30 July 2007


I'm plugging away at attempting finishing the decorating my walls. Here are some links to peruse and give me feedback. Be warned it's apparently a laaaaaaaarge list:

Anyhow, no news on the reading front, still stuck in Second Foundation although also perusing WoD: Chicago.

25 July 2007


So is it bad that I am listening to the Robot Chicken Star Wars skit "Palpatine Phone Call" and I recognize the voice of Seth Macfarlane (for those of you drawing blank looks he's the creator and half the voices on "Family Guy") by one phrase he uses in the skit. He's the Emp btw. Truly I am a nerd. :D

24 July 2007

Harry Potter Transforms?

Read HP7. Not too bad. Didn't quite beat the spread but I was betting on Voldemort too :D

If you haven't seen Transformers drop what yer doing and go see it. It's quality! Yea, isn't that deep wisdom? Maybe not.

Nothing else of real substance at the moment alas.

18 July 2007

War and Politics II

Another fun one related to the war: when did the withdrawal become a "re-deployment"? I mean are we keeping them on active duty when they are returned to the United States? Are we beaten so badly that Congress thinks the Iraqis will be landing troops on the East Coast? Meh, the whole debate leaves a bitter taste in my mouth as its all about politics and the only people who matter are the polls.

That's all for now...

13 July 2007


Hmm, my blog feels like its slowly dying of neglect. Let's see what's new? Work is busy but generally straight forward so that's good. The house is pretty much set up, basically just some interior decorating is left but that's not on a set schedule. I still need to sort through that stack of papers but think that may get neglected a little longer. Not good I'll admit.

I'm finishing up Second Foundation. I should really tackle Velvet Elvis after this but I got Night Watch and am debating reading that. Floating around in RPG land I also have Oadenal's Codex for Exalted and Magic Item Compendium for D&D for new perusal.

To celebrate that I won't be paying dual rent next month I am going on a book buying spree I think. Probably pick up a bunch of RPGs. Have to see tho. Harry Potter 7 comes out next weekend but that will be a weekend blitz. Poof and done.

Sadly beyond that there isn't much news. More later?

10 July 2007

War and Politics

It makes me very sad now that the only thing politicians talk about these days (especially nearly all of them running for office) is bringing the troops home. None of them talk about actually solving the problem. See they act like when all our soldiers are back in the United States the problem will be solved. And ironically from a pollsters perspective it will because the the 26.7 million Iraqis don't vote in US elections (and therefore aren't people, sorry folks unless you're an American politicians here don't consider your opinion worth much unless you are agreeing with what they are doing).

So what's this mean at as far as I see it? Well, eventually the Democrats will succeed in getting the troops home. It's inevitable since as I mentioned above pollsters rule Washington and the war is obviously unpopular. Have to blame Bush on that one, he certainly bungled the war effort going in. He probably should have emphasized the fact that we'd be in Iraq for decades. (Also it might have been nice if they had planned a little better for the postwar period.) We still have military forces in Germany 60+ years after that war ended. But Americans are lousy at history anyways aren't we? Iraq may of course actually pull things together without direct military support, to say it's impossible downplays the abilities of their people but I see it as unlikely. More likely is a brutal civil war and a country (or countries?) feeling betrayed by the Americans who came in kicked everything over and then left.

Politicians may see themselves elected to office on bringing the troops home but in 20 years politicians may be having to tell those troops to go back into Iraq to deal with a country (or countries) that hate America and are as active against us as Saddam or the Taleban ever was. Didn't this kind of short-sightedness lead to the problem in Afghanistan in the first place back in the 80s?

Maybe it's true that we just will never learn.

05 July 2007


I love having people over. :D