and being drunk) for May 2nd. Here is the link. Am I gonna keep track of this? I don't know.
Adders reports that Steve Jobs and company are going to announce "Tiger" the next upgrade for the Mac OS. THIS ONE BETTER BE FREE! Paying for Panther was worth it and Jaguar too (I actually find Panther cooler) but hey $70 every year or even every other year is not cool. And being a computer nerd I do need to keep up to date.
Tonight is out last Tuesday Night Mario Kart night (unless I can make it back for a Tuesday in early December) so much excitement! I have been able to beat Steiner twice now on Rainbow Road (having fallen off a grand total of once!) on 150cc. It should be good. Gonna go to Marvin's too and introduce Eric (and maybe Nathan and Steiner) to their wonderful brand of food!

03 May 2004

Beware of the Google Fanatic

...namely me as I have just realized I am one. I will be neck deep in CIS homework this week (somewhat caught off gaurd by the volume) so don't expect much from me til finals or later.

02 May 2004

For the troops

Ephesians 6

The Armor of God

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

I need to apply this to myself of course. You need to too I'd imagine.


It seems that White-Wolf may have dropped the Engel line. Granting I have only bought the corebook myself I did acquire the Michaelite book and found it good enough to warrant getting the other Orderbooks. This is not good, although granted there has been no official announcement. However the guys who write the books in Germany (it's a German game, hence a ton of German words including Engel) have said that WW dropped the line. Read the Engel forums, you can get to them through the Exalted forums links. The good news is the game still lives so if we can find a new US distributor (they are looking at GenCon) then the game will continue to exist in the US.

Blimps Are Evil

This is apparently all the proof we will ever need.

Jump It

Felt like random fiction, quality not assured. The muse only gives ideas :/

Most people have never raced a vehicle in their lives. Certainly none had ever raced in a HMMWV before as far as Cpl O'reilly was concerned. However his ever persistent PFC driver was doing just that will a fully armored bememouth. Reason for race: pursuing a couple of gang members who had just committed mutiple drive bys. Target: a white Mazda Miata, pretty well suped up. Street racer if he had to guess, not that he knew anything about this.
Above him in the gunner's position, Private Daniel Cels waited patiently for a clean shot, if he was allowed to shoot. Even Volunteers were wary of opening up with lots of civilians in the way. They preferred clean kills, an emulation of their more powerful commanders.
It was a testament to Cels' training that he didn't blanch even though the maxed out Humvee was driving one side on a concrete wall and the other on the highway leaving him at something like a 45 degree angle. O'reilly wandered what the Sargeant would have said if he had seen this. Two vehicles weaving and out of high speed traffic like two kids playing tag in the woods.
"Shit, no more wall in a few..." the driver growled.
"No room on your left here." one of the rear seat boys informed.
"We're trapped in back too, semi truck." the other added.
"Well thankfully it just a Neon next to us. Danny, you might want to duck!"
"Oh shi-" Cels ducked. The Humvee did a nice inversion as the wall as the 3+ ton vehicle flipped gracefully over the Neon and landed, rather uneventfully thanks to very good shocks, next to it not even slightly slowed down.
The crossing of 3 lanes of traffic in one movement is not a recommended thing for anyone and when the Miata did it some amazement by all that they survived. However the darting motion caused a semi to jack-knife into several smaller vehicles and also took out both pursuing cops, one which literally drove up the side of the disintegrating semi trailer and would have cleared several cars had there not been an overpass there. Instead the shattered vehicle and it's injured driver ended up out of the chase although amazing alive.
Thus far this could not be said for those all below in the massive tangle of metal which had been caused. Three people had perished before the two shaken tankers which had just been part of this chase rammed straight into the mess, for some reason Americans don't slow down even in the face of incredible danger, and that turned the whole area into an inferno. The overpass itself ceased to be along with most of the accident.
The driver barely had time to get out of the way. Luck itself gave him an exit to swerve into slamming vehicles aside from the sheer bulk of his ride. O'reilly ignored the grinding metal sound on his right to watch the fireball blooming to his right. The two police cars behind the Humvee didn't swerve in time. It was just this unit for awhile.
"Get them, even if it kills them in the process." he growled.
"Bet your ass sir. They're already dead." was all he got out of the driver.
The Humvee had already shot up the off ramp through traffic and leapt down the on-ramp. A stop/go light signaling stop was ignored. Far ahead a single white Miata pulled clear trying to catch up with the main flow of traffic and a successful escape.
One nice thing about mixing technologies with stuff akin to magic was that vehicles could out perform their single energy equivalents. The vehicles going the other way, the buildings along side the road, everything became a solid blur. The spedometer reported they were closing in on 200 KPH. The Miata bailed to an exit.
"Not good!" someone groaned.
The Humvee attempted to follow and pursue ambivalent to the laws of physics...

Ran outta time, maybe I'll finish this, maybe I won't. Hope you enjoyed at least.

3500 Iraqis Later

Poll of 3500 Iraqis. Draw your own conclusions but I think in general it shows if we try harder they won't hate us forever.

And I'll toss this in here too: EU gets a little bigger. Actually this isn't the best article for it. I put the link partially because they have apparently decided not to mention a Christian God in the forthcoming EU constitution. I am not sure what I think of this. I wonder whether any mention of God (Christian, Muslim, whatever) will be in there.

01 May 2004


So I took some time to tweak an old character of mine of Exalted into an Infernal just to see the difference in power. The base character is probably about 2000 XP or slightly below (that's a lot). Infernals convert all this XP in bonus points (which are cheaper to spend then XP, ie using bonus point means probably 2-3 times, minimum, increase in total XP the character has).
Anywho we shall compare basic stats: original 5 Immac MA trees (all complete), new 5 Imacc MA trees, 1 Infernal tree, 5 DB charm trees (all complete).
Standard (unmodified) MA attack: org- 9 dice, new- 13 dice
Standard (unmodified) MA damage: org- 9 dice, new- 13 dice
Total Attributes (in terms of dots) org- 30, new- 46
Total Abilities (in terms of dots) org- 43, new- 98
Essence Pools (dots/total/personal/periphal): org- 5/52/14/38, new- 8/87/24/63
WP: org- 9, new- 10
Virtues (total dots): org- 15, new- 20

That about covers it. Wanna bet who wins in a fight between the two?

Slightly Delayed Post

So this was from last night. ResNet screwed up the internet so I couldn't do this last night (the web access is still screwed up, I just jimmyed my way around it). Anywho original intended post time about 0130...

Yea I am still alive just fairly busy and not seeing much to throw up here. My week got a little better since Wednesday and the let downs have mostly been ones caused by me since then so I can live with those (and keep trying to change them). Got up incredibly early to eat breakfast with Lars. Haven't been up before 7am in awhile. Still trying to sort some things out, a couple friends seem kind of lost out there so trying to figure that out without causing too much trouble. Sometimes my concern turns into nosiness. I dunno, just worry about drifting away right towards the end of the year. Since I won't be back for so long I worry that drifting away now may mean never recovering and losing a friend.
One last week of "normal" school and then finals and intensive quiet hours (ugh!). Some places are already bearing down for finals so shouts out to Colleen and Ryan and Jenny L. and anyone else I may have forgotten (sorry!) as well. Good luck. The answer is probably C.
Got Blue Submarine 6 Special Edition today. It is good but not as good as I remembered. Some very very cool submarine combat. It's also in surround (in Japanese) so I finally get anime in SURROUND! Finally! It's kinda creepy because you have voices behind you half the time and you look around for them and don't see anyone of course.
GASP had it's sorta transfer of power meeting today. I was the webmaster. I didn't do a whole lot. I guess for the two webpages I got in charge of I ran out of steam by the end of fall and never regained it. It's hard too. Anyhow hopefully my successors will be better at it then me. I will try and help as needed when I am around (aka December 2004). Ashley has big plans for GASP though and I hope they work out!
Let's see, anything else I care to toss out here...there was a funny LoTR topic on the Ambroisa Just Chat board. Just gonna have to find it yourself!
The Infernal debate has kinda burned out on the Exalted forums finally. Things are quiet now. I am working on a story about an Infernal Exalt. Not sure it will ever get finished or get up. A couple of my previous things do relate to Infernals. Originally I was re-writing a previous story using Exalted as the power beings of the story. I kinda quit writing it last semester but one of the mains (arguably the main, which I didn't like, wanted some others to be couldn't get it that way) was destined to become and Infernal long before any of them were statted.
The Last Samuari soundtrack (courtesy of Twism) is quite good. You should get it.
I admit right now I am neglecting my book reviews. I will hammer out a couple for you right now.
WindZone: This is brand new. Comes out July 2004. Don't ask how I got it. Neat concept. Artwork is ok. I like the setting a lot. I wish it was more detailed but that's alright. Maybe I will churn out something kind of in it. Regardless check out Final Level for actual purchase if you really care. The book covers a world that is entirely flat and entirely endless. Wind is everything. On a completely flat surface it can pick up a lot of speed and power and much is derived from it. A number of speices exist in this world most which can fly some which have wings others which use their minds to power themselves along. As layout goes it is ok. The chargen mechcanics are spread rather far apart and can be confusing at times. It's a new system overall so while the general concepts are familiar (because there are only so many different ways to use dice to game) figuring out exact rules can involve some serious hunting. This strikes me more overall as a Player's Guide then a Storyteller/GameMaster's Guide for the most part. However minus the layout issues this introduces some interesting concepts are areas to gaming I think and shouldn't be discounted.
That's all for now folks. Billy's cousins are visiting later today and for some reason (far beyond my understanding, I wouldn't want to meet me) they actually want to meet me so I should try and be awake by then I guess!