31 July 2008

July Days

Well July is almost done. I've hardly blogged so here's a token entry. Not even sure anyone reads this anymore. Which probably leads to the question as to why I keep posting once in awhile to it.

Anyhow, July has been busy. A fair amount of traveling and guests kept me busy. But let's see. Saw WALL-E and The Dark Knight. I liked WALL-E better.

Getting excited for GenCon. It's coming up fast. Very happy that Dani got me to come! I'll try and give a report either during or shortly thereafter. (Making up a goal to try and post once a week.) I probably won't have much exciting news from GenCon but I might get some interesting tidbits from White Wolf as I am going to several seminars. Maybe whatever the 7th game is?

Anyhow need to work out. More soon in theory!

19 July 2008

Sing Along

You know you want to! Granted for a limited time (ie through 7/20). You can get a Captain Hammer groupie shirt too! What more could you ask for?