29 July 2005

End of Armed Struggle

Figure most of you aren't aware that the IRA has officially has finally taken the last step towards peace. It should be interesting to see what happens now. Makes me want to go back and finish Armed Struggle but my reading list is long and reading rate is slow (at this moment Dad is pressing me to get on Tin Can Destroyers so he can get it back). Something to think about. Hope this means final peace for Belfast.

Some good news for the UK at least. Anyhow bedtime...


Sorry no updates in awhile. Been rather busy. Anyhow I am still alive and will try and update things over the weekend :D

So let's see, last weekend was quite fun. I watched Evie play volleyball in Wausau all weekend. Despite warnings it might be rather boring I enjoyed it greatly. I rather enjoy watching volleyball it turns out (hadn't watched much of it til this summer) so it was a good deal. Plus I got some vitamin D. Anyhow gonna go veg now, will try and write some more at some point. Asta.

20 July 2005

Long Day

So today was 10 hours of work followed by 2 hours of mini-golf and a grand total of 14 hours away from home. I left at 0715 and got home at 2130. Andy and I got pushed out of last by a mere 10 points despite and noble attempt with 5 5 point holes (5 being the max score) our last round. Ah well, next month is real golf. :D

Sad news: James Doohan, also known as Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott has passed away. Scotty joins Bones boldy going on ahead.

18 July 2005


To those of you who I was with last night: remember how I said the forecast for next week had Sunday at 76? Well now it's at 95. Ain't that special?

17 July 2005

News and Such

Well bought and read Harry Potter 6. Have to say that I don't think it was as good as HP5 but still quite good. Somehow my roommate managed to piece together from the web who died (and with decent support for his conclusion). Amazed he was right. At the same time the death made sense as incidentally who was the Half Blood Prince did. I've heard that HP6 reviewed as essentially setting up HP7. I do feel this. It wasn't as tense and doom-filled as HP5 rather is fealt kind of transitory. Still worth a read at some point. One thing though: why are the good-guys so freaking incompetent? Continously the school kids save the day and the adults can barely match their opponents! The gov't probably couldn't beat the school kids in a fair fight! Kinda lopsided there :/ Rowling has also increased her Brit slang I believe although i'd have to re-read the older books to confirm this. Mighta noticed more now that I've heard most of it used.

Watched Better Off Dead last night. Very strange movie. Somehow funny still. Actually hilarious at places. It's very1980s through and through. If you watch it, don't blame me if you come away disturbed!

Not much to talk about this week. Wednesday IS Cup Event #2 commences with mini-golf. Andy and I got shafted with very late tee-times (past 7) so at this rate I'll get home by maybe 9:30. Could be an incredibly long day. Debating coming in late and just working late that day. Otherwise seems like a usual week. That's ok though too. Maybe it'll cool down (yea right).

Other then that I guess things are quiet. Kinda why I haven't written much. Not much to say. Well gonna kick back and listen to Jack Johnson now. (Thanks Evie :D )

15 July 2005

And so it begins...again


Trivia: MS IE's default font like 99% of MS products is 12 pt. Times New Roman. Remember that, someday it will be in Trivial Pursuit if I have to hack their print computers and add it.

This week was rocky. Is ending on a down note.

Work progresses. This is short I know. Sorry. Been busy.

11 July 2005

The Missing

The Missing, originally uploaded by Adam Tinworth.

Possibly one of the scariest things I've ever had to do. Looking to see if I recognize any of the faces...

07 July 2005


Ok, by now you should hopefully have heard what's going on. If not, check the previous post, or go to the London Underground or Adam Tinworth's blogs.

I'm stunned. I don't think I ever made it down to Edgeware station (preferring Baker St. just up the block) but I've certainly been to King's Cross (where my adventure to Northern Ireland started) and I am positve we toured through Aldgate East on Thanksgiving so two of those attacks hit very close to home at very fond memories.

It's incomprehensible. I hope the people I met are doing alright. Take a moment and say a prayer for the city and those in it.



06 July 2005


Whoever wants to go with me to London in 2012 feel free. Think I'll catch a sporting event and reminisce!

Other news: my Exalted purches almost certainly end Feb 2006. Why? Well after swearing they would make the 2nd/Revised Edition backwards compatible for years and years they changed their minds. New DB and Lunar hardbacks are coming out afterwards. I'm not re-buying the entire line so I will buy up to the new Core and that's it. Cheaper for me anyhow although I am dissapointed in a sense. That's how businesses work though, try to get you to keep buying into the line.

Not much else to say. Gonna hit the sack early tonight. Try and write more later in the week.

03 July 2005

Slow Days

Don't know why but this weekend is dragging and I'm not feeling real relaxed. Just kinda always tired. Maybe it's cause I'm pup-sitting and that is somehow stressing me out. Right now it feels like I've just pushed all the wrong buttons on my friends, weirding them out or making them unhappy. Kind of one of those "when it rains, it pours" feeling moments. Oy.

I've watched more random movies at Lars' this weekend then in awhile. He's got an interesting collection, quite varied. Course I spend a lot of it playing with the Golden Hurricane cause that's what I'm supposed to be doing (and I have to admit it, it's amusing to toss the ball and watch her chase it down). Still for whatever reason watching her tires me out even though it's wholly undemanding physically, even playing tug of war, but it does. Perhaps Lars can explain.

Got into Hordes of the Underdark some. That's much fun. Prolly try and play that more. Go for the level 40 character :D Not even sure what I'd be, except that my wizard's options are limited. They could have added in a more open prestige class or two. Something to do, not like I don't have productive stuff I could be doing.

Fixed the whole odd-spacing issue and updating quiet list btw. Have a safe and happy 4th and remember what it means. People are dying out there right now to let us have this long weekend.

02 July 2005


83 books (Exalted 33, Blue Planet 8, Jovian Chronicles 16, Midnight 3, Misc (various games) 10, 13 D & D (7 Forgotten Realms)), and 25 pdfs although some duplicate real books. I guess if you count all forms I have over 100 RPG books :D That's all.