31 March 2005

Deep Thoughts

In light of the Schiavo case I have been thinking a lot about how our government functions. Currently I am beginning to be very wary of the complete Republican controlled government. Primarily because they are beginning to talk with a little to much bluster and threat for a party. And it is just a party. The funny this about the parties is, when something goes their way they defend the system, when it doesn't they claim it's broken. The bad news is, the Republicans may try to change it while they have the power.

Now, is the system broken? Of course, it's called the Democratic and Republican parties. Yes, isn't that wonderful? We're controlled by two parties who are controlled by billions of dollars of campaign money (which is given in return for implied support for whatever the donors might need). How do we know they get all this money? Perhaps because the last Presidential and Congressional campaign spent over a billion (or was it billions?) this year. Now if you thought money didn't talk before I'd suggest waking up and listening. I am rather impressed that somehow the Europeans got money out of elections to an extent, too bad we won't ever be able to do that. For my view limiting the amount of money that can be spent on a campaign in any way is no longer a limit of free speech simply because the vast majority of Americans don't have the money to donate like that and therefore their voices weigh less. That's not equality. If the rich guy has more power then the poor or middle class guy then we're closing fast in on an oligarchy. However those who donate (and some who follow their general theory) maintain that spending money = free speech. Pretty sure the Founding Fathers would disagree. I digress though (indeed this whole paragraph is digression).

The arguement by Republicans is that the judicial system stepped out of line. Primarily the US Federal Court system. I am a little confused on how the stepped out of line. Someone might have to show me where in the Constitution the US Congress can order a Federal Court to take up a case. As far as I understood it the courts had the right to reject a case on grounds that it is inappropriate for their jurisdiction. How that is overstepping their bounds I am unsure. Tom Delay sure thinks so but hey when he runs for President in 2008 would be any wonder that he used a woman's death to strengthen his name with Christian Conservatives? Now for general legal wonders the Schiavo case is amazing (to the Europeans unbelieavable). First of all it went through several repeated Florida courts all whom supported the current law which gives the legal gaurdian control of the person they are legal gaurdian of. In these cases the parents were unable to prove the Terry Schiavo was in a non-vegatative state. Repeatedly. Not once, not twice, but many times. Then unable to legally keep her alive they attempted to circumvent the system. Now, their love for their daughter is fantastic but now they are suddenly endangering everyone who has ever created a Living Will or who otherwise would trust their legal gaurdian to complete their final wishes by trying to break set legal precedent. Once you break a law it's toast legally because every lawyer who has a client wishing to circumvent can use that precedent to overturn. Essentially legal gaurdians would have no power and anything they wished to do would be stuck in the courts or Congress. Suddenly your personal decisions would be out of your hands. Plus more power to the government. Worse this is an issue of morality and they are ruling on it. Now on a lot of things relating to morality if they are minor I don't mind if the gov't butts in for the general public health but on something like this I am wary. Why change something that works fine?

So yea, I think the Republicans are dangerously close to overstepping Congress's bounds. They are attempting to tip the balance of power much more massively in their favor. Right now perhaps the courts do overstep their bounds with some rulings. How you can say they they the courts are overstepping their bounds though when they don't rule anything? They turned down the case!

Right. Oh and if you were wondering what Europe thinks, well they think we're nuts (not news). Seems they have come to accept that people die. Frankly while I think Europeans are nuts (and the French are a lost cause altogether) I do agree that they handle death much more dignified then we do. It's almost that they are not afraid to die when we are. Maybe we're more attached to our material world and all the useless wealth it comes with.

So yea, this has been a late night ramble by yours truly. Discuss, tear apart, whatever. There are probably inconsistencies, that's what happens when I write late at night.

30 March 2005

Lost From Al-Nasaryia

Happy Birthday to Ms. Allison who is now two decades young. Still a child compared to us old geezers but well trying hard to catch up (heaven knows why) to old elderly.

AIM went down this evening. Boy when it came back up that was a zoo of everyone IMing everyone else making it sure it wasn't just them.

Didn't get nearly as much done tonight as I wanted too and I am gonna be up much later then I intended. Tonight was not the highlight of my life.

Should get to bed now. Don't be angry exblonde.

29 March 2005

Bounce Bounce

Today's been a really good day. Thanks to everyone who made it that way :)

Glacial Steps

Back into the swing of things. Yes indeed break should be much, much longer. A month minimum, maybe several years. It will never happen but it'd be nice. It would also help if I could re-adjust my sleep schedule so I fall asleep before 2AM. That will happen soon though as I am already getting really tired so eventually my body just crashes. I already fell asleep while reading CIS and slumped off during the very dead morning office hours.

Some good news: I got my schedule sorted out. I almost had Mondays totally free but Java will be available for the last time next semester and that's on Mondays so I had to take it. Ccomplain tho I only have one class Monday and Wednesday at this rate. Plus I'll be taking 4 classes towards me major/emphasis and killing the Enviromental literacy credit.

Other random news: got Book of Bone and Ebony. It's rather creepy at times but gives some good perspectives on actual forces of the Deathlords. It's one of those books you need to make the bad guys bad so the good guys actually have someone to fight (and it's not a cake-walk either). Not really sure how anyone could play an actual non-rebellious Abyssal. Or for that matter a lot of the WoD character types.

Think that's all for now. Blogger is being dumb so this might not even post. I haven't felt as much urge to post as of late so guess not a big deal.

27 March 2005

Good Weekend

It was a good weekend. I need to work out though. Way too much food this weekend and at random times. I feel kinda blah. Speaking of blah, thinking about my singleness. Been sort of attempting to gain the interest of a friend. To date hasn't really worked and I think I am just gonna stop trying.

Not sure if I am looking forward getting back into the swing of things. Really enjoyed this weekend and all the people I spent time with. Wish I could do that all the time. Need to get to work on so many things now though.

Go figure. Jolan tru.

26 March 2005

this is an audio post - click to play


Well most of you will have noticed there's an odd thing with today's posts. Yea the other one. It's an audioblog (yes you may listen, no I can't vouch for quality or content). My roommate has saved it already. I think he thinks I'm nuts. Granted I am just having fun with technology. Perhaps I can use it if I am ever on the road and away from a computer. Ha, like that'll ever happen. Now you all know what I sound like (for the 0 readers who don't know me already and ignore the fact that it doesn't sound much like me I think).

Added some more links to the side. You can sort them out. Not much else to say at the moment. Back in Point. Yay.

24 March 2005


As I am getting ready to return to hallowed ol' Point I'm taking stock of what I've got done. Haven't seen anyone really outside of the family and a couple neighbors on walks. I've got the exblonde tomorrow so that makes up for it some tho. I'm barely gonna finish Homeward Bound and not even touch Chronicles of Narnia. I blame this partly on being at the slow part of HB so it took me awhile to get going. This does wrap things up from the previous 7 books (the quadrology and trilogy) as far as I can tell. Got some personal stuff sorted but had some personal stuff unwravel too. Think I am glacial in personal matters whatever they be, two steps forward and one back. (Don't ask what, I won't say what specifically is going on here, if I want to say I will.) Got the beginnings of a Dark Side deck so Seth and Brent can stomp on me. Whatever happened to my DS Lando tho? Didn't get it done, maybe tonight, but that's unlikely. No web stuff got done, didn't expect to get much done since my computer is back home but still feel like I shoulda accomplished something on that front.

What did I do? Well I did read a bunch, generall after about 1AM. I did watch waaaaay too much TV and I am glad I don't usually do that, there's rarely anything good on. Did get a lot of things done that needed to be done. Played Conquest of the New World a ton. Still playing in fact. Those bloody explorers are a pain. You'd think three people on the side of mountain being hunted by several hundred would be easier to kill! Anyhow, guess that's what I've done. Not sure anyone cares... (see Abby you're not the only one who writes weird entries!)

Off to pack!

23 March 2005


Ever have one of those days...

22 March 2005

See you around

Somewhat productive day. Still didn't sit down and journal because I ran late down here tonight. Ended up watching most of the Blue Sub 6. It's better this time then when I first got the DVDs. It never was all that popular anywhere I guess but I liked the submarine combat. It's my kind of thing.

Hopefully got my final resume draft done so I can actually get around to applying for some internships. Granted I've dawdled so the delay is my fault primarily. Just hope I did things right. Have to check up on my contacts tho, one of my old bossses at Shopko quit (yea, it's so bad that even the management are fleeing) so better check my original one is still working there and if not, try and track him down.

Tomorrow will be busy too, doing a few more miscellaneous things. That really looks like how this whole week will go. Random things that need to be done. Interspersed with sleeping, watching DVDs, and playing old computer games. Not really sure if it's break or not but the stuff needs to be done and this is the only time it would be. I wonder how people can go away. I barely get everything done the way it is and I don't think I procrastinate anymore then the average person. Oh well.

Anyhow I get to go eat good Chinese food and hang with a friend for lunch Friday so that should make it all worth it right? :D Better go get back to whatever it is I should be doing.

20 March 2005


Happy birthday to Lindsey who's 19 today. Let me know when ya want to go to the Dragon, I'll even pay :o

I've been dreaming a lot and remembering it since I've been home. There are two constants: water and girls. It's a very odd mix but in most of my dreams at some point I end up waste-deeper in water. Usually there is a wary realization that there is unfriendly wildlife in the water too but not always. Anyhow it's interesting reflecting on my dreams during the day. Think my mind is stuck on girls at the moment, not sure if that's good or bad. Anyhow, gonna get out and enjoy this weather. Have a good day folks, if yer in LaX get in touch with me!

19 March 2005


Ran errands today with Dad. This included getting fitted for a tux for my sister's wedding. That wasn't real bad except for the hordes of high school girls who were prom dress shopping. Thankfully the guy's area is walled off from the rest of the store but def. felt rather trapped by estrogen charged insanity. Dad and I were happy to get the heck out of there and off to do other stuff. It was good to get out and see things. Yesterday I couldn't see anything beyond a short distance except white so it was nice to be able to see the city again. Despite my general disdain for the city that had been my home for nearly two decades somewhere I still like to come back to it (ah perhaps cause the exblonde still lives here, or maybe that causes my disdain :P ). Once in awhile at least.

Picked up a NKJV Bible and the World of Darkness core book. This is a very odd combination of that I've done before, when I got my KJV and DMG (that's a Bible and a D & D book) in the same Amazon order. I really wonder what people think, if anything when someone does that. Then again maybe they figure that people know which book is reality and which is pure fantasy. Who knows, I just find it mildly amusing. Course I am, by all my friends' accounts, insane.

Anywho, time to call it a night.

18 March 2005


Well LaX has over a foot of snow and I drove thru it. Thank God I made it through in one piece. Now I'm home. Sorry Twism ya don't get my Gamecube :/ Tomorrow looks to be a busy day. As long as I get to sleep in that's fine with me. In the meantime all my brackets are going sooooouth. Whee. Later.

Packing In

Well spring break is more less upon the Pointless. Too bad I don't have a massive staff to send off to the far flung corners of the earth for some R & R. However this is a one man show and I'm going home. Driving straight into a snowstorm in fact cause I am frankly kinda dumb but I got faith in the CRV (Honda builds kick-ass vehicles) so we'll see. If not maybe Twism will post a nice eulogy for me and at least I'll go out listening to Cells since I will probably listen to that 15,000,000,000,000,000.35 times on the way home.

Break should be good for me, a step away from all the random group politics that I have gotten tangled in and some time to think things out so I don't hurt my friends or make their lives harder. Plus I need to study up on stuff for Dreamweaver so when I get back I start work on the webpage for Al. And work on my resume. Hang out with the family as well. Going to be strange because I will probably go home (as in Point) for Easter so I might not even see my sister at all until summer (and even then maybe not til her wedding). Family is now a very different term for me. We're spread out across three cities in two states.

Uh oh, got dangerously close to a chain of thought ramble there! Anyhow, hope all those in Point enjoy their break and get recharged. We all need and deserve, we've worked hard this semester. To anyone in LaX get in touch with me, I'll be there for a week, although this weekend may involve a lot of sleeping. Pointless will probably keep updating as if no break has happened (my continued rambling thoughts never stop, maybe they will colasce into some more competent ideas).

CPS LA me out.

17 March 2005

It's Down

Let's look at test scores I've gotten back this week: Geology = 68, CIS330 = 64, CIS 323 = Don't know but it ain't gonna be pleasent. Aargh, my GPA is gonna be totally shot at this rate and suddenly I don't want to go home now much.

Blaah. Well at least I am done with the tests. Kinda want to escape from it all right now though...

Sun Goes Down

Cells is stuck on repeat one on iTunes. Really wish there was an instrumental version but I am really thankful the website has the song on there and thankfully the school computers also have realplayer on them. I can listen to it whilst being a bum in the labs (which is what I have done a lot today).

I've been currently reading fairly quickly through "Letters From a skeptic" by Greg Boyd. It's very good although it actually brings up a lot of questions for me. Trick is I am going so fast that I can't really keep track of them so I will need to re-read and write things down. Then go ask them more wisened people whom inhabit my sidebar links.

I am wondering if I should try and restart journaling but I don't know if I will be able to find enough time. I certainly have enough stuff to dump in there.

Anyhow that's all for now. Looking forward to getting done with these classes and getting home. Whee.

16 March 2005

And I Quote

"How far am I away from myself?"
"Not very far."

"I hit myself."
"I hit myself."
"I hit myself."


Sun Goes Up

Looking at the movie Sin City and it just looks fantastic. Can't wait for it to come out. The soundtrack if the trailer is any indication will be superb. I love good music. And yes I am playing the song that is in the trailer ("Cells") repeatedly whilst working today. Just love that guitar riff during the refrain.

For those of you who haven't, check out this site. Guess which latter I am on. Kind of an amusing take on the whole social situation between guys and girls though.

One test left and two classes after that I am done prior to break. Of course I still work Friday morning but I finally will have a shift where I can just sit around and watch movies and whatnot. Looking forward to that almost as much as sleeping in next week.

GITS should be arriving today not sure if I will have time to watch it. Maybe I will have to watch it tomorrow in one of the labs. Not waiting til Friday though. It's kind of funny how busy things are this week but I've just juggled everything around without feeling overwhelmed. Might help that a break is within sight. Time to try and study a little now, need to be on top of this test tomorrow (also means getting to bed by midnight for the first time in over a week).

15 March 2005


Whenever I doze during the day I usually have fairly vivid dreams that I can remember somewhat better then those at night. I am dozing in the XA office (if I don't have any hmwk to do and noone is coming in I drift off, kinda like in class) and keep dreaming about the same girl. Why? How come my mind is so fixated on her? Blah, gonna be stuck in my head all day. Anyhow people should come down to the office during my shifts so I am being more useful instead of merely manning a post that noone even cares much about it seems.

14 March 2005

NCAA Tourney goodness

Well it's that time, so if you want to have a bracket or 5 try out the ESPN one (go to ESPN.com, click on fantasy, then look for a men's tournament challenge) and join the Pointless Pointers group. Password is "beeks" (without the quotes). I've populated with my random brackets and Twism has put in a couple so come out and watch me utterly fail. Open invitation #2 this week. Hope someone will take me up on it or I will feel really dumb. :/

No Strings Attached

I am totally forgetting something else I meant to put up here so hopefully later today I will remember and add that as well. However I am gonna take a moment and say to anyone who is interested to swing by 073 Debot Tuesday night at 7:30. Yes this is when Chi Alpha is. No this is not another attempt to get you to go listen to Lars speak. (Although that alone should make ya come, gosh, are you stupid or something? Have some ham.) This week however we're not having anyone speak just free coffee, cheesecake (not free, costs a buck), free massages, and free music from Ricky Ganiere. He did No Strings Attached last year as well and was quite good. According to Brent, who is vastly more knowledgable about such things, Ricky is an up and coming star in the Milwaukee area. So the offer is out there if you want free coffee (this covers 90% of my friends who are all coffee addicts!) and free music.

Grr, I wish I remembered the other thing I want to post about. Darn my horrible memory.
I do have the best darn CIS 323 partner in the whole-wide world. Yay for that. :D

13 March 2005


So I think I've found a group where I actually enjoy spending time with the people as a group! Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends but as people know I dislike groups (the larger the worse) and that sometimes makes life hard for people since I am group anti-social. Just realized though tonight that I really love the XA people. The group can vary (it almost always does) and that doesn't matter. We all just click pretty well. People play off each other and gags are runs for weeks on end. Plus where else can I be assured of my Perkins food being "fwooshed"?

My roommate asked if I was doing the obligatory "religious" post, don't think this is religious at all although it is nice to have people that I can discuss anything about as a group. In truth now I am in danger of rambling and I should really study the rest of geology and go to bed. Just really happy with my realization there. Good night all!

12 March 2005

Pictures of the Ex-blonde

Oh I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that to ya! (*evil grin*)

Let's see what to ramble about. Today was kind of a non-event. Did not study much for geology, which is bad. Spread the good news that is the Star Wars Episode 3 trailer to several people though. Revised my resume again and sent it off to be torn asunder again. That is taking forever because I procrastinate on it a ton. So played a lot of Madden and we have a winning record too.

It seems like Saturdays are relax days even when I am under pressure. If I don't take a day of slacking (no matter how much it makes my Sundays nuts) I just kinda burn out the next week. Does that make any sense? I don't know. It's what I do however.

Noticing that content here hasn't been very useful of late. Not really sure how to rectify that at the moment. Don't really have the time at the moment to do that. I haven't even finished the book on the 6 Days Wars and we're in actual combat. Usually that's a faster read for me. Perspective is all skewed. They lose a half dozen people and it's a big deal. After reading about the Soviet Front and them losing full size units (think entire armies) it seems miniscule. Battles of scale I guess? I am actually looking forward to tackling the Road to Stalingrad next I think. It'd be a good read as somehow I enjoy reading about things where the entire world is collapsing and it looks like utter defeat in inevitable. That's certainly how things looked for the Soviets during 1941. It's very engrossing to me. Probably the same reason I like certain RPGs because they are written at the brink of something although that something is really up to the people playing. I'd say it plays out in the shows and movies I watch too. Lots of the stuff I really enjoy involves epic change. Everything is on the line. Sure I enjoy the little victories and some of those are great but I gravitate towards the big picture. Think: Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine, Gundam W. All those are epic. Then again Cowboy Bebop and FLCL are hardly epic, nor are any of the other Star Treks. Are the books I read epic? Well it varies because science fiction tends to vary like every other genre. I guess maybe that's not an iron rule. I do enjoy epic though, big change brings new hope on a vast level especially against overwhelming odds.

So what was that last paragraph about? Not really sure. Take what you want. Then again that's the general philosphy of this whole blog. It's me rambling, get what you want out of it. Don't even write much fiction anymore. That's what Pillars and my journal are for. Sorry only one person ever gets to read my journal and Pillars, well let that stay just a name.

I've sorted through my pictures so if you want them let me know, otherwise I am debating just slowly putting them on the blog over the next couple months. Funny thing is, pictures just stir up major memories for me. On the other hand my journal does. Sadly I have lapsed to the point of almost not writing at all (barring fiction). If only I could do a better job at keeping it up to do. I'm waxing nostaligic now, remembering old days, old times, things long gone. Need to do that sometimes I guess.

I think I'm done now. Later.

11 March 2005

Stand Alone

Just saw the Episode 3 trailer. Very impressive. Granted I was impressed by Ep I & II trailers as well but I think this one will be better then those (it's kind of a gradual lead up to better and better quality with the prequels). Anyhow it's hard to find right now on the web because it's not general release yet but very good looking. Only two months til it comes out now. Hard to believe. BTW Samuel L. Jackson gets a very good death looks like. Killed by someone even higher up then we realize. I read today that this will get a PG-13 rating, a SW first. Now that doesn't nessecarily make it any better by itself but it might cover the fact that the movie is about some very serious stuff (ie one of the good guys becomes the epitomy of evil). The look and feel are very similiar to I & II. Computer graphics everywhere. A lot of people dislike that with the new Star Wars but I personally enjoy it. Granting there is a nice touch when you do actual physical models (ala original Star Wars) but one thing about CGI is that it allows for very expansive battles with very few limitations. Of course this sets up for a very different feel then the original movies.

You know what's really burning me up right now? People who've decided to pick a nickname I've openly (and as calmly as possible) stated I hate. How can you call yourself a friend and use that nickname over and over when you know it irritates me. And it does, maybe because I am a 6 but it boils to the point that I am physically sick to an extent because it's on my mind and people keep calling me it (that's def. a 6 quality, getting way too worked up over something trivial, hey I am applying Riso-Hudson knowledge and I see the red flag, wait...). If you want to call me something Beeks is fine or otherwise try my given first or last names. It's not like that doesn't give you a bunch of options. Just wanted to say that, it'll probably sound ridiculous to most people. Six indeed...

Yay for most of my stuff finally shipping. Looking forward to having more books even if I am not going through them very fast. Al and I met to discuss the Evergreen webpage last night. He's got some big ideas and I hope I can meet the challenge. Some of the pages don't look terribly hard when you break things down to basic elements. I will have to try and get to work some maybe over break or in my free time. Here's hoping I meet up to expectations.

Anyhow, that's all for now, maybe I'll add something later tonight as it looks to be a quiet one.

10 March 2005


Today just seems off so far. Kinda felt it last night but hoped it was just cause last night was really weird. Woke up and found it being true. Didn't help that my shower took 10 minutes to actually be above freezing. Break is almost in reach though, this weekend will be kind of busy but next week while busier then this should not be the utter insanity of previous weeks. Who knows though. Utter chaos may set in.

Speaking of utter chaos, while my scheduled life seems to have settled down my personal life (to me at least) seems to be in this state. It was kind of an unexpected onset. I can't tell if I live on the chaos or if I'd really do better in a peaceful zenlike state.

Spiritually I feel pretty good and almost unsick. So the key areas are spoken for right?

Amazon finally appears to have sorted out my orders (I changed the address, a good thing since they were going to send everything home). Only delay will be Exalted: Book of Bone and Ebony and that was delayed 2 weeks so it makes sense it hasn't gone out yet. I really hope I get GITS soon though, I love the show so I want to see what original movie was like. Amy (one of Allison's friends) claims anime is lousy movies and that shows she's seen absolutely no anime outside of maybe something very kid oriented. Sometimes I look at anime and wonder if it really can be counted as a genre all on its own. It's got a ton of sub-genre's with enough shows to qualify as their own genre's I'd think. Waiting now for GITS: SAC and Gundam SEED to come out as boxed sets so I can get the whole thing in one big block. I missed parts of both shows while I was abroad so I'd really like to catch up. Speaking of DVD sets, I finally found out why EFC seasons 1 & 2 haven't been released yet. Turns out Universal who had owned the rights to all 5 seasons sold 3,4 & 5 to another vendor (whose name eludes me at the moment). Now Universal was theoretically going to release 1 & 2 but has not for some reason. As a result noone knows if/when the better two seasons of the show will come out. I really hope they release one, that's been a must have for me for years now.

How's that for random blathering? Can't think of much else of consequence or inconsequence to discuss. Somehow we won our first Madden game on All-Madden although the first pass (and score from that pass) of the game was on All-Pro so it would have gone OT if not for that. Have to see if we can do better although that might be awhile I guess.

I haven't figured out what I am doing Friday night. Right now being a total bum and watching tv/movies is getting a strong vote. Who knows.

09 March 2005

My brain is dead tonight

I watched Fight Club and that didn't help any. Very good movie though. Sounds like might actually have people up here visiting here after spring break. I think our place needs a cleaning tho. This has just been a strange week in general. Tomorrow I am excited, Al and I are gonna discuss about working on the Evergreen webpage. I am hoping I can be useful and handy with that.

Ok, I know Lindsey's gonna be dissapointed but I can't think of anything else to say. Maybe tomorrow.

Amazon better sort out my order!


XA webpage work proceeds apace

IMG_1045, originally uploaded by mirv120.

Anyhow that's my proposed pic for me on the webpage :D

Anime Fall-out

Wow, another geek-centric industry over-diluting itself. (See MAHQ link for info on that, there's an interview of a Bandai employee in there.) Compare to last post in Gamethink blog and note similiarities. D20 overload and anime overload. Bah. Granted I am picky with each so it's not surprising, I've seen a lot of bad products in both. For bad anime watch Tech TV late at night, it tends to have ones I think are vastly inferior to Adult Swim. Course I don't pay much attention to their shows anyhow so maybe a good one slips through. Just thought I would leave that little gem of food for thought out there. Discuss, contemplate. I am going to bed. Good night folks.

08 March 2005

Autchothon and the Ex-Blondes

Some Exalted news for those who care: cover is out for Cult of the Illuminated. Very nice close up of Crimson Banner Executioner. Go check it out. Just check the WW forums Exalted section, should be links to it. Also getting excited for the next hardcover Exalted: The Autocthonians (spl). It's the final character based Exalted hardcover so it will be interesting to see what their plans are after this. They've been tightlipped about the fall book (probably a Storyteller's companion) so kind of curious what comes. The only non-character based hardcover is the Player's Guide so go figure. Bone and Ebony comes out next week, Amazon is at a loss at what they should send me first so in the end I will probably get a huge package the week I'm back HOME. Grr to that.

Now most of you reading this are thinking: "Dude, we don't care!" This I cannot help. I don't have much stuff to say, deep or otherwise. I am sort of in a good mood, despite bronchitis (pray that Jenny gets better, she needs it more then me) and that kind of mood makes me less prone to write stuff. I think that's all. I am kind of worried because when I am feeling on top of the world I feel like I will fall but I just got out of the trenches I don't think I can fall right back in! Take care!

07 March 2005


Well got a little relief from homework pressure again as my lab was cancelled today. Now I just have to crack down and focus on homework for a couple hours and try and get most of it done. Jenny is far sicker then me (poor her, I got better real fast, kinda figured that was God's way of saying: "Go to leadership tonight, you'll get something good out of it") so not doing workout or spin class tonight. That's fine with me as my lungs still have gunk in them so my throat is kinda tickly sore. I laughed at myself as I totally forgot I still have throat lozenges that Leah gave me in London. Will have to take them tonight.

Things are to some extent looking up for me. Classes have eased off a bit giving me a chance, if I am on top of things, to catch up and prepare for tests. Back to work now, hope everyone else's week looks decent. Too bad the weather won't hold (although everyone enjoys being pelted by mini ice bullets at 0745 right?)

06 March 2005

Random Add-Ons and Pointless Dramas

Not really sure what the title all means but I wanted a longer one so that works. Fun fun.

Molly's blog and Eric's (ie Da Gov) new blog are up on the sidebar. That thing continues to grow and grow and grow. Maybe I should just link my old webpage and turn that into a giant links section. Course then noone would need to read my blog cause they'd have the links :D Hope the new additions are enjoyable.

Got out on a nice walk with Allison today. I miss walks and missed walking with Allison so I got to kill two birds with one stone. Plus I got my rough draft of the resume done and off to peoples so hopefully by the middle of this week I will have an e-copy of that to send out and maybe try for some of those internships. I am getting in on that late in the game so who knows. My own fault if I don't get anything. If all else fails I can probably work summer as an IT person here doing peon stuff for UWSP. So I should have a job in some form come late May.

Anyhow, now I am gonna go and be bumlike for the greater good of me so that I can go to XA leadership meeting tonight. I mean after nearly getting run down by Brent in the parking lot the least I can do is get him horribly, terribly sick, right? Just kidding, I hope not!

05 March 2005

The Macs are Anal Today

Working in the FAC so I figured I'd be productive. I updated the UWSP XA page and now I'm going to post here. :) <---the feeling even with crazy cold.

Anywho, forgot to mention last post that for any Star Wars buffs that the episode III full trailer will premire this week during Fox's The OC on Thursday. So yes, if you really want to see it you'll have to watch utter trash or otherwise wait a week or so. Thankfully AOL users get to see it the next day and thanks to my parents, I am an AOL user! :) <----the feeling even with the Mac server being dumb.

I am currently trying to figure out how I want to configure the UWSP XA page. I like frames myself but I think they'll be an utter pain to edit unless I'm using Frontpage on campus. Frankly I just got Dreamweaver so I'd like to use that. Therefore I need to come up with an alternative. Al is a big fan of grids and I might be helping him out on the Evergreen Community Church webpage so mayhaps I will try that next. For now though the frames will stay simply because I need to rebuild the page from scratch and they work acceptably for your basic provide information in a neat, concise, and easy-to-navigate format.

The Mac server is starting to tick me off! Nothing works! And I can't fix anything because it's server side screw-ups and we don't have that kind of power or (let's face it) knowledge to fix it. Of course noone checks their e-mails on Saturdays so my pleas for assistance are meeting deaf ears. Blaarg. Maybe I should call the help desk. Not sure what they can do but would prefer to go thru LAs rather then the Help Desk. Besides I am a low end peon so I might be raising a pointless alarm. Oh well. Shift is almost half-way done.

If anyone knows what the ex-blonde does for a part-time job let me know. She's being odd and won't tell me, must be the blonde in her acting up! >:D

04 March 2005

Dancing 101

Exotic title eh? It does seem like I am jumping from one thing to another lately. Mostly one homework assignment to another, although the Requirements diagrams turned out really nice so it's all good. Usually I feel like my work in CIS 323 is substandard but today I thought it was decent even if I was guessing a ton as usual. Perhaps I am learning something after all.

I've come down with something again. Not another stomach bug thank God, two in a week and I'd throw in the towel and go home and hide under my old bed. It is the type that causes you to ache slightly all over and feel just slightly dazed all the time. This is usually the precursor to me blowing my nose 300000000000 times a day but it's lasted for more then a day so I am a little wary. Last time that happened I had mono. Hopefully get 10-11 hours of sleep tonight and that will help although maybe I will skip church on Sunday (for shame I know) and give myself some more. Alas spiritual time and physical let the body rest time clash as they are both equally important and play off each other. Well if I sleep in Sunday I'll fit some God time into my day since at this point I have no homework do til Tuesday (yay!).

Speaking of general business I have been neglecting to keep in touch with people as well as I should. This week I actually made some progress is reversing that, don't ask me how, this week was mostly utterly insane. However I talked with Brianna, Krystal, and Abby, Julie, and Allison all a bunch this week so doing pretty good. Also got to talk to the ex-blonde last night (causing me however to neglect my house guests some, sorry! *humbly begs forgiveness for bad multi-tasking abilities*). Now if only the ex-blonde would return blonde so I can save three keystrokes when talking to her. And yes she does have a name but I am a bad person and don't use it much! Maybe she is tolerant of crazy people. She does play Halo. Speaking of that, why don't we get people together and play Halo? It's a bloody brilliant game! Or even a little TS2 on the Gamecube, it's also pretty kickass if more hyperactive. All it seems that Twism and I play is Madden and that's gonna get harder after we win the Superbowl tomorrow since we're switching up to All-Madden. McNabb's QB rating my cease being a positive number altogether.

Anyhow, this is a long ramble, hope everyone enjoyed it. I need to go and do some stuff and sort some pictures from Europe so maybe I can send out a decent mix to people who want them (in which case if you do, leave comment or e-mail me or something).

02 March 2005


Reading in today's NY Times (pagr A11) that towns in Vermont, backed by anti-war, are debating whether National Gaurd should be over in Iraq fighting instead of being prepared for natural disasters in the States. This really surprises me you could even have this kind of debate. I know they are National Gaurd so the general idea is that they won't be deployed overseas (whether that is the correct assumption is quite debatable) but when did the idea come that their primary job is natural disaster assistance? They're soldiers. When they sign up they are fully aware they may have to kill for their country. We even call them "weekend warriors". Why would they be trained to use guns and other implements of death if they weren't supposed to fight?
Historically national guard units have always been active. As far as I can tell since it's been nationally organized the National Guard has been called up to fight. So why do anti-war people suddenly think that's changed? It just seems ridiculous to me that they'll try anything to oppose the process including trying to re-classify people. Not one person in Iraq is there involuntarily. Everyone of them signed on to a job that entailed being sent into a hostile situation.

So yeah, that's my randomly frustrated post of the week that. (Different from my usual, depressed me posts!)

BTW, isn't it scary that Vermont's ex-gov is now in charge of the Dem's?

And Eric and I had a great debate on social security and welfare (also whether God support capitolism, an odd topic I'll grant but it relates sort of if you know us). Have to put Eric's new blog up soon (when I have some time back home).

01 March 2005

No Good Titles Here

So yeah, today has been ok thus far. Test in approximately 50 minutes or so. That should be fun. Really. Other then that just more homework to crunch on tonight and reading the chapters in CIS323. Apparently Goulet is aware that we are up to our eyeballs in homework and has given us extra lab time (yay!) and pushed the test back a week (yay!). Maybe I will pass now (yay!). First Friday Fellowship is this week too I just realized so (yay!) for getting to go out there on Friday night and relax. Maybe it won't be so bloody cold. I find Molly's blog (another person from Europe group) so I will probably put that up in the great link index eventually. I know I have failed to wrap up my links commentary and SALT thoughts and who knows if I ever will.

Some bad news, WW has apparently quietly pushed back Book of Bone and Ebony til March 14th so now I have to wait for my huge shipment of books and such to come. I was really hoping to have the Ghost in the Shell DVD to watch this weekend too. Want to see how the original Tatchkoma's (spl?) were. GITS: Stand Alone Complex is fast becoming one of my favorite shows. It's moody and I still have figured out what the over-arching meta-plot is yet, which reminds me a lot fo Witch Hunter Robin, but I know it's there because something greater is hinted at. I am just not sure what.

Anyhow, XA tonight and anyone who wants a ride let me know I'll be running about picking up people looks like so can always wedge a few dozen more in between the baseboards. Need to get the CRV out on a longer drive so good thing for First Friday Fellowship and if anyone has any other suggested relaxing drives around here let me know as it'd be good to get out. If only I could find a cute girl then I could call it a date, but haha that's never gonna happen.

Last commentary, the XA small group I'm in will be on Monday afternoons (or evenings if that works better) looks like so since it's just me and Lars if anyone wants in let me (or Lars) know. Anyone's welcome, not sure what we're gonna discuss but guys or girls are welcome so that's me trying to get your interest in that (also me & Lars realizing XA guys #s are so small we can't make two guys small groups I think :( ). That's all for now catch ya later peons!