29 December 2004

Ditto to that...

Overheard by one of the (nighttime) radio DJs, said mildy in jest. "I'm like a gas station trash can, girls don't want be anywhere near me unless they absolutely have too. And then just for bare minimum of time." I know this feeling quite well sometimes.
Spent the night hanging out with John and Ben. Yes, the Madden computer is superior to most humans, just admit it. John gave me 50 episodes of Naruto and 10 of Bleach so lots of viewing to do. Can probably get some more Naruto so might have him burning a lot of CDs for me!
Got my hair shortened today. Back to the normal everyday (for what the past 15 years?) look. I don't think I change very much physically.
Well must get to work, need to sort out a CD for Jessie and one for John. Maybe find a snack. E-mail some folks. I work tomorrow night, blah!

28 December 2004


So the little saga of too easy Madden has wrapped. The Dolphins went undefeated for the season. After the romp in the AFC championships I kinda figured the Superbowl would be a little milder. Well 84-0 later I am not quite sure. I got a TD less but I shut out the opposing offense for the first time. Peyton Manning threw 6 Ints (his QB rating at the end was a whopping 11.2). More amazing considering I let the defense play itself just pick formations. Set a few Superbowl records. It doesn't really matter tho, we'll see if I can do any good at All-Pro. Since my complete dominance is unlikely (I imagine the opposing D will get better at making picks from my lousy passes) those of you who dislike Madden will be relieved of that annoyance from this blogsphere.

I reformatted the iPod in a last ditch attempt to fix its battery, short of sending it in. I'd rather not spend money on it. So far it looks like it's doin' a little better but I will have to see. I still think it's on it's last ropes but if I can make it survive a little longer will that's money not spent ya know?

Found out that River City Hobbies appears to be discotinuing most of its RPG book collection which it's only had a for a year or two as far as I know. Picked up the Blue Planet (v2) Player's Guide. I am pretty sure Uncle Hugo's has the Moderator's Guide so I could run the game now in theory. I had the v1 Core book but all the expansions are for v2 only and they are completely different! You are probably asking how I can spend money so freely on RPG books and I am not quite sure. I like reading and I like RPGs. If anything it's my guilty pleasure. I should be better once I go back to Point, reduced to just getting Exalted books. Thankfully none of those come out til mid-February or so. I am thinking I might try and run a Blue Planet if I can get some interest. More importantly I need to get the ball rolling on this theoretical Exalted game I am running in the spring. I have started writing up some stuff but I need to find out who's all playing. Incidentally if you are reading this and interested in being that game drop me an e-mail (prefferably at my Gmail addy, I keep forgetting to check my UWSP mail and it's caused problems of various minor sorts lately). I am not sure if it will run Wednesday nights (at GASP) or some other night. Kinda depends on schedules so let me know what your schedule is if/when you e-mail me.

So now I am poking thru the BioHazard Games homepage some since I had to find the link for Blue Planet. Seems like they might actually be recovering from the doldrums. Not sure if they will do ok. I have heard the RPGs have been hitting a slump lately. Granted it's more D20 system related. Probably as WotC tightens up their grip on the OGL stuff. Anyhow I generally have enjoyed the premise of the story (hence wanting to run a game) so I hope they continue to put out more material. Come on, who hasn't wanted to ever play a dolphin or an orca? I have since Startide Rising. Always a fun read. I really do enjoy reading RPG books. I probably should just sit down and re-read the stuff I've got but what fun is that?

So this whole having an apartment thing is fairly intensive when thinking about all the stuff you need to get, ie basic amentities. Chairs, tables, silverware, cookware, etc. At least I can get furniture from sister (who is getting a new house and wants decent stuff now, w00t! I get the rejects) and parents/grandparents. The other stuff well I got some for Christmas but the rest needs to be bought. A lot needs to be thought of first. I should really have a list cause I always think of it at some point when I can't write it down or do anything about it.

Right, another long entry. Whee, enjoy.

27 December 2004

Old Friends

So one of my old friends from way back in elementary school stopped by this evening. Lately it seems like I've been hearing from people I haven't in awhile. I really like keeping in touch with people. Granted some I try harder with some more then others and lately it seems like I haven't been really succeeding. Somehow I lose touch or people drift away. This is probably a natural tendency in the world I guess. It frustrates me. Then again I suppose there are people I want to not keep in touch with so I should assume there are people who want to do the same with me. I wonder why sometimes although in a lot of cases I figure it's cause I creeped them out or something along those lines. Blah to my lack of social skills. But ok enough self pity! I am really happy that I got to see my friend and that a couple friends I haven't talked to in awhile I've gotten to talk to (some of them don't reply to e-mails so I wonder sometimes but even I am lousy with e-mails these days). Here's hoping I can keep in better touch with them. And also people from this fall. Here's hoping!

"Could it be you're what they call a hunter?"

I love this quote from Witch Hunter Robin. Just thought I'd use that to seperate thoughts. Anyhow...a word of note for Madden 2005 users. Difficulty setting of "Pro" is not very hard. I've plugged through a season in franchise with it and gone undefeated. All I have left is the Superbowl. Score of the AFC Championship game: 91-6. Yes that's right I set records (personal ones mind you, best game all season) for passing yards, offensive yards, total tds in a game, passing tds in a game. Think that is all of them. Rather shocked I did it then but well turns out the Raider backfield couldn't cover very well beyond 30 yards from scrimmage so I started burning them deep with Ward, my custom WR, Chambers, James, Kleinsasser, Gonzalez, and Shockey. Yea I got TDs will all of them plus Vick on the ground. After the Superbowl I'm gonna erase the franchise and start over on higher difficulty. I wish in madden I didn't need to deal with resigning players and salaries and all that crap. I just wanna create my team and play is that too much to ask? I was hoping I could turn everything off but that, no such luck!

Think I've got really bad breath. Maybe that explains my problems from the first paragraph, eh? Have to pick up some breath mints or something.

So let's see. What a strange entry thus far. Can I capitolize on it? I'll drift briefly to RPG books. I now own 72 of them from 10 seperate games (9 playable). Finished watching the Star Wars trilogy on DVD. They modified two thing: in Empire Strikes Back the Emperor hologram is more Emp. like and the Emp's dialogue is modified. This is ok, it feels weird tho because I am so familiar with the old dialogue. In Return of the Jedi the end has Naboo in the celebration scene (why?) and a younger Anakin who looks well evil and doesn't fit in. Keep the old Anakin! Wonder why George Lucas can't leave these alone. Guess those are the ones we'll all know. VCR's are dissapearing. Still worth the money and the documentary is good too (rather long tho).

So now this is a very long entry. I should stop because I've heard people hate long entries. And self-pity. I have flawlessly combined them so they should hate this entry! Perfection? :D

Tis the Season To Do Modifications

So we added some new blogs of people I know, etc. They are in the usual place. Moved a couple down to the "Quiet Blogs" section do to inactivity. Still easy to find. Yes if you are wondering some of the quiet blogs do update once in awhile. Laura's just did not long ago. Other notes: I finally switched the time back to the ol' Yankee standard CST. So now it makes sense when I am posting. Or does it? It's not like my schedule is normal anyhow. Theoretically later today or this week I will try and post some interesting read-I am feeling introspective this week so prolly along those lines- so check back if you need to fall asleep quickly or just want to say "duh! You didn't know that all along?" to me the next time we talk.

24 December 2004

Merry Christmas

Yay it's a white one too! Wherever you be (and everyone of course is scattered everywhere) please have a safe and joyful one! Merry Christmas!

22 December 2004

As Advertised

So gonna try for a more substantial entry for once. Probably the first since I got back. Or not. Who knows. Work has not been that bad somehow. Basically things haven't changed. This can be seen as a good and a bad thing. They haven't gotten worse but nothing has really improved. We do have a kick-ass overnight manager. He does work. Yea, that's a first. I guess the GO doesn't want the managers to do much work (another genius decision by them, let's pay 6-7 people to not work help out on the floor) but those who do are generally well liked, boosting morale and all that. Of course the GO is oblivious to such things. They would probably be unaware to the floor burning out from under them. Then again I think Shopko is losing a lot of ground lately (got nothing to prove that, should check FT.com or something or an equivalent and see what they say) against their competitors and the stuff they do just makes it worse. I wish that'd turn around, don't want the world run by Wal-Mart!
I haven't switched the time back yet. Sue me. Maybe after this. Too lazy to save this as a draft and do it. Perhaps afterwards. Random curiosity: why aren't my grades up yet? It's not like I can hurry them along but most of my classes have been done for over half a month! Guess IP doesn't submit them til late (and yes I am sure they route thru IP).
Ok. I am tired of trying to multi-task therefore I'm gonna stop trying to blog at the moment. Maybe I will get a better entry later. Or not.

20 December 2004

Snow and Splitters

Yay. Time Splitter's 2 has arrived! And it snowed! :D What a blissful day. Ok so it's somewhat material but finally the house looks right with the snow and Christmas lights and all. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Gotta work now. I see that I still have this set to GMT so at somepoint I'll have to switch that back over. I'll add it to the really long list of stuff to do...

16 December 2004


Well as of late I am greatly contributing to the economy. Using early Christmas money I have gotten a Gamecube with MarioKart (of course!) and Time Splitters 2 is on the way. Alas Eric is gone most of the week so I can't pass on the good news. The bigger news is however that I have purchased a new car. Much excitement here although my poor savings are gonna feel even more hollow and empty (include now that I need to cover insurance and tomorrow I am officially signing on an apartment too). Happily my car has a tape deck so I can use my iPod (via cassette adaptor) in it and it has a 115v plug so I can charge it as I go especially since the charge is down to an hour and it retains that for less then a day. Really need to send that it but it's another expense. Maybe I shoulda spent my Christmas money on that (alas too late to think of that now).
Work wasn't too bad Wed. morning. I work again tonight and tomorrow night. This'll mean a long day of which I will probably be sleeping alot whilst Dad drives me to Point and back. Alas no time to visit people I missed the previous trip last week. I still feel bad cause I showed up Allison for lunch last Friday. I hate it when people miss things and then I go and do it myself. Really feel like whacking myself with a pole-arm several times over. Blah. :(
I have just noticed this is still on Brit time +1 (daylight savings time threw that off). Should really change that. Don't need to be reminded that I am far away. I think most of the group is back now. I've seen a few online. Strange I won't see them for a bit. Depressing I won't see Tricia for, well, a long time most likely.
Anyhow, this spring I challenge a bunch of people to Mario Kart with two seperate Gamecubes! We should have room at the apartment to set up that and still have seating for 8 people. We can kick Steiner's ass for sure if there are 7 of us ruthlessly gunning for him! Plus Twism can kill those damn ducks (some people might actually know what I am talking about from freshman year) again.

Oops, almost forgot. Our family has the (strange, ridiculous, cool, fascinating?) habit of naming our vehicles. I need a good guy's name that starts with A. If anyone of the 1 readers care to partcipate.

13 December 2004

Stream of Thoughtless

Let's see. Was really busy earlier so didn't get this off til now. What is busy you ask? Well talking to Leah, Ryan, and e-mailing Tricia. So talking to important people! Anyhow...
I am now attempting to re-adjust to routine here. I start overnights again (oh joy) Tuesday. In the meantime I have been relaxing. This involves reading a lot of RPG books, I have Aspect Book: Air, House of the Bull God, and Exalted: Fair Folk all to read. Incidentally I have a ton of non-fiction reading to do. I wondered why I thought battle of Moscow was a turning point in and I got home and sicking on my bookshelf is an unread book: The Battle of Moscow. Hmm. Anyhow I have a ton of books to read. I will be doing that til summer. Yipes.
Relating to anime: I have now missed Wolf's Rain and Gundam SEED since August. Plus Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Full Metal Alchemist. Now FMA I didn't care much about but having seen it, it's decent caliber if not a purchase later. However the other three are so I will have to wait til they are fully out on DVD so I can buy them as sets. At this rate story's will be confusing but I can figure out most of them I think. Fun stuff. Whilst I am doing that I have been playing Total Annihilation (spl?). So in a sense I am busy returning to a normal life.
Last notes: go buy Hero and watch it. Then watch Dodgeball. I have updated the links. Mainly I added Ryan's blog and Jen's journal. Enjoy. I am going back to decorating the basement. I love Christmas.

I need to write Abby and Kleiner. Oh boy. Soooo much to do. I am overwhelmed!

09 December 2004

Live From Point

Well I'm back. It might be noticed the time is still Greenwich Mean, I will fix that later. Apartment shopping here goes slowly. Hopefully more luck tomorrow but who knows. This is coming live from the Lars residence. (He's not dead just busy and Jaybez hasn't mastered typing...yet.) Not much to report. Feeling a little out of place to some extent tho, I've found that people have changed. Maybe it's me but the way some people are now is just different then when I left them. It seems to me their values have shifted. I don't know. I guess I feel a little left out, which granting where I've been, I have. You can't expect to be a major part of people's lives and live 4000 miles away at the same time. It doesn't work. So I am dealing with that.
I could really use a good walk thru Regent's Park but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I also need a shave but my razor is back home. So I am gonna be very fuzzy when I get back Friday. Not like I need to worry about anyone kissing me. I think the one chance I had is now far away London and she won't be coming home to the US. :(

That's life. This was your first post-Europe entry. Enjoy.

01 December 2004

Mind the Gap

Well folks, it's been fun. A few months ago I was sitting at home thinking what to write to say "good bye" to Wisconsin. Now I sit here thinking about what to say to London. I didn't get to do half what I wanted, there are so many famous places I didn't see or barely saw. On the whole tho, I have no regrets. I met some great people (who'll hopefully keep in touch). I got to see Belfast a city which I have fallen in love with I think and hope to get back to some day and pray that they may continue the path towards peace. I discovered having the RPG habit in London costs twice as much as in Wisconsin but they have bigger, better stores here so as with everything in life, it's a trade-off.
I will miss the friends I've made in the group. Some I might see regularily, others I may see never again. I miss the people back home and can't wait for Tuesday when I can see them all again! Not sure I miss work but it will be nice to get a paycheck again even if it's in piddly American dollars.
I have thought a lot about travelling and I think (although woe to anyone who leaks this to my parents) that before I graduate I will take advantage of these trips and sneak over here again. I'm thinking Ireland. For now though I am going to relax as all my homework is in and I have only token classes tomorrow. I even managed an A in the first of my WE classes. Fancy that.
In the meantime I am enjoying being able to laugh at the British humor of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, enjoying Regent's Park (and its subsidary Primrose Hill), and late night movie/Risk sessions.
The iPod did hold up for 3 months but barely so I guess my one worry has been answered.
After this entry, this will once again return to the frozen wastes of Wisconsin, hope you all enjoyed the pointless commentary. If not well Exalted: Fair Folk came out Monday so pick up a copy (and harass White Wolf to hurry up and send me mine) and read that instead. Until Wisconsin, cheers!