31 March 2007

Pre-April Fool's Warning

Yes tomorrow is April 1, take announcements warily. In the meantime I have seen the Battlestar Galactica finale and been blown away. Dang they do good finales! Wow,wow and wow.

BTW: "If you can relax on a bus in Israel you can relax anywhere."

In other news the house search continues after sump pump and a depressing foundation forces lookers farther afield. Ah well.

Fun news, I found Rappan Athuk: Reloaded right here in Point! I was looking for some Gear Krieg books and found it there. Nice take for RPG books :)

Anyhow it's late so I am gonna crash.

26 March 2007


So it's funny because the past couple days it's been very warm, some might even say hot! (Certainly the lamb vs the lion at the start of March.) I was looking at temps vs London and it occurred to me the bad thing about a temperate climate like London. You never really get warm spurts, the temps moderate slowly and don't abruptly change. In Wisconsin one week it'll be warm the next week cool we're just that crazy. That's all I got :D

25 March 2007

Wraith and Cleaning

I am really wishing for whatever reason that I had bought Wraith: The Great War when I was at Uncle Hugo's. Doubt that'll be there next Christmas. I am actually being relatively productive today, I've cleaned and throw out/recycled a bunch of stuff. Plus there are ninjas.

I have officially run out of room on my bookshelf, at least for RPG books. I had to re-arrange today and the placements were not satisfactory. I can squeeze a few books in (those books would in theory by 2nd copy of 1st Ed Dragon-Blooded, 2nd Ed Lunars, and Scion: Hero) but really we've topped out. So I guess a secondary bookshelf will go onto the furniture requirements list at my new place. The less used (and admittedly less loved) books will end up there first. This certainly is the year of White Wolf tho.

Other news, I've got a cold again despite getting lots of sleep and eating decent last week. How does the world work I wonder? Anyhow, I should get back to being productive, hope everyone enjoyed this lovely weather! Just wish my bike was in shape for it but alas it's not and I am not motivated to get it so just yet.

21 March 2007

Ptolus 5

A much belated report from the fifth session of Ptolus is here.

In other game news in support of maybe running Exalted someday again I've ordered another copy of 1st Ed Dragon-Blooded. I continue to acquire 2nd Ed books but am unsure if I will ever run it.

Right now I am hedging between running a new World of Darkness Mortals game or trying to give Exalted another shot.

19 March 2007


So I re-watched Dune (or most of it I might go to bed before this last portion is finished). Today was a pretty good day. Work was busy but not overwhelming so I came home not entirely beat. Happily even though it's spring break on campus the Cardio center still kept their working hours so I even got to work out. Campus is deserted. It's always strange. Actually this year is stranger then most because I'm here this spring break. Poof everyone is gone and the place is a ghost town.

16 March 2007

Strange Friday

Ok so this is being written on Saturday morning sue me. Today (Friday) was strange. Woke up bright and early this morning to scoot off to work by 7:30 or so. Instead my stomach decided to be very very queasy and I spend an hour debating calling in sick and then how long should I call in sick. I'm really decisive when it comes to my PTO. Eventually do call in sick and it proves a good call after my system manages to settle down I slumber uneasily til about 11 when I get up and feel good enough to put in a half day of work. Of course my schedule feels weird and ironically because I'm doing a half day I can leave almost as early as if I came in early. So I come home still half sick with an entire evening left to me. Everything just seems unbalanced when my schedule changes and I have nothing planned.

What was the point of this post, I dunno. I'm tired but I can't sleep. I want to read but I don't. I've gotten into Impossible Country which is good but a strange read. Yugoslavia is shooting up in my mind as a strange, strange country. It also strikes me as a major sign to come as an obstacle for a theoretical European federation.

My bookshelf is almost entirely full now. My grapic novels have displaced the board games and they don't even fit properly due to their generally larger then normal book size.

Anyone want to play in an Everquest pen and paper RPG game? I've got a pile of those books. I won them at PointCon, still debating how useful they are. Pretty complete collection tho.

I am thinking that this year is really the year of White Wolf RPG wise. All I am really doing is buying White Wolf: Exalted 2E, Scion (whence it comes out) and new World of Darkness (granted I'm up in the air about the new mortals books: Spirits and Urban Legends as there isn't much been said about them).

I'm also peering into Exalted 2E: Dragon-Blooded. It's strange here as they take a lot of what we know about the Exalted world from 1E and compress it into the core books. I suspect the first couple years will be doing that. They rather distill it all down into key points so at times it's a little sad but I suppose that just means new stuff sooner. One of the upcoming books is going to be on the First Age and that should be very interesting. Maybe a sort of off-shoot line like Dark Ages was to old World of Darkness? Doubt it but who knows.

Well this has doubtless gotten long and rambly so I'll call it quits for now.

13 March 2007

Things of Late

Have been both busy and stressful. PointCon was this weekend and it was ok. I won a bunch of stuff and it's alright. I now have a bunch of Everquest books. Cover art is meh but haven't really had time to dig into them. The part of me that is the collector doesn't care much either way but I always enjoy it when I really want to play the game.

I am highly looking forward to Exalted 2E Dragonblooded and Celestial Directions #2 (The Wyld) to come. I am also setting about ordering Lunars, Scion:Hero, and probably nWoD: Chicago. Chicago is semi-impulse buy after reading through Chicago Workings. I never did run that this weekend and part of me was sad but I was underprepared so it may be all for the better.

I am finally almost done with Major Ingredients! It's taken awhile but only two stories left one is very short and the other is my first Eric Frank Russell tale ever: The Waitabits. Next up I think I will tackle: Impossible Country which is about Yugoslavia right before it broke up.

I found the music from Time Spitters online and I am really digging it. Especially the Scotland the Brave track. Which also houses the Castle Tank Battle music which Tyler loves so much. Additionally there is music to disco by and the ever famous Cortez Can't Jump (too true).

Took a walk today and it was nice. Man what a way to relax after work by going for a long walk without needing a coat! But might need a boat as the park was pretty much a giant lake with ducks and all! Got some cool news too, one of my friends in back in Wisconsin for awhile! Hopefully I can get a chance to get away from work and hang out with her.

Anyhow, time for bed. Too much to do at work tomorrow...

12 March 2007


So for those of you who do ESPN.com's NCAA tournament's go join the private group: Pointless Pointers The password is: toast Maybe this year the 16th seeds will pull it off :D

11 March 2007

Sunday Night

Wow, long weekend and now what could be a long week. Throw a pray in for me that it isn't? Shooting to give a more quality post tomorrow.

05 March 2007


Oops I'm neglecting this a little bit. I've been sort of busy with work and life. Also I shall admit that I bought Lego Star Wars (Ep 1-3) and it's ridicuously fun to play. It's not snowing anymore here but alas as soon as it stopped snowing it got cold.

I broke down and bought the 32" x 48" vinvyl map of Ptolus. It's amazingly huge and pretty cool.

Randomly: Aprill shaved her head to help raise support for kids who have cancer. How brave and/or awesome is that?

And that's all I got for now...

01 March 2007

So when I said it snowed last post

I really meant it's still snowing bucket loads. Wow. In other news I've been a mix of very busy and very slackerish this week. IE when I do get a little free time I enjoy it loads and get none of my not-quite-pressing chores done. :o I know, not good. I will try and write more this weekend, for now though I am gone burn a cd and read.