30 October 2007

Dog days

So did a little blog updating that was probably long overdue. Spurred on by Tyler's newest attempt to blog. He's gearing up for NaNoWriMo so have to see if he can pull of 50k in November.

Work was long today. Filteau and I got sushi afterwords so that helped some. It's almost November which means I'll have been working for 10 months. Wow. Time flies.

One thing I noticed when I updated links. Hardly anyone I know is actively blogging anymore. Heck even I am barely putting in decent effort. October which pretty much a dry spell til right at the end. I dunno why it is but I find it harder to write in here. Maybe I just need to prioritize.

That's it for now...

28 October 2007

Trick or Treating Recap

So I bought about twice as much candy as I needed so now I have a ton left over. Anyone want some candy? Looks like I got about 75 trick or treaters.

Also pumpkin ice cream is great. Really. Awesome.

Additionally: random gamingness.

27 October 2007

October Rolls Down

Well Halloween is tomorrow. Yes I'm aware that's tomorrow is not Oct 31st however the city of Stevens Point does not seem to be aware of this item. Well actually I'm pretty sure they are aware of this as well. It's that whole safety thing although just doesn't feel like Halloween to be doing it during daylight hours 3 days early! Did you know that they pushed daylight savings time a week back so it'd be light out longer for trick or treating. But anyhow I picked up a ton of candy (3 large bags) and hopefully that'll be enough. Either I'll have way too much or way to little candy I guess.

The yardwork is slowly wrapping up. The trees have lost all their leaves (only took 2.5 full passes on the yards and 9 or so 55 gallon bags of leaves). Now I just gotta clean the gutters and wash the windows and I'm already for the winter I guess.

Not sure what else is new. Probably report how trick or treating went tomorrow.

23 October 2007


So massively addicted to SimCity 4. I'll use that as my excuse why I haven't blogged recently. Oh and lots of leaves to be raked. Plus a side trip to the Cities. Yea, busy...

09 October 2007

A little Serenity

Is it funny that I had a good night when I looped the best track from Transformers: The Score (Arrival on Earth is the track name btw) lit some candles up and curled up with Nobilis and read for an hour that it was a very peaceful night? Alas that is now coming to an end and I must go to bed to work tomorrow.