29 April 2005

Random Business

So that test really sucked yesterday. Can he possibly make it any harder for us to pass? It's not like we're dumb or uninterested. Heck I think half the people in the class have internships or something along those lines! Evil, evil little leprechaun! It's enough to make you want to take a shot after it. Wait, already did that...

Ordered Exalted: The Autochthonians today sort of on a whim and direct from White Wolf. Hopefully it'll be here early next week. I'd do it through Amazon but they are bloody slow with such things. I am holding off on Aspect Book: Water because it got mediocre reviews. Probably get it early summer with Cult of the Illuminated. Sounds like E:Auto has a fair amount of storyline stuff so should be good reading. Never understood why people hated "fluff" or knocked it. That's practically the only reason I get RPGs to find out their stories.

This weekend seems like it's gonna be fairly dull. Gonna hang with Seth and Brent Saturday night and see if I can mildy redeem any sort of SW:CCG playing skill. That means I need to build at least one deck between now and then. Sunday afternoon we've got the reunion over at the Mertz's for the London group. That should be interesting. I guess I will be rather busy but I suppose it's hard to top hanging out with Evie and Lars all last weekend.

Plugging away at Road to Stalingrad. Getting to the parts that I've read in London so should be interesting to see if it makes more sense with initial situation explained. I have to hand it to the Russians, they got schooled less then I initially thought and most of that was from incompetent leadership higher up. Think this leadership will probably also get the Red Army massively screwed in the upcoming areas if I remember right.

Hmm, random business completed for now.

27 April 2005

Don't cry because you're so right

Well I should really be studying but I finished the geography assignment and don't feel like delving into the disaster that calls itself CIS 323. Not lookin' forward to that test tomorrow but will just have to crack down tonight and read and read and read and read and read. Whee...

Twism found our TV remote lodged in the couch cushions. I thought I had looked there. He also found detrius from the previous owners (my sister and her roommate). Included a MGD bottle cap. Who drinks that swill? Maybe our neighbors are sneaking into our place and hiding their bottle caps in our couch.

Not a lot of news. Really been feeling pretty good about life and trying not to let that change. Brent mentioned that he feels the storm coming on and I know that feeling. The longer it doesn't happened the bigger the storm. At this rate if this was real everything from the East coast up to about Chicago would be in serious danger. We'll see what happens post Goulet test tho. Frankly I like this feeling!

Deep thoughts for the week, hmm. Not really. Just have faith that things will work out. How's that? I am sort of coasting between my 9ish tendencies and normal 6ness. I've noticed that I think the problem for me (and this may relate to my "storms") is that when I hit the point where I drift towards a 9 if I don't keep up on things it can slide real fast to the opposite end of the spectrum (3 if you care). It's easy enough to see, when I get ahead I become very bumlike. Plus I stick to my routine like glue and hate when it gets disrupted. Anyhow, Enneagrams do seem to explain quite a bit of stuff for me even if just making me realize how I am acting and especially in relation to bad habits.

There, a big long post. Study time now...

23 April 2005


Watching the trailer for Kingdom of Heaven. It looks like a decent movie. Not sure I'd be able to find time to watch it but would anyone want to go see it? (It comes out May 6th).

22 April 2005

Sail Away

In the most random start for me yet I am going to report that my stomach is completely wholly empty after it apparently consumed my tiny breakfast (yogurt) in .035 seconds. Also it must have annhilated the overly large portion of Marvin's I had last night. Maybe I do have a black hole down there... Good news is Sid and Julie have now been iniated in the goodness that is Marvin's and Julie also has seen the Dodgeballness that is Dodgeball.

Actually last right was overall really good although my body seemed to be having a minor internal revolution, as it occasionally is wont to do, with itself. This was unrelated to Marvins but ultimately it put a slight damper on things. I did get to burn some stress off relating to things (yay!) although some stupidity still remains but it is out of the hands of me and my friends. We went on a rather long walk and hashed a ton of stuff out. (Hmm, we in this case since I have really specified would be me, Julie, Allison, and Sid.) We ended up making Allison miss her GSA meeting because we went out beyond Berard Oaks by the time she remembered it. One of those "oops" moments where there is nothing you can do. I've gone out to Berard only a couple times so didn't really know any short routes back so what can you do? Maybe I am just greedy too cause I don't get to spend much time with any of them so I got quality friends time. Plus it was with people I don't need to be massively gaurded with.

Switching gears: bought Episode 3 novelization Tuesday night. I'm now about 3/4ths of the way through it. Actually I skimmed and read all the major plot points Wednesday and now I am just fully reading the whole thing. I won't spoil anything but I will note that if the movie follows the book (I know the reverse is true but a book contains a lot more so stuff it added might not be in there) then we're going to see a Star Wars that is much more personal/emotional then prior movies. The other thing is that brother it's depressing. Things end rather bleakly and there really isn't a somewhat hopeful wrap-up like in Empire Strikes Back. We all knew the team would be down for the count but it still hurts to see it. Good news is that we're getting a ton of lightsaber battles by just about everyone. Bad news is: at this moment 3/4ths of the way through Jar-Jar is alive. Although hope remains in the Emp. purging him in a painful sort of way.

Final thoughts: I think I am officially an intellectual whore for the blonde who sits next to me in Geology. Up til my last test this made no sense (seeing as my scores in order were 66, 68, 94) but I guess maybe now it does. Not sure osmosis of geology knowledge works but she should be wary. Might get random CIS, or worse stuff. Perhaps even RPG knowledge. :D

If anyone wants to go to the bonfire Saturday (leaving at 6:30 PM) leave a comment or get in touch with me! It'll be fun and you can meet all the XA folks I ramble on about too. Food's provided as well (yes I shall appeal to your cash strapped finances and yer stomachs as simultaneously).


21 April 2005

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

What a strange week this has been. Can't even really put it into words. Been good, been bad, been busy, been slow. It rained, it was warm. I've done a little of everything. Seems there is a battle in my mind on what to do and where I'm going. Since for the most part I haven't been flattened by random desperately needed to be completely projects I've had a chance to assess such things. You know, we really do need to slow down and do that. Regularly. It has, however, left me in a minor state of internal turmoil. My feelings have bounced around tho in the process. Right now feeling mildly angry for whatever reason...

I was gonna say something here that's been weighing on me but I don't think I could word it right or people would understand...plus I might just be seeing the speck in my brother's eye...

19 April 2005


We've got ourselves a new Pope and just to let you know it's not Twism or Brent. :D Possibly Lena though if she can make time between CIS assignments.

Alright I am going back to being productive and not a screwball now.

18 April 2005


Moved some people up top, hopefully won't need to move anyone back down anytime soon on the account I am lazy. Plus Twism generally needs to remind me to do such things the good roommate that he is.
One did get moved down after much internal debate within management. We even asked the Catholic Church to send the cardinals into conclave (we take such things veeeeeeery seriously over here at the Pointless).

Anyhow, had a nice day. Didn't work out again but got out on a long (read over an hour) walk and then lay out in the sun and talked with Jenny. Ran into Max of all people on the way back! Haven't seen him in ages. He seems shorter for some reason, coulda sworn he had a head up on me. Think I did decent (finally!) on my geology test. All those hours of reading paid off! Anywho got a lab test so that should be interesting.

We did a special (but hopefully soon regular) prayer time with IV over lunch today. That was interesting. Still not a fan of praying out loud in public. I do pray in public all the time, just to myself/God non-vocally. Really not comfortable with speaking up to an extent about my prayers. Always felt that if I'm talking to God it's just between me and Him. Hard to change that mindset.

Anyhow, time to shower and such so I can go hang out with people. And hopefully get to bed early in the end and fall asleep this time.

17 April 2005


The road keeps on telling me to go on. Something is pulling me, I feel gravity the gravity of it all.

Well not a bad weekend overall. It rained, finally. The Dark side got schooled, repeatedly (by Seth, kudos to his deckbuilding skill and his immunity to attrition). Saw Wausau by night. Hung out with lots of fun people. Studied way too much geology studying done. Twism has proceeded to unlock nearly everything in Time Splitters 2. There are 3 characters left unlocked that aren't associated with story mode. I actually beat story mode on easy so I am not totally slouching on unlocking things but the challenges are beyond my meager skill abilities at the moment.

Looking forward to next weekend already, we're having a bonfire. Everyone should come! Actually barring my tests I am looking to this week quite a bit. For new things to do: read Squirrel's journal. It's still in the Quiet Blogs section but she's started writing agian. This of course means I need to do site maintenance and move it but that'll be post test (ie, after monday morning).

Well I am off to study notes (blah) and then read a little of Road to Stalingrad (yay) and some 2nd Peter (also yay).

16 April 2005

World in a Box

So a very side project for me is I am slowly developing an imagined world. At times it grabs me and I write a lot about the places, organizations, and creautres that inhabit it and a lot of the times it just sits in the back of my mind. I pull my inspirations from everywhere. Got the basic world from a mix of The Dig and WindZones. Startide Rising and Blue Planet gave a more refined geography and a lot of info on cetes (ceteceans). Dragons came from D & D primarily although boring Shakespeare class in England let me take them and make them interesting. Technology I tend to make up on my own from any and all input although Blue Sub 6 is beginning to contribute to some of the underwater aspects as I try to flesh them out. Part of me wants a Gundamesque feel with technology, large manned suits and all but I am unsure. Certainly the interconnectivity that I get from GITS will be present though.

Not sure where the buildings came from. Originally the idea for the cities came from Louis MacMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan series but as the land masses they would have originally inhabited have gone away now I am not sure although I'd love that feel.

Will it ever come to realization? Even I am pretty doubtful and I doubt many other people knew it existed (unless somehow you found Pillars) at all. It seems to me once done it could make a decent RPG if I could get a flexible enough system. To me it's an epic world although what makes it epic I haven't gotten to yet. I want it to be as playable for the ever present humans as to the cetes and dragons who equally share this place. It's a strange place with a lot of blanks. It's hard to paint even broadstrokes when you have a huge blank canvas!

It's a fun place nonetheless. Full of possibilites. The impatient part of me would just like to get it done so that others could explore and enjoy it beyond me (although frankly I have no idea if anyone even would).

Back to studying geology now. Humorously enough I am pulling some ideas from that too. Hope I get a C on this bloody test tho!

15 April 2005


Actually don't think there are any known schisms at the moment but I wanted to use that word. It's fun :D

This week has been fairly good. Def. did not get as much homework done as I needed to but one pressing need got removed by another week so that helps. Need to study my butt off for geology this weekend. Now gainfully employed unless I fail the drug test/background check (although that'd be a huge surprise to me if I did, I'd want to ask what they found). Being my useful reserved self I'll hold off massive celebrations til then.

Saw Ocean's 12 at Al's last night. It was alright, not nearly as good as the first if you ask me although now I want to watch the first again. Maybe tonight.

Anyhow, that's all for now, joyously I am done with CIS for the moment so I am gonna kick back and listen to my CD.

14 April 2005

Internal Restructuring

Added a new journal (Dani's) and moved a few blogs/journals around. Most people have stayed active (yay!) and one became more active so mostly nothing moved down. On a side note everyone should really listen to the Hotel Rwanda soundtrack, it's pretty good.

13 April 2005


"Don't stop."
-Motto RNS Ardent Fury

It was hopeless. The fleet was shattered. The last elements had split up after Wolf 359 scattering in every direction in a vain attempt to avoid the sweeping wave of slaughter. In three days the entire sector has been smashed. Noone even knew what happened to the 9th and 24th fleets beyond there. Some things simply dissapeared. On the 4th day the remnants of the Home Fleet gathered at Lagrange Point 3. The reinforcements promised had never come. Would never come. Never existed.

Terminator brakes, spilling light across the assemblage. Twenty-one ships. Far from anyone's last best hope, they simply were there. Some willing, others not. Doom has a strange way of affecting people. Some meet it like a normal everyday event, the same way they greet their morning coffee, with a strange mix of indifference and calm. Others take it on their shoulders accepting their fait and doing their damnedest to avert it. Others retreat into themselves whether from cowardice or fear or just simple contemplation.

Either way, death would reach for them all.

In ready rooms and on bridges and in corridors men and women waited for the invetitable. The automated silence that surrounded them broken only by the mechanical and electrical noises of the ships. For a moment the ships seem more alive then their crews. Living beings filled with automated drones oblivious to their surroundings. No fear from them. No gloom coursed through their circuits unaware of those inside and their feelings.

Death came. They fought.

It might have been easier for those in the front. They simply just ceased to be. Those behind had to keep going if just to cease a little later rather then right now. Light, plasma, nothing. Over and over. Ten times. Elven times. Twelve. No lifepods here, no escaping. They don't accept their deaths in many cases but they don't flee them. They fight. It's pointless. Either way, death has them. Still they fight. They fight in a way that causes many to look at them with a respect and honor otherwise never accorded to people. It's desperation and hope all in one. Hope for a future already lost and desperation to cling to it for one last moment.

There's only two ships left. They're damaged. Bleeding. Heroic acts are committed. History will never record the efforts or the achievements. Perhaps that makes them more heroic. It doesn't make them any less remembered. They still fall. Unknown, unremembered, unimportant.

Just one left. Alone. Isolated but yet still not by itself. The legacy of hundreds, thousands before it stand behind it in one last moment. Now. For that moment the sole survivor is invincible. Then it's gone. The ship is gone. Everything is gone.

There is no wisdom here. War presents none of that. War has only one constant: change.

//Not quite sure why I wrote this. Doubt it's even all that good. Somehow I was thinking of the Russian soldier of 1941 and how to capture them and their actions...even if for some of them it turned out far better.

12 April 2005


Record, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Well after seeing Nick do this I had to beat him. Took a couple work shifts but I did it (see his score on his blog!)

I Love the People Around Me

Figured I should say that. They're all really great folks and I so massively blessed to be around them I can't even put it decently in words!

Always up on top of course be the whole XA gang. Really have to say thanks to Squirrel and Leah who open up their kitchen to me and others and suffer me nearly eating them out of apartment and home once a week. It's really kind of them to allow me to come over and do that. I love them both! (Sidenote: I'd love them no matter what but my selfish 3rd brain-ie my stomach- now throws itself in on the loving.) Anywho they are great people and also great cooks and I will be sad when they will be gone.

Also thanks to everyone else in XA. You're all great as well, I could prolly write a ton more but I'm running out of steam and decent words and I don't think I should embaress myself and everyone else all in one post tonight.

Final thanks cause I am running out of steam (and it started off so good too) is to my partner Lena who gave me an unexpected night off. I can now be a bum tonight and that's always nice.

Three posts in one day. I'm nuts...

FAC blowin' in the Wind

Yes, came out of my 11-1 shift in the CCC to see smoke billowing out of the back end of the FAC. Thought at first it was some sort strange project because the smoke was issuing from a smoke stack but that spread to the entire back corner of the roof. Alas the fire department is right across the street so before I could watch my Saturday afternoons burned back to freedom they arrived and doused the flames.

Still got to watch as the the arts majors finally fled the building a good 15 minutes after the whole roof started issuing thick black smoke. Most of my CIS classmates were highly amused when this was duly reported. Also most seemed dissapointed the building survived. Aren't we nice to the arts people? (Don't worry Abby you're an exception, we love you still!)

My test went alright, the start was quite hard since apparently it's a trivia contest rather then a test of knowledge. I thought college was a test of your mind not your memory for inane useless facts. What do I know though? Filteau thinks she'll put everything on a curve anyways.

Nice Kitty

Sweet, Tiger is finally up for release at the end of this month. Was skeptical about getting it til I saw Dashboard which looks pretty dang cool. Have to go pony up and get it. Let's hope I get that internship or otherwise not gonna be able to justify buying this!

This week looks to be interesting. It will be busy but more of a lead up for next week. Next week has reserved insane for itself. I really need to catch up on stuff but it's hard. This week doesn't give a lot of time for that. Wednesday I think I'll be busy reading. Won't that be fun?

Life is twisting and turning general in ways I am not sure I comprehend. I'm not really worried about it, in fact despite everything this is the least worried time of my life, but it does baffle/confuse me at times. I feel somewhat focused although keeping hold of that focus is a chore. Especially when it comes to school.

Guess I should get to studying for that Zuge test. I'll leave some general amusement links at the end (as if the dinosaur quote isn't amusing enough for you):

Unitarian Jihad Name Tell 'em Brother Neutron Bomb of Peace sent ya!

Translate English into 12 year old AOL speak. Scary :D

Them links courtesy of Scott Taylor's and (our future) SGA President's LJs.

10 April 2005

Requiem for the Twisms

So I got Twism Vampire: The Requiem for his birthday (which is this Saturday) to aide in his attempt quest to get the White Wolf fiction writer award. Anyhow being the RPG junkie I most certainly am I poked through the book. I haven't had much expierence with WoD and the core book for the new WoD doesn't have much background (ala "fluff" for you gamer nerd types although I prefer that vastly over "crunch", unless you like D & D crunch only...) so this was my first real major interaction into WoD. Come to think of it when I played Demon never read any of the setting material there either. Anywho, the background is quite well written, it can drag you in. The one thing that catches me is that you're looking at an underground society that is basically static versus the rest of the world. People who lives centuries don't change much especially in comparison to those who live barely a century. This strikes me as one of the most interesting aspects of the world. We're looking at a society whose outlook is at best Victorian if not much older. Basically I can only think of the whole Turtledove World at War Lizards whose society hasn't changed in 100,000 years dealing with humans who surpassed them in barely 2,000. This strikes me as a major theme: the Kindred are on the verge of becoming so out of date that change will expose them. What to do then? As commented in the book mortals can do a lot of damage to the Kindred (ala Spanish Inquisition) so it's really a world crushing problem that the Elders would barely understand (when you grow up in a time where the only power was man/beast, can you even begin to grasp the world today on the same level as someone who's been fully immersed in it?).

I am enjoying poking around in it though. Still don't think I could play it. Way to dark but my love for stories and histories and backgrounds (and possibilities!) is tweaked so I will prolly have read through most of it. Helpful to him though because I can give pointers (hopefully good ones) towards trying to write into WoD. I am unsure if previous writers have played the games they have written but certainly I would think they'd have to be fairly familiar with the core books. Good luck to him either way, I certainly couldn't pull that off.

Other news. There is no other news. Not at the moment at least. Night.

09 April 2005


It's like they castrated my favorite childhood character!

More Deep Wisdom

You can't outdance a dinosaur.


You can't.

08 April 2005

Drunks Across the Hall

The neighbors are very noisy tonight. Sometimes I debate whether to interact with them or not. Then I realize it's not smart to interact with large groups of drunks especially those you don't know well. Besides they're louder then the girls in our London group when drunk (is that actually possible?) Think they are finally going out to the bars now so it has quieted down. I intend to be in bed by the time they get back if possible. Twism has been working his way through old arcade league challenges getting golds in all the ones I couldn't. Some of them are tough for even him the video game guru.

Had my interview today. It was very informative. Definitely learned as much about interviewing as they probably learned about me. Should hear back in a week or two so kind of nervous/excited about that. Not really sure what they'll say. Guess it depends on how useful they think they can make me.

Marshfield itself seems rather small-town Midwestish in a sense. There aren't as many trees alas and it's very dry at the moment but it just seemed like a bigger town compared to the three or four I drove through on Hwy 10 to get there. Not very exciting but that's where the work is. Whereever it leads me I'll go. They pay over twice what shopko pays and nearly three times my LA job. Might not be for the fall though, have to see. Tough on Alistair, would put 70 miles a day in the summer. In other words figuring 20 work days a month for 3 months plus a week in May that's 4550 miles! This not counting driving around Point or going home. My brand new vehicle will be well broken in come fall. Guess I will learn more vehicle maintenance this summer too.

Trivia is going on this weekend but I'm not really involved. Just a bystander like last year. For those of you who aren't locals or students Trivia Weekend is the one and only official holiday of Stevens Point, WI. It's the world's biggest trivia contest and it brings in 8,000 folks from around the world. Most of them though are locals from one time or another making the annual pilgrimage (Islam has its haj, Point has its trivia, go figure) back home. We really need hobbies. And still I want to live here when I graduate! Granted all I need for fun is a few people, a decent internet connection (that equals amazon and that equals books!) and I am pretty darn good.

Anywho, time to crash on this end. Night folks.

07 April 2005

Morals of the story are:

1) It's all fun and games until someone starts teaching CIS.
2) It's all fun and games until the monkey catches on fire.

That will be all, good night. *bows*

Just kidding I'll write a little more then that. Those are rules to live by however. Interview in less then 24 hours. Kinda in the lull between things. Couldn't find people tonight. Bit odd. Oh well.

While this says posted at 7:11PM. In truth, it's close to 10. Got busy. Sorry folks. Maybe more later!

06 April 2005


Here's a bizarre change, me posting in the morning. My routine was a little altered however so you get this. As such I am not quite sure what to say. The world is quiet and gray out my window. The first gray we've had in a little while. Thunderstorms are forecasted. I await them although hope they do not decide to manifest whenever I am walking to and from school. It's a curious feeling in life right now. I am not totally overwhelmed by school. It's there but not massively crushing down on me as of yet. Other things have been more of a burden. It's kind of funny how one thing will just pull itself into focus.

Currently it seems that God is telling me to set aside personal things and focus on people. Not flirting with them mind but just talking to them and being friends. It's been reminded to me through various different sources that I need to put God first in things and that this includes my social/dating life (as a mess that might be) and trust Him. Plus it tends to interfere with whatever work I am trying to do in His name. Now I won't say that I am taking a break from looking because to an extent that would be untrue-not sure guys ever really stop, maybe girls don't either-but just trying to refocus my efforts here towards a better cause.

Not sure I worded that very well but really don't have more time to spend on things as I must get ready for classes and such. To class, to class.

04 April 2005

The whimsies of Deathlord Bob and Friends

Yea so not sure if I do many personal introspective/retrospective/something-spective but this will kind of people. My life seems to be a mish-mash of general confusion of late especially relating to other people. Whereas in many areas I know where I'm going and where I'm coming from socially I have little idea of either. Kind of know where I have been, it's easier to look back at life and discern what you've done to an extent. Mistakes you've made and things you wish you'd done differently are constant remindors that you could've done better but also that (hopefully) you've grown in maturity and understanding of people. As to whether I have grown or not I am not sure. Some areas certainly I can point out but many of them I would consider non-social although they may relate to social aspects.

I have found a certain serenity and peace in life even if I haven't learned how to rely on it fully. For those of you who've gotten e-mails from me you've seen the tagline in my signature and of course it's always present here. I keep it around because I need to be reminded of that constantly. Like so much of this blog it's as much a benefit to me as to anyone else who reads it. Kind of selfish in that but blogs to an extent are selfish things.

Ok, think whatever frustration at myself is bleeding away. Kind of funny because I felt I did a really good workout today and in general that, for Mondays, this went well. Finished 6 Days of War last night. Really want to know what happens in the Yom Kippur War so will have to probably buy a book on that. Picked up The Road to Stalingrad and intend to plow through that. I think it should be an initially a fast read, the parts I went through in England were good. Something about a doomed war really intrigues me and for the Soviets everything up to Stalingrad had "doomed war" written all over it. Wonder how The Road to Berlin compares. I'll find out eventually. Probably going to tag team Stalingrad with Letters from a Skeptic (or is it Critic, i always get it confused). Both books appeal to very different parts of me so kind of a battle of which gets read first. Really Letters has the lead cause I have gotten farther through it in chronological order. Probably pretty close page wise although this because I had to read the battle of Moscow sections of Stalingrad for History in London. I really do love history.

This will be a long week. As usual lots to get done. I feel confused but not overly burdened or oppressed. As long as I don't get lost I'll be fine.

Faith manages.

02 April 2005

Deep Theoretical Stuff

Ha, you wish! Like I am gonna do anything like that on a Saturday afternoon while working after I've finished my CIS323 lab that I don't understand! Plus I have nothing deep to discuss. Well I could probably find something but I don't feel like doing anything that requires effort today.

Of course this leads into, what the heck will this entry be about? I was thinking the mating rituals of North Nigerian Wombat-Monkeys might be appropriate but not sure anyone else could add to such a vibrant and deep seated discussion on the finer points of NNWM biology.

Slowly plodding through Exalted: Book of Bone & Ebony. It's dark, naturally considering the topic so I really can't read it for long without taking a break. This certainly adds credence to the fact that Exalted is targetted to a more mature audience then D & D. None of this stuff is suitable for kids below high school and debatable for high schoolers.

Also plodding through Six Days of War. Almost done with the war (two days left!). It's pretty amazing how quickly things fell apart for the Arabs. It seems to me that numbers they had should have allowed for simple overwhelming victory. It just reminds me that numbers are certainly not everything, logistics and leadership is. It also amazes me how they'd believe their own propoganda. I thought first rule was that the govt ignored its own propoganda. You can't win a war on lies (although those lies may save your butt at home). Just very surprised how incompetent they were and how self-interested they were come to think of it. Had there been real Arab unity it would have been easy to put many more troops from different Arab nations but instead it really mostly was the three main countries bordering Israel who got involved. Thus far too Syria's part in the fight has been token although I haven't really gotten there. (However consider I'm at day 5 and all they've done is shelled Israel thus far.)

That equal some readable content? Hope so, not getting anymore today I don't think.

01 April 2005

Wish I had An April Fool's Gag

But I don't. However Google threw one up. Gmail continues to improve. It now has ability to do different colors, fonts, and italics, bold, etc. Plus in a nicely timed birthday trump (Gmail is 1 year old today) over Yahoo Mail they are adding another gig of storage space plus more over time. Fun stuff.

My shift today has not been productive. My nose has been runny/drippy all morning and it's wearing me down. Granted if I got more sleep maybe I would feel better in general.

Anyhow, happy 1st of April folks.