03 December 2008

Double post o'-rama

Kind of as an afterthought added a link to Evergreen Church here as well.


Wow, December rolls around already. The blog neglect continues here. I'll admit that this is truly a random entry event now rather then a regular affair. This is essentially a death knell to most blogs I learned way back. Well I'll leave this poor thing on life support awhile longer or in any case leave it out here so that maybe someone can use it to get to a blog that is better maintained then mine.

Snow finally has fallen here so the ground is entirely white. The snowblower is in the shop (I have had no luck with my two small engine devices this year) so it was shoveling this morning. I don't mind tho, good exercise and the snow is light. My neighbor shoveled out my sidewalk for some reason. Possibly due to generally charity, it was very nice of her though. I'll have to take some pictures of my outside now that I have snow to reflect the lights. I think it'll look amazing although I haven't gone out at night to see it yet.

I have been plugging away at Hunter inspired by my lady to read it full through. Assuming I finish it'll be only the 2nd RPG I've actually read straight through. The first one I read through of all the irony is Ptolus go figure.

I'm updating the sidebar a bit with a couple new blogs: one of Aprill's and Al's current one (which has existed for awhile but I have neglected to put up).

04 November 2008


Well he won. The next 4 years will be interesting. I will admit I was more indifferent in this election then I thought I'd be but I think the results turned out fine. Democracy lives on. Although fruit flies in Paris may not like the results one bit ^^

16 October 2008

Obligatory October Post?

So I've severely neglected this blog of mine and it looks like that's not gonna change anytime soon. There's leaves to be raked and of course a lot of time with my special someone ^^

In the meantime if you're bored the good news is next year Starcraft 2 will come out as 3 games and not one providing copious amounts of playing time. It looks like Terrans get first rub followed by Zerg and Protoss. Wonder if they will wrap things up or keep the story rolling. Certainly Warcraft has grown into a series with a life of its own and I doubt the original designers ever saw that.

As for me I've been pounding through Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn up until I hit the "Kill the Black Knight" mission where he kills Ike on the 2nd attack every time. This takes the fun out of it just a bit. Maybe I will re-try tonight tho.

On a gaming related note: Looks like Brady's Exalted game may get off the ground for its one shot in November, I am recruiting people like gangbusters so we could have 8 Solars if everyone shows up (highly doubtful but who knows). I am digging through Roll II to get tons of 1st Circle Demons to deploy on our side.

Also started reading Hunter: The Vigil finally. It's a pretty good read and with luck I will roll into Witchfinders right after. If I can get a mortals nWoD game off the ground knowing these will be a good thing.

That's all.

26 September 2008

Snow in April

Snow in April, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Uploading pictures from my camera (which i don't use very often) and found this gem from end of April of this year. Or maybe later this week? Who knows around here ^^

15 September 2008

Completely Unrelated...

Wow the gall of some criminals. Doesn't sound like they've caught the people.

Also got the Exalted 2nd Edition screen and dang if it's not the highest quality screen I've ever seen. It's made of the same stuff their hardcover books are made of. Wow!

Also got Human Occupied Landfill. It's amusing!

20 August 2008

Stuff from GenCon

So instead of double posting I'll just provide a link to my post for my GenCon wrap up. It was a good time! Read on

11 August 2008


Is almost here! I'd note that this would delay any posts but they are generally delayed anyways so it's unlikely anyone would notice. Not that there's much to notice here. Really thinking about ending this...

However until I do will attempt to give a decent GenCon report on stuff I see and swag I get. It's a little sad that I am going to such an enjoyable event while Georgia is being invaded and bullied by Russia whilst the West watches in the wings. Granting Georgia isn't entirely blameless but we're now allowing Russia to throw its brunt around without so much as dire threat in its direction. Sometimes politics is depressing as people die and the big countries just bandy about words. Perhaps that's just the truth of things but somehow I think people in Gori would prefer a squadron of B2 bombers rather then threats that this will hurt Russia's relations with the West.

02 August 2008

I Belive in Harvey Dent

So after helping Carl move he borrowed me most of the major Batman graphic novels (technically all are comps of comics) that lays out the basis for the new Batman movies. I've plugged through Batman: Year One and The Long Halloween. They are interesting particularly with the correlations to the new movies. Something to read. I don't read enough anymore even though I have tons and tons of reading material. For instance 20 books waiting to be read and 3 being read (most started in about March or February of this year). Part of that distraction is gaming books which I do read randomly -I've only ever read Ptolus straight through- which eats up my reading time. Right now Alpha Omega has my attention. I need to look a little more into Burning Empires since that is new to my shelves as well.

Of course for GenCon prep I really, really need to go over Exalted 2nd Ed rules.

That's all for now!

That's Horrible I Mean Great

So apparently Dr. Horrible is still available online. So go check it out. I hadn't realized this but it was helpfully pointed out by a friend!

Still waiting on for the soundtrack. It'll be fun to listen to heading down to GenCon. Is all for now.

31 July 2008

July Days

Well July is almost done. I've hardly blogged so here's a token entry. Not even sure anyone reads this anymore. Which probably leads to the question as to why I keep posting once in awhile to it.

Anyhow, July has been busy. A fair amount of traveling and guests kept me busy. But let's see. Saw WALL-E and The Dark Knight. I liked WALL-E better.

Getting excited for GenCon. It's coming up fast. Very happy that Dani got me to come! I'll try and give a report either during or shortly thereafter. (Making up a goal to try and post once a week.) I probably won't have much exciting news from GenCon but I might get some interesting tidbits from White Wolf as I am going to several seminars. Maybe whatever the 7th game is?

Anyhow need to work out. More soon in theory!

19 July 2008

Sing Along

You know you want to! Granted for a limited time (ie through 7/20). You can get a Captain Hammer groupie shirt too! What more could you ask for?

23 June 2008


Well this week's mission is to bike into work everyday. It's roughly 2 miles to work (probably a little bit less but I don't have an exact way to measure it so I just discussed with Chuck who used to live down the street) so it's not a long ride but with a backpack I've found it's a little more challenging. So a good daily work out to supplement the Wii Fit. Or have the Wii Fit supplement this? Either way hope the weather cooperates so I can do this all week (and maybe next).

18 June 2008

To the glorious racers of the kart and bike

So just raced for hour and a half with 2 friends in regional races. Our intern is darn good, so's my girlfriend. The competition was indeed tough. For some reason I can't get individual friend races to work but pack us into a regional and we pretty well dominate the place. And by we I mean most of my friends, I uh, mediocre the place. Anyhow that was fun and I am sure there will be much discussion at work of the said races tomorrow.

17 June 2008

Purges and Clean-up

Yes, it finally happened. All those quiet blogs that never get updated, all those quiet blogs that have been deleted. Some of the top blogs have been moved down to the quiet blog rolls. I think I miss the glory days of this blog when I had a dozen or more active blogs listed plus a half dozen authors' blogs as well. Even think a decent amount of readers turned in. Now it feels like a ghost town.

Ah well, I think I'll be the old man who stubbornly refuses to give up for a little while longer. Even if the old man doesn't get out on the porch to rant about things as much.

16 June 2008

4th Edition

Possibly better off over on my gaming blog...
Well I got the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition core set on Friday. Courtesy of Amazon where the gift set where it was in the top 10 bestsellers for weeks. Now it's at 39 although the PHB edges slightly ahead at 32. Who says RPGs don't sell?

So anyhow I've paged through, read, skimmed and otherwise tried to get a basic feel for the game. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure I like it. It seems a little too simple now and more focused towards tactical combat to almost the exclusion of everything else. Granted creating tactical situations appears immensely easier and playing looks to be streamlined but many of the roleplaying elements feel removed.

Ok, yea I know me complaining about lack of roleplaying is ironic. I tend to lean towards the tactical/combat aspects of a game. Yet even those things seem more controlled in 4th Ed. However that may be due to the lack of books to provide options. The roleplaying part well even I occasionally like to have interesting side stuff to use out of combat even if I don't make as much use of it as I could. It's not a game killer but it does narrow down the scope of games that can be played.

The monster manual focuses heavily on very easy to use monsters well set for different levels and strategies. I enjoyed that they did this making instant combat easy to do. Unsure how easy it is to adjust levels but I've heard it's not all that hard. The lack of good creatures made me a little sad especially the lack of the metallic dragons. I await to see if they have another manual with emphasis on good creatures or at least a decent accounting of them. The Draconomicon coming out in the fall only covers chromatic dragons so perhaps the second part of that covers the metallics and maybe the third covers the gem dragons (ie the neutrals).

Overall final judgment leans towards a negative reaction but actual game play (alas probably not soon) will be the true deciding factor. Also a benefit will be how I like the updates to the Forgotten Realms. I figure I will probably keep plugged in just to follow that story.

09 June 2008

RIAA Litigations and how the Tech Community can Help


I realize I had a big barrage of posts and then went mostly silent again. I should rectify this but alas my big insurance exam is later this week so I really should be studying. More after the exam?

03 June 2008

Obama vs McCain. Nov 4th

Bring your own popcorn. Local participation for all applicants of 18 years and older as of venue date.

29 May 2008

Indiana Jones Returns

Well actually saw this Sunday night but owing to a lot of things haven't gotten around to commenting on it til now. Will attempt to avoid any spoilers but be warned ya know?

Anywho, I'd say overall maybe a 3.5 - 3.75 outta 5. Very good action, def. good humor too. Well worth your time to go see it. Which leads to why such a low score? Well it's not unique or original. There's some of the old Indy in it and granted that's expected but it also borrows a lot from newer fare: The Mummy series and Stargate. I was waiting for Richard Dean Anderson to run by with Thor in tow. The other issue was the pacing. Somehow it just wasn't right. Almost seemed too fast if that's possible.

I think in the long run it will stand alright amongst the Indiana Jones but probably never be the best. I suppose it's hard to top a legend!

24 May 2008

Webmaster Tools

Google has another toy out there called Webmaster Tools. Mostly it tells you when Google's bots last trawled your page and in general what Google sees when it does trawl you. Not sure how useful it'll be but hey I'll give it a shot. This blog has to be way over-managed for the amount of posts and readers it gets.

I do have to chuckle a little because "Rappan Athuk" seem to be the big hits this blog gets. Turns out it's because the blog entry shows up one the first page of a Google search for the above so people actually see it. This would be the page in question that ironically the main link to that page is from this blog here.

Kind of odd how that all works.

This does make me want to go back and play both Rappan Athuk and Ptolus which were the two big games that I got that were essentially self contained (yes I know they both required the three 3rd Edition D&D core books, thanks for the remindor...) The challenge now would def. be getting a stable group of players. This summer looks to be rocky as people will be gone and the people who would be interested don't necessarily play well together. Ah if only Dani & Brady were here. Them with Carl and Casey and I've got almost the perfect team. Throw in some irregulars and it'll do alright.

Anyhow, Google's Webmaster tools, check them out if you're a web geek like me! :D

23 May 2008

Big Blue

Well went all out today and took off the afternoon from work to paint the guest bedroom. Probably should of taken a bunch of photos to document the thing for no reason other then to document it for historians to analyze 800 years later whilst trying to determine the primitive lifestyle of those of us living in the year 2008. I didn't though so onwards.

Went with an eggshell sheen as opposed to the original semi-gloss. In fact that was really the only change as I stuck with the same color, Ocean Sigh (is that really a color, sounds more like a sound effect to be honest). Painting went surprisingly well, taping was probably the biggest pain. I did not tape the ceiling and I really should have. There is now an uneven blue edge to most of it and at some point when I get re-motivated I will have to tape off the walls and re-paint the ceiling edge white. At least I only needed one coat.

Looking at it now as the sun is setting (so there is no direct sunlight into the room) it looks pretty good. I think I maybe should have gone with maybe one grade flatter sheen but it's def an improvement over the previous. I still like the color that got picked out. I wonder if it would be more helpful if they made the little color cards with a color different variations of sheen too cause that's what got us in the first place.

So if you want to see the redone room stop over. Maybe not this weekend cause Josh will be crashing there!

Speaking of this weekend, any of the -3 readers who are from Point (that's all -e/i^2 of you), at some point a bunch of us are going to see the new Indiana Jones. Somehow I got put in charge although no one let me know. I am attempting to coordinate now so if you are interested give me a holler. I'm targeting Saturday at this point cause I think the girls are moving on Sunday and Josh will be here Saturday night.

That is all. On a side end note I will try and blog more regularly as Dani says its good for my 3.5 brain cells. And she's a geneticist so I'd better believe her! (Or to quote Futurama: "Better listen to him, he's a whale biologist.")

22 May 2008

On 24

Well this weekend I will attempt to re-paint the guest bedroom so it is slightly less blue. I am just shooting for a flatter version of the current color. With luck it will turn out very nice!

I am re-watching Cowboy Bebop with Dani (kind of a long distance dual running commentary). It's been a long time since I've seen this! It's still good fun!

20 May 2008

Dreams of the First Age

IE what my original A/C dreamed since it was that old. But it's replaced so hopefully the electrical bill will be significantly lower this year. We shall see.

Dreams of the First Age did indeed finally come out last week and I have been perusing it much since then. Overall I'm impressed by the quality. The mechanics seem pretty good although admittedly the crunch assessment is not my strong point. Stuff is powerful so it's hard for me to gauge.

Setting wise it's quite interesting. Favorite setting point I've run into so far is that there is a Primordial still on the loose during the 1st Age and there seem to be no indication that it's been dealt with up to the current time in the setting.

Haven't gotten far in the Meru guide either but it's well put together. The map is nice too but the places are a bit hard to read and I'd have loved it to be bigger.

Overall worth the purchase and the wait!

07 May 2008

More RPG.net fun

"Yes. Like all truly impressive disasters it begins with a wedding..."

-tabrumj, RPG.net forums (in reference to how the end of Exalted's 2nd Age would commence)

27 April 2008

Mario Kart Wii First Impressions

Well all the levels are unlocked. Folky, Steiner, and Carl came over and we slogged through all 32 tracks on 150cc and battled it out balloon and coin style. (Our team lost both battles and Steiner did not dominate in the races, the world is upside down!) Overall a fantastic new game. Cycles are hard on some levels and while I like the Wii Wheel my back hurts like hell, I need to find a good position to play it in I think my posture is off. Or just use the gamecube controller. Overall looks like a keeper especially with instant online play.

18 April 2008


"Gem has agents of five or six separate apocalypses gunning for it." - from rpg.net

15 April 2008


It's nice to be outside again. I've been getting out on walks that are outside and it's great. The next couple months I will have to bone up before it gets so hot that I retreat down to the basement (where I will revel in the fact that it stays too cool unlike now). I attempted to seed some grass down tonight, we'll see if it sticks. Have to keep up on the watering and hope for the best. Also will be curious if any of the lillies of the valley survive next to my garage. There's still snow there so they might not even know it's spring yet. Then again considering this weekend Wisconsin might not be quite sure yet either.

Got Scion: God and Little Wars (wargaming by HG Wells, does that make us nerds more legit when a classic writer wrote on something we do?). Both are interesting, S:G rounds out the series although White Wolf is releasing a pair of books Scion: Companion and Ragnarok later this year. Not terribly interested in either but they managed to do something rare in the gaming world, put out a new series that actually took hold and did well.

That's all for now. Going to go enjoy the latest Tudors episode.

09 April 2008


Well both Exalted books arrived yesterday and I have been geeking through them. Impressively DMZ: #4 Friendly Fire showed up today and I have read through it. I love graphic novels in that you can read them fairly quick. DMZ is an interesting read. Depsite having opposing views with the author (Brian Wood) I still find I enjoy the series. It's very gritty, sometimes I think it attempts to be over gritty at times that actually weakens its case, but in the end it generally gets across the feel of a hopeless war. Except this one is on our home turf. Some of the premises might be hard to believe but that doesn't reduce the story much. And after all I enjoy Exalted so this should be a piece of cake for believability.

02 April 2008

More random

So for fun irony I ordered the latest Exalted books on Amazon which ship in "1 to 3 weeks" as well as 2 books in that were in stock (Scion: God and Little Wars). Now guess which two are shipping? Don't get me wrong I am excited to get them now rather then 1-3 weeks from now but just find it kind of funny.

I am slightly amused by the random search results that turn up on this blog. I wonder how deep people go when they stumble across this.

Checkbox hmm

So my little Gmail thing now has checkboxes. They don't do anything but they are there. Wonder what they'll do. I'll send in some Tauren marines and find out?

31 March 2008

Out like a lion

Well not really sure this is too bad (although I could be wrong). Then again I guess personally it feels like I am being mauled by the lion. Oh well, this too shall pass. God willing.

Anyhow, been busy reading. Picked up The Forever War Easter weekend and plugged through it real quick. It's a fast read if a bit depressing. Major counterpoint to Starship Troopers. The two should almost be read back to back. I enjoyed it even if it is kind of a downer type of book.
Incidentally I also picked up Dracula. I generally avoid classics but I'd heard this is written in the style of journals, letters, newspapers clipping, etc so thought I'd take a look. It's not too bad (am I allowed to criticize a classic, hmm I guess I don't really care either way). I have to admit that the descriptions of Dracula's castle are rather eerie.

Still sitting on my night stand are Star Wars Dark Nest #2, Velvet Elvis, and Rwandan Genocide and the Church (note that's not the exact title I don't think but am too lazy to get up and look).

Anyhow I am off to write a couple entries that are long overdue for gaming over at Wolf359 for Carl's various games. I really am eager to run a game soon I think.

That's all. Enjoy the last day of March March Madness.

16 March 2008


It's 2:37AM. Why am I still awake? I pass out by like 11:45 on weekdays and really if it wasn't for reading I'd be out an hour before then. My mind is just alive right now though. Huh.

10 March 2008


Hmm at some point I think I passed another year for this blog. Oh well moving on.

Up in the cities this weekend I picked up a bookcase from Ikea. It's name is Billy but I didn't give it that the Swedes did. I'd heard good things about it from other gamers for book storage. This is probably due to the fact that they claim it can hold up to 66 pounds! Please note that a full shelf full of RPG books weigh alot. Not 66 pounds however unless you have a big shelf or a match baker's dozen of Ptolus. Anywho, it looks very nice. It's narrow and tall and fits nicely in the corner of the room rounding off the space between my original rpg bookshelf (which is awesome, I still love it Dad, just outgrew it!) and one of the normal bookshelves (which has been suffering as a standin rpg bookshelf and has bowed shelves to show it). I think it adds a nice touch to the room. Certainly this place looks more like a library. Of course the piles of paper on the desk and floor kind of ruins that. I need to get stuff organized again. That is the goal this week. In the meantime I am geeking out and am excited because I have more room for books again! On a side note I also have a dozen plus books I need to get organized and sell since I have no interest in using them along with most of my minis.

Speaking of books though I finally ordered the last couple books for Jovian Chronicles. Turns out Dream Pod 9 has most of their books at half off and all the Jovian Chronicles and Gear Krieg books are included. I snagged the last Gear Krieg Tactical book I am missing as well but held off on the Gear Krieg RPG and Luft Krieg despite a fair amount of interest. I suspect those books will be half off for awhile and if not I don't think they will be dissapearing from the likes of Noble Knight anytime soon.

While reorganizing my books, something I thoroughly enjoy, I listened to Mark Driscoll talk about the Emergent Church. It was intersting. He also covered some of the issues I had with Velvet Elvis which was nice. And yea I still haven't finished it. That is all.

05 March 2008


Gary Gygax passed away this week and while hardly anyone outside of the gaming world seemed to notice (some football player decided to retire I guess) his passing still marks the passing of something great. 30+ years later Dungeons and Dragons still dominates the gaming world. However the affect was greatly widespread spawning an entire industry which helped spawn many sub-industries which have since surpassed their parents. Thanks for bringing us something fun Gary!

03 March 2008

Ides of March (ice on my sidewalk)

Well March has rolled in. Not sure if it's lion or lamblike. See it's been warm but we got an inch of ice. I guess though it hasn't been bad which means that we're gonna get it in a couple weeks eh? Life's been ok. Fealt a little beat down but taken great solace in the sagas of Miles Vorkosigan especially his post Dendarii days. Dad has a lot of the later books which I don't owing to my reading from his collection and not acquiring them myself meaning my re-reading is limited except for fortuitous weekends (such as this past one) when I am home. I plowed through Memory in about a day and it provides poignant remindor of how much Miles life has changed especially when the next book I have is A Civil Campaign.

It has been a nice retreat out of the doldrums although I do not have any permament escape unlike the half-sized hero of the above sagas. Just have to tough it out. I really miss having some greater goal to work towards though. In the meantime I do have some book keeping I should get to. Tomorrow as now it is time to sleep!

29 February 2008

Leap Blog

Looks like February is finally done. I'm ready to leap into March. In the meantime I hope your leap day was better then mine. :/

19 February 2008

8 Months Later

8 Months Later, originally uploaded by mirv120.


New Home

New Home, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Right after I moved in.

Sidewalk tunnel

Sidewalk tunnel, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Just thought a picture or two could explain it better.

18 February 2008

Vaguely Tragic

Looks like Charter managed to scramble Cartoonnetwork one of the few channels on regular cable I would watch and one that somehow my cheapy digital cable snagged in. Dissapointing but it was a nice 9 month run of it. I survived fine without it in my old place so I am fairly certain I can power on now. Still I will miss the late night Adult Swim even if the quality has dropped off so much since the first couple years.

I need to exercise I more. I am working at cutting back the portions I eat but now I need to burn some extra calories. Tough to do in winter. I wish Wii Fit would be out already that would be worth a try! Have to wait though. In the meantime I'll just try and walk back and forth in the basement. Odd way to get exercise but it works if I keep my mind focused and do it often. Just have to get into the habit!

17 February 2008

Winter Wonderland

Everything is that pure clean white again. Notice that my posts for the past several months have been dominated by snow? Well that's cause Wisconsin has been dominated by it. Note the snow piles I have that are taller then me now!

This year has felt kind of like a slump. It seems I can end years on high notes but I can rarely start them on ones. Last year might count as an exception if simply because I made so many huge changes. The routine of it all just feels depressing: get up, go to work, come home, sleep, rinse & repeat. There's not much fun going on. Nothing that I can really look forward to of late.

Can only pray that'll change. Anyhow enjoy the white stuff, at least it looks darn peaceful and quite nice!

14 February 2008

More Snow

Ah winter but at least this morning's snow ended by the time I started removing it and was of the light and fluffy variety and thus was easily removed. Primary day is looming near in Wisconsin and I see about one Obama ad an hour when I am watching the news or when I was enjoying Jericho. Wouldn't be so bad except he pushes anti-war ads which I disagree with. Wisconsin has a huge anti-war sentiment especially in the younger crowd, this campus points to that, so the ads make sense.

Hope all you Wisconsinites do go and vote whoever you're planning to vote for.

Speaking of Jericho, it was pretty dang good! You can go watch at CBS.com so I won't ruin the plot but I am impressed. Part of me actually would like things to wrap up after these 7 episodes. I'm not sure this can continue away from its original premise. Who knows though, I'll watch and see!

09 February 2008

Old Works

I'd forgotten all about this!

05 February 2008

Shines the name

To the everlasting glory of the infantry.

So today is Fat Tuesday if you care about Mardi Gras (or are Catholic I guess) and Super Tuesday if you care about politics (or are running for President and part of the Democratic or Republican parties).

It kinda boggles my mind that the networks call states as soon as their polls close. I mean Illinois is done voting and they give it to Obama and the same for Massachusetts for Romney. Now granted I don't really care if they do win but how can you call it before the results are even officially in? Sheesh. But it is kinda fun to watch. I got my favorites and then I got the people who I am ok with winning and I got the people I don't want to win. Like a sports event almost.

Not much of news worthy note here. Punctured a tire this weekend at home but have since gotten it repaired. The snow is mostly off the sidewalks and driveway except maybe the very end where it's been plowed up so much I may never get rid of it. What a white winter. Betcha there's major flooding this year especially if it really warms up fast in about April or May.

That's all I got for now.

27 January 2008


...rolls on. I feel a little adrift right now.

25 January 2008


Was pretty darn good! Carl said there was a rumor that Abrams is going to go back and do this movie from another perspective. That'd be very cool although I think this movie stands decently on its own. Very Lostesque with a fair lack of knowledge beyond the immediate. I enjoyed it. That's all for now :D

17 January 2008


Is it just me or has it seemed like it has snowed a lot this winter? Next house I get has no sidewalks! Yes I think that's a wise call on my part!

Anyhow the tree is down (much sadness). Primary season rolls on. I'm really just waiting for super Tuesday (Wisconsin votes 2 weeks later, I think it's just a superficial thing ya know like letting the Packers beat the Patriots in the Superbowl instead of just giving them the title now?) to see who will be running against who. In the meantime the press will go nuts about the tight race and how every primary changes everything when really at this rate only the first Tuesday in February will (unless of course the straights go willy-nilly, that'd just be fuuuuuun).

Since I've now used up my () quota for the night I'm gonna go pack for home home. Which is home home anyways? Here or where I grew up? Anyone got theories.

Oh for interesting commentary for anyone who vaguely cares about politics and faith is be here. You can tell from the obviously not identical moniker that I commented. The lousy part is that I am unsure how to exactly follow up on the comment(s) after me although it seems like I should. Any suggestions?

14 January 2008


The Christmas tree is still up. I was gonna take it down this weekend, honest. Things just got in the way! That is all (yea I know totally random).

05 January 2008

New Year

Welcome to '08 a little late. Congrats to Lars and Beth on their marriage. This week was rather wild with all the travel. LA was interesting not sure I'm a fan but the t-shirt worth temps in January is nice. The people were fun. It's a shame that it's rather unlikely I will cross paths with a lot of them anytime soon again. Weddings can certainly bring together a diverse and random pool of people as evident from the bachelor party.

Highlights for me: chatting with Al on the drive there and back, chatting with the lady in LAX at 1AM, the Pacific Ocean at night (and that lone container ship out there), seeing Lars and Al about as happy as I've ever seen them, meeting Sam, Joel, and Jay and hanging out with them Friday (ever done 6 u-turns in 10 minutes?), caucus night analysis including calling Katy on the East coast (8PM = 11PM ya know) and finding out when the NH primary was, and hitting Goodwill for no other reason then we could!

Anyhow I'm home now and shortly life returns to the old norm. The tree needs to go down soon and that's really sad. Yet I'll enjoy having more room to play the Wii. Life rolls on as usual. Amber gave me a CD with some Newsboys on it and they're pretty dang good! Yay for new music!