31 August 2006


Wow. Def. realizing that I miss being around the girls after hanging with them for so long. Funny thing cause I know I wanted some alone time but at the same time it's strange not having them, Lars, and the two dogs around. Ah well, a couple days and they'll be back in town.

In the meantime I've cleaned things up a bit and organized a little for school. Got my books today and then hung out with Carl. Carl got the Colossal Red Dragon "mini" from Wizards today. Now keep in mind in D & D the average medium size person mini takes up a one inch by one inch square that is equal to 5 feet. Now Colossal creatures are something liek 30+ feet tall/long. So consider that this dragon has a base that is 5 inches by 5 inches and it's prolly close to a foot tall. Really gives a good impression of scale in a game. The gargantuan black dragon looks tiny next to it cause well colossal is twice its size.

In the meantime while enjoying that I watched Troy crushes 5 others in Monopoly. Man, it's been forever since I've seen that game played. Crazy times.

Tomorrow might get to hang with Kara and then a work meeting all afternoon. Here's hoping they actually paid attention and didn't schedule me Wed & Fri!

30 August 2006

Balls' Gang Goes to Denver

Well this could be a long post so grab a drink, something to snack on, a pillow if you get bored and fall asleep easily, and a squeaky tennis ball to amuse yourself with, last week myself and three girls went west to find Lars, mountains, and Nebraskan cornfields. Events may end up slightly out of order, alot happened what can I say?

So funny story about heading out. See we were expecting it to take about 24 hours to make it there so we timed things so we'd leave here about noon and get to Denver about noon. By about Nebraska we realized we were going to get there early, say 10 or so. By Colorado we realized we were going to get there really early, say 5:30 or so. So after the excitement of Kum & Go in Iowa and Nebraska by Night (White Wolf really needs to make that supplement for one of their games, I'll write it for them if need be) we hit Denver about 4:30 AM. We killed time by having an hour long breakfast but still arrived at Lars' place in the foothills at 6:30. So we enjoyed the sunrise over Denver and the scenery and then played cards in the driveway until John's (Lars' uncle) girlfriend came out of the house and discovered 4 college kids sitting there.

Which leads us to day 1: the girls napped in the morning but wanting to be on a normal sleep schedule I opted to stay awake. I met Lars' uncle John and played with Jabez and Mickey (John's dog) a little. Then Lars and I headed down to Denver to get some food and check out Valhalla's Games which was going out of business. Now they had a nice deal since they were going out of business, if you bought more then $400 dollars of stuff it was half-off. Lars and I figured we could find enough stuff between the two of us and went all out. I picked up over half a dozen books, plus Junta (which Aprill rather enjoys and after playing it I concur), the Star Munchkin expansion, and some other random stuff. Lars got Ninja Burger, some minis, a mat (for the minis), and another board game which I forget what it was called (Knight Warriors?). All in all I was pretty excited. I'll post the RPG book haul over on the gaming blog if you are interested. Afterwards we all went to Casa Bonito for dinner. It was a very interesting Mexican theme restaraunt. By this time I was dog tired however having been up nearly 40 hours and having driven halfway across the country, and deprived of my normal oxygen count and sacked out.

Wednesday Lars had us going down to Sox Place to help volunteer. It is a place for street youth to get a meal and hang out during the day. I was kind of nervous cause this could be pretty people interactive volunteering and with a category of people that through travelling I have been taught to give as much of a wide berth as possible so not exactly my thing. We helped clean and organize the place and then just kinda watched and talked to the kids coming in. They were an interesting bunch, not all that much different from your average group of people in the end. Not sure it's something I'd do again but certainly wasn't a wasted day and it was nice to be able to help out there. They do great stuff there. In the end once again we were bushed but first we made a meal for John, Brigit (his girlfriend), and Lauren (his daughter). It was good stuff. Then kinda crashed again as our bodies were still looking for oxygen.

Thursday we headed for the mountains. Or higher up since Lars lives in the foothills. Our specific target was Mt. Evans a 14,258 foot (according to the little bronze marker at the top) giant just up the road from Golden. The cool thing was it had a paved road right up to about 100 feet below the summit so we could "climb" it with relative ease. Or we could bike it like the dozen or so people were doing. It was very cool to do if a bit unnerving to realize your car is less then a foot from a couple hundred foot vertical drop at times (Dad's wariness of heights has worn off on me). We saw various mountain fauna, the mountain goats in particular had taken over the burned out restaraunt at the summit. After rolling down in neutral because Lars was nearly out of gas we at Beau Jo's Pizza in Idaho Springs. Great pizza! The irony was a couple hours later we headed over to Lars' godparents for supper. They had made another huge meal for us which we somehow managed to consume. That evening Lars and I kicked back in the hottub and enjoyed life (yea, you're jealous, admit it).

Friday we helped do some cleaning at Red Rocks Church which is where Lars is involved at. It was pretty simple stuff and it got us lunch. Their set-up is very interesting. They are in an amusement park set up by a mining company to dampen noise from their mining. It was the only way the city of Golden would let them mine the area. So it was a church in a small themepark. It was still pretty big. After that we visited the Colorado Mills mall and I found Alex a birthday present (The Lorax, which Al and Steph had, shockingly and appallingly, never heard of). Then we returned home for a relaxing night. The girls and I took advantage of the hot tub while Lars ran some errands.

Saturday Lars and the girls went to go volunteer at the Orphan Exchange. This meant they had to get up incredibly early while I got to sleep in because I was going to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins in Aurora. It was going to be an interesting day driving for me though because I was gonna have to cut across Denver to get to Aurora. The highlight of that drive was I25 with 12 lanes of traffic moving at 5 mph. I made it there fine though and spent some quality time with the relatives. It's a little strange around my cousins as they find me as a giant jungle gym and I'm not really used to that. Hopefully I wasn't to much trouble for my aunt and uncle. They cooked me a great meal though so I drove home nice and full.

Sunday we headed over to church early and it was a good thing too. The place was packed. A couple hundred people at least. I still like Evergreen more but it was a nice sermon and all. Worship band was quite good. Totally unuse to sitting in the crowd rather then lurking in the back. We then explored the theme park a bit and then headed over to Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Yea that Red Rocks, where the Beatles first played in America, where Dave Matthews, U2, and just about anybody whose ever been good has played. Its huge. You get winded walking up the stairs. Lars, Lauren, and Chris would run it three times a week in the summer. I wish I was that kind of physical shape. I took everyone out to eat at one of Lars' favorite places in Denver (The Yardhouse). It was great food and I got calamari! Yay! We took the rest of the day as an R & R day and went back and played games: Junta, Ninja Burger, and Blokus. Lots of fun. Junta's a blast. You get to assasinate close friends or overthrow them in a coup. Good clean family fun.

Monday was our departure day. It was also Lars' first day of class so he was gone all day. We milled around watching tv and cleaning up a bit. We weren't leaving til 6 that night so it was kind of a strained day in ways. We were sad to be leaving but happy to be going home and we didn't have anything to do til then. Eventually we hit the road and 16 hours later were back in Stevens Point. On the way Aprill did find her Iowa dip and we did have the crazed fun of staring at our cell phones waiting for them to switch time zones automatically in Nebraska. Kat never did get her picture of Nebraska cornfields because we never we actually in Nebraska during daylight hours.

All in all it was a great trip. We never got to the point of wanting to kill each other. Sometimes we needed a break from each other, especially me I suppose since I live alone now I am used to having a lot of personal space but everything turned out fine. I couldn't have gone out with a better group of friends or stayed with a better friend (and his relatives). So here we are back and school is just about to start. I'm actually pretty lonely, life is strange after spending a week with 3 cute girls and two very attention demanding dogs. Ah well the wheel keeps turning and I got a squeaky ball out of it :)

29 August 2006

Home Safe

Back home but very tired. More about Amander the Pirate, Meow, and Balls tomorrow when I have slept!

27 August 2006

Rocky Mountain High

Well Denver is going pretty well. It's fun but tiring at the same time. Lars has kept us busy out here. Today we're probably gonna hit a Rockies game after church which should be a nice relaxing way to finish things off. As much as I like it out here I do miss home as well so looking forward to the flatness of Stevens Point. This is after all the Pointer not the Buffaloer!

20 August 2006

On the road again

I'll be going west for a few days. Noone burn down the place while I'm away, k? If you are bored you could always go to here(gaming) or here. Now I must go help collect cans on Jupiter. Peace out ya'll!

Busy weekend

Ok so I am gonna include Friday in this "weekend" mostly cause with class finally being done my schedule is somewhat mixed up and days are all cluttered in my head.

Friday I helped Brady moved from his old house to new house. It actually was pretty fun. Nice to hang out with Brady (plus he bought me supper, what a class act!) since I haven't really seen much of him in awhile cause he's been up in the Cities. Also makes me want a house really bad because they are just so big. Now I have no use for a huge house but sometimes I just wish I had the space to grow into. Ah well, soon enough I will be working and can look at houses maybe.

Today I cleaned a lot. Still have dishes sitting in the sink. Always have dishes. I'm a slow dishes doer. Tonight was the last movie in the park and it was a really good time. I didn't have anything official to do so I could just kick back with Carl, Evie, Amber, and Maria and enjoy myself. Chronicles of Narnia is a great movie but reading Janisaries made me over analyze the battle. Ah, well, that's life. I even managed to not freeze to death although it was odd having to use the heat in the CRV on the way back. Most of my windows are actually shut in the apartment it's that cool!

Tomorrow the girls arrive for our big trip. Lots of random prep and meetings and such. Should be interesting.

19 August 2006

Fooling Around

Well it turns out that the reason why current bloggers aren't able to port over to new the new blogger beta is mostly data integrity related. Alas probably means it'll be awhile before I can port over to the new system. I made a new one based off my Google Account but then managed to pick a pink template :/ The templates haven't changed sadly but there is a lot of more options for fonts and such.

Ok this post gets points for being non-sensical, sorry about that!

17 August 2006

Tweaks & Updates

So I added some additions to the sidebar. Explore at your leisure.

CGI vs. Real

So in the sudden free time I have acquired whilst preparing for the road trip I have randomly been watching movies. I've gone through nearly all the tv series I have so I am back to movies. I watched Star Wars episodes: III & I and noticed something: I like the Yoda as a physical puppet rather then a computer model and I can generally tell the difference between the to.

Now granted it's kinda obvious which is which when he is sprinting around in a way that Frank Oz could never do but if you ever really look close you can still figure out what is CGI and what isn't. The technology is good but not foolproof yet. Somehow physical models just look more real to me, maybe that is what makes the original trilogies better in my mind. When I see a Star Destroyer bearing down part of my mind knows there is a real model of it that is there. Can't really explain it better.

Armed Struggle reminds me why I don't like the IRA. Whereas the Brits and the security forces had by the '90s at least gotten to the point where they no longer were out of control (as could be argued the RUC especially was in the 60s, 70s, and early 80s) the IRA continues knee-capping and killing civilians all in the name of Ireland. One thing with Armed Struggle I find implausible is how English (the author) portrays IRA Volunteers dying as tragedies but not British soldiers or on-duty RUC officers. If you're going to call it a civil war then at least grant both sides the same status eh? Guess I can't blame his bias when I have my own.

Point of curiousity to those readers who'd actually comment (guess I might need readers for that wouldn't I?) which do you support current situation where Northern Ireland is part of the UK or having Northern Ireland be part of Ireland? Feel free to give a reason if ya prefer. I'd just like some thought interaction is all.

Oh and if you can't tell, I'd be for the status quo, essentially they can vote to become part of Ireland whenever they want. This leaves the onus to the nationalists to convince the loyalists that joining Ireland is to there benefit. In the meantime I expect the British to keep pushing for equality between those divided.


I am greatly frustrated by my inability to remember a name of a base/city somewhere in the South East Asia. It has to be in the pile of islands down around Indonesia and such as I know I got it from one of Samuel Eliot Morison's History of US Naval Operations in World War II series and an early one at that. Sometimes I wish I was back home where I have access to my more extensive collection of World War II history books and more particularily Dad's much greater collection of books, including the entire 15 volume set mentioned above. Pretty sure it begins with an F...

(About 20 minutes passes here)

After much more looking (I looked earlier in the evening) I have managed to find it on the island of New Guinea: Finschafen!

Oddly enough if I had had a decent atlas on me (or known one online) I probably could have found it easier. Wikipedia does come through in the end tho proving that most of the information we need is out there we just have to find it.

16 August 2006

Carl's D & D Rnd 7

This week in the City of Stone.

Also probably shortly on the same blog is commentary on GenCon and White Wolf's announcements (*cough*Exalted Modern*cough*). I think. I might just be shamelessly promoting the RPG blog.

15 August 2006

Oh so Many Random Things

At some point (probably tomorrow) I will get around to talking about Carl's game this week. It was rather interesting.

Anyhow, this week has been kind of strange as a lot of things are wrapping up and it has actually been rather high stress. Mostly probably due to the fact that 480 looked like it might not ever end. Looks like it will be done by tomorrow so now I can focus exclusively on the trip west. Oh and the 72,000 other things I need to get done before then. Hence why I was just a bit belligerent about 480 running late, I've got a lot to do already somehow.

I am trying to have some relaxation time. I finished the Janisaries books when I was home so they got left there along with a couple other books that I've managed to finish. Still have a couple books up here waiting to be read but also replenished the stocks with a couple more history books (The Battle for Moscow and The Battle of Kursk) and a Heinlein, and Man-Kzin Wars IV. Of course I've still got The Color of Magic and Wild at Heart waiting as well so I should be good for books probably up til next June. Especially if any of the non-fiction are slow reads. I've picked up Armed Struggle with the intent to finish it this summer. I'm down to less then 100 pages and this is another one I've been "reading" since London. It's been a struggle because it's somewhat dry and it tends to be pro-Republican whereas I am somewhat pro-Brit. Several of its events are covered in Secret Soldiers so its interesting comparing them. That is my reading situation in a nutshell tho. There are of course hordes of RPG books but I read them at random.

Speaking of RPGs I need to get my butt in gear getting ready for my Exalted campaign this fall. I'm also toying with seeing if Carl would be interested in sorting out the Silhoutte system from DP9 so we could run tactical scenarios with the very awesome ships and mecha in the Jovian Chronicles setting. Have to discuss it with him at some point I guess. It's funny cause this last school year I was in semi-gaming drought. I was running Exalted and that was about it. Now I am in 2 D & D campaigns and will be in an Eberron (guess that's technically still D & D) and running Exalted this fall. Crazy. But I enjoy gaming for the most part, aside from when my dice decide to kill me repeatedly.

Finally, need to tweak the structure on the blog a bit. Some people have new blogs and others have gone quiet. I've found Chuck's liverjournal and (I think) Carl's so some new ones to add. Furthermore Google actually did a major upgrade of Blogger but it's in Beta and I wasn't quick enough on the gun to get in but in theory this will add a lot more features/usability. Might change the look of this thing as well. Interesting times.

That's all for now.

14 August 2006

Volleyball Is Over

So guess I can tell the summer is coming to an end. Today was the last day of volleyball. Doubt next summer it'll happen again so it's sad to see it go. I really enjoyed it a lot even if I was never all that good. Think I got better then I was but that doesn't say alot ya know? :D

Today also felt like autumn. You know it's coming when you feel that first day even if it's in the middle of August. Sure, it'll probably get hot again before that but just for a day you can tell that in a month or so the leaves will be beginning to change and school will be in session and the summer will be a distance wistful dream. Everything changes and the wheel of time keeps turning.

Whee, philsophical tonight.

13 August 2006

Summer Days

I've been quiet of late due to finals, being sick, going home, and just the general sort of wrapping up summer class and preparing to drive a couple thousand miles the week after that. This week should slow down enough I can post a few times so I can prove I have not died. Just not tonight cause I need to unpack and/or sleep!

10 August 2006


Seems blogger is having issues with posts and the like guess one of their databases are playing mary-hobb with their data. Explains a post I had dissapearing.

09 August 2006

Two Presentations

And CIS480 is over. 'Course I have to come down with a cold concurrent with that so I am feeling rather blah at the moment. Wish us luck but either way in less then 48 hours we'll be free men!

07 August 2006

Carl's D & D Rnd 6

The casualty list in. It was an interesting session. About half the party is now up to 4th level so we're starting to get decently strong powerwise.

They released what?

Well Apple was releasing info on their new stuff at the WWDC AOL got in the act and released some stuff as well: user's personal searches.

Yup, that's right, AOL released over 20 million queries by over 650,000 users and simply put a random number ID in place of the userID. Cheers :/

06 August 2006

Dani's D & D Rnd 5

Here is another session of Dani's game. Enjoy!

05 August 2006


Huh, that was a most interesting display of why fundamentalists are idiots. I'd talk more about it but I still need the full story. Oh and Billy Graham movies, as a rule, suck worse then "Open Water" and "AI" combined.

In sort of good news I got most of my homework done. Still lots to do tho. :/


I got to have Strongbow today :) I miss London :/

02 August 2006

Climate porn?

An interesting article.

Dani's game was tonight on a rather short notice. I'll get something up eventually. Looks like we will have one more session next week and then be done.

In the meantime I need to practice my powerpoint presentation for tomorrow.


All of you need to check this out. True art and beauty!

Sadly, I have been reminded that to view this thread you need to be a member of RPG.net's forums. Boo :(

01 August 2006

Carl's D & D Rnd 5

Here is the direct link. Random note, most of my RPG related musing is located on the same blog if you are curious.

BTW, it's 82 degrees that feels like 87 right now. And it's 0200!! Man it's hot.