29 February 2008

Leap Blog

Looks like February is finally done. I'm ready to leap into March. In the meantime I hope your leap day was better then mine. :/

19 February 2008

8 Months Later

8 Months Later, originally uploaded by mirv120.


New Home

New Home, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Right after I moved in.

Sidewalk tunnel

Sidewalk tunnel, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Just thought a picture or two could explain it better.

18 February 2008

Vaguely Tragic

Looks like Charter managed to scramble Cartoonnetwork one of the few channels on regular cable I would watch and one that somehow my cheapy digital cable snagged in. Dissapointing but it was a nice 9 month run of it. I survived fine without it in my old place so I am fairly certain I can power on now. Still I will miss the late night Adult Swim even if the quality has dropped off so much since the first couple years.

I need to exercise I more. I am working at cutting back the portions I eat but now I need to burn some extra calories. Tough to do in winter. I wish Wii Fit would be out already that would be worth a try! Have to wait though. In the meantime I'll just try and walk back and forth in the basement. Odd way to get exercise but it works if I keep my mind focused and do it often. Just have to get into the habit!

17 February 2008

Winter Wonderland

Everything is that pure clean white again. Notice that my posts for the past several months have been dominated by snow? Well that's cause Wisconsin has been dominated by it. Note the snow piles I have that are taller then me now!

This year has felt kind of like a slump. It seems I can end years on high notes but I can rarely start them on ones. Last year might count as an exception if simply because I made so many huge changes. The routine of it all just feels depressing: get up, go to work, come home, sleep, rinse & repeat. There's not much fun going on. Nothing that I can really look forward to of late.

Can only pray that'll change. Anyhow enjoy the white stuff, at least it looks darn peaceful and quite nice!

14 February 2008

More Snow

Ah winter but at least this morning's snow ended by the time I started removing it and was of the light and fluffy variety and thus was easily removed. Primary day is looming near in Wisconsin and I see about one Obama ad an hour when I am watching the news or when I was enjoying Jericho. Wouldn't be so bad except he pushes anti-war ads which I disagree with. Wisconsin has a huge anti-war sentiment especially in the younger crowd, this campus points to that, so the ads make sense.

Hope all you Wisconsinites do go and vote whoever you're planning to vote for.

Speaking of Jericho, it was pretty dang good! You can go watch at CBS.com so I won't ruin the plot but I am impressed. Part of me actually would like things to wrap up after these 7 episodes. I'm not sure this can continue away from its original premise. Who knows though, I'll watch and see!

09 February 2008

Old Works

I'd forgotten all about this!

05 February 2008

Shines the name

To the everlasting glory of the infantry.

So today is Fat Tuesday if you care about Mardi Gras (or are Catholic I guess) and Super Tuesday if you care about politics (or are running for President and part of the Democratic or Republican parties).

It kinda boggles my mind that the networks call states as soon as their polls close. I mean Illinois is done voting and they give it to Obama and the same for Massachusetts for Romney. Now granted I don't really care if they do win but how can you call it before the results are even officially in? Sheesh. But it is kinda fun to watch. I got my favorites and then I got the people who I am ok with winning and I got the people I don't want to win. Like a sports event almost.

Not much of news worthy note here. Punctured a tire this weekend at home but have since gotten it repaired. The snow is mostly off the sidewalks and driveway except maybe the very end where it's been plowed up so much I may never get rid of it. What a white winter. Betcha there's major flooding this year especially if it really warms up fast in about April or May.

That's all I got for now.