31 December 2007

Statistically speaking

Well 2007 is about to roll to a close. Whilst I am prepping to go see Lars married and in between Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii (oh so addicting) and an Exalted one shot that went surprisingly well (yay!) I took a look at Google Analytics. I really don't like the new set up but that's all they've got now so here we go.
Numbers are down about a 1/3rd of 2006. It's a little depressing but considering I posted about a 1/3rd as much it fits. My high was 22 visits this year, in '06 nearly 100! That's a lot for one day although I don't know how much of that was me. In fact I don't know in general how much of it was me but I suspect somewhere between 1/3rd and 2/3rds of all visits are from me passing through.

Will 2008 be a better year for posting? Who knows! I must admit I doubt it although I am not abandoning this blog yet. I simply need to figure out if I can find a proper niche of interests to write about. Or maybe re-dedicate myself to posting on a more regular basis.

All that said and done happy new year! 2007 was a year of huge changes (full time job and a house) but 2008 looks to be the year I start to settle in. Who knows though what it will bring. As they say: "I regret nothing, I lived as few dared to dream!"

25 December 2007

Merry Christmas

It needs to be said. Hope everyone had a good one. I'll be celebrating back in Point by digging out of the foot of snow there (after doing this in La Crosse).

19 December 2007

The reason why Mike Huckabee is the next President of the USA

Watch. Now that the election has been decided thankfully we don't have to weather any more campaign stuff.

On a side note Mike Huckabee does look like a wonderful candidate, as in I think I've found the guy I'd vote for!

18 December 2007

Two posts in one night

Yea that's my title. TimeSplitters4 goodness here. Enjoy.

Dolphin Days

Well somehow Miami pulled off a victory snapping a 13 game streak of dismal losses and hapless quarterbacks. Don't get me wrong they really weren't that good (*sigh*) but somehow they got a win. That means even if the Patriots go 16-0 at least the Dolphins won't have gone 0-16. There is even a minute (something like the same chance of me being declared the Pope next week) chance that they could upset that Pats at home and go on a 2 game winning streak!

Anyhow, that's the sports new. Not much else goin' on. Work is kinda tough right now I wonder if it's related to it being almost Christmas. Or I am distracted by other things. Who knows.

That is all!

10 December 2007


So had a moment of brilliance (or anti-brilliance) this evening I managed to get my little digital weather sensor working. Somehow when I was trying to set it up several months back I flipped the battery and no signal ever since then. Finally realized that and flipped it back the otherway. Power on! Well least it's running.

I also hung up two of the new pictures today so now only one thing left to hang in the living room. I feel rather productive tonight. Off to read a little more Patriot Games and then sleep!

05 December 2007

Lights 2

Lights 2, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Lights 1

Lights 1, originally uploaded by mirv120.

First Snow

First Snow, originally uploaded by mirv120.

The next morning. Somehow I got myself on a corner where they plow both streets fairly quick!

First Snow

First Snow, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Ok pictures from our first snowfall. This was before I went to bed Saturday night.

01 December 2007

White December

Well it really came down! It's still snowing and I'd say we got 6-8 inches so far. I'm glad I got the snowblower. I used it once and it's got even more to do tomorrow. I'll get a picture up tomorrow.

Good news: I got the outside lights up with the help of Carl!