30 September 2006


This has been a strange day in a lot of ways. I get up this morning and dutifully check my e-mail for work and because I just check my e-mail regularily. Today's was a bit of a surprise. There was a shouting (ie ALL CAPS) e-mail from the Student Government Assocation urging me to VOTE NO! I thought it a bit odd because there wasn't as far as I know any student referendums on campus or at stake in November. I was right there weren't. Instead the SGA had decided that they were going to represent all students by e-mailing the entire student body and urging them to VOTE NO!

Not urging them to get informed on a major issue that could affect their lives. Not providing both sides of the issue for students to make their own informed opinions. Not maintaining a high standard of neutrality so as to be an unbiased source of student representation on a local, state, and national level. No they went ahead and picked a side.

Did they ask the student body for any input? Send out an e-mail stating that a resolution was coming up to discuss the SGA weighing in on the issue? No. Are they legally allowed to endorse a side in a referendum? I'm unsure at the moment. Gut feeling says yes although they cannot endorse a political candidate so it's very possible that they legally cannot endorse a position for a referendum. I will make an effort to follow that up.

The greater concern for me is not the issue they supported but the precendence it sets for SGA in the future. In the previous administrations while I was well aware of the people serving in the government's standing on issues they kept their personal beliefs to themselves and fought for what they said they would fight for students. Issues like tuition and university budget. They made an effort to not get bogged down in divisive political debates where the student body was split on the issue. No students are split on tuition, they universally want it to go down and most don't complain about a bigger budget unless it makes the tuition go up so these are not at all divisive.

So where do we stand now? Will the SGA tell me how I should vote on every issue they can from now on? Do they think that they have particular insights into the world that I do not? Will there political siding hurt me because politicians in Madison look at them and say: "They tell my constituents to vote against me and issues I support. Why am I approving state funding for them?" Will students ask: "Why are my segregated fees going to a group that is supposed to be neutral and instead are vocally advocating things I am opposed to?" Afterall it's our money so shouldn't the SGA be accountable to us?

Those are my thoughts. I am surprisingly riled up about this hence actual action on my part. I'd urge others to do the same. We need the SGA to be aware of their responsibility to all parties and not just become the mouthpiece of a select few. A tyranny of the majority or the minority is not acceptable!

27 September 2006

Music and Things

So iTunes has been running this promotion through Facebook where each week they often 25 free songs for a different given genre and they've actually had couple songs that I've enjoyed. There are probably more I just haven't gone through all the songs (100 new songs is a lot especially if you don't like all of them). That makes me kinda happy and gives me more songs to loop. I bet somewhere Tyler is thankful that he isn't forced to listen to me looping the same dang song over and over and over.

On semi-impulse I bought Ptolus today. What is Ptolus you ask? Well it's a gigantic RPG book. I really do mean gigantic. It weighs in at over 6 pounds and has over 700 pages of setting goodness. For reference look at the book in some of the pictures here. I hadn't realized how monstrous this book was even though I've heard lots about it. So I am pretty excited even if it was rather on the pricey side. At least I got it massively on sale!

I should prolly get to bed now. Night all.

26 September 2006

Three prong efforts

I just noticed that I've been actually able to keep all three of my very different blogs somewhat up to date of late. Technically I have been helping to keep the XA blog in tune as well so maybe I should say four prong efforts. Somehow that makes my day in a simple way.

In random reading news I finally finished Armed Struggle. Moving onto Wild at Heart now.


It depresses me somewhat that I work so early on Tuesday mornings that dew forms on my bike seat while I am away. Oh and riding to work as the sun rises too. At least I can nap for a bit now tho.

And GITS:SAC has entered season 3!

25 September 2006


Ok, I actually don't have much to say. Just that the wall of stress that had hit me seems to have gotten slightly lighter. This probably not the case but maybe I am finally adjusting to my semester schedule a little bit.

I am re-watching Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig (ie season 2). Boy I am picking up a lot more. I think this might be because I am aware of the overall arc of the story so I am watching for things early on that explain things later on. Plus just re-watching usually seems to add new bits of information just about every time. Makes me wonder about just how little we take in when watching something. I can still occasionally catch new things in Firefly and I've watched that several times. Additionally I am really enjoying the musical score, it does a fantastic job at highlighting key points to the show and setting the mood.

Anyhow, better get back to working on homework and such. I am making an attempted effort to actually do a lot of my reading this semester since I work so much and don't really have much else on my plate school wise.

21 September 2006

Junta in Thailand

I have to admit as soon as the news referred to the new Thai government as a junta all I could think of was the game. Ironically one of the governments (I think Denmark) referred to these events as like those of a bananan republic. Better warn people over there to watch out for the Interior Minister!

20 September 2006


I just picked up GITS 2nd Gig. That was rather spur of the moment of me. Then again of late I really feel like I need something to take my mind off stuff. So much for the last semester being non-stressful.

19 September 2006


It's talk like a pirate day matey! Garsh!

18 September 2006


Why is that whenever Islam feels its under attack by the West for claiming they are a violent religion they riot violently in response to the injust claims? Oy.

17 September 2006

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

14 September 2006

Muppet Theater

"I" sing!

Not sure how to title this

Slate.com did a graphic novelish representation of the 9/11 Commission Report. While it'd be good if people went and read the book it can be a bit dull and dry at times. I actually thought the "comic" was a joke at first but it's not and it seems fairly detailed. You can find it here. It may still take awhile to read. I stopped halfway through the first section. It still stands that if you have the time you should read it. Afterall it is the official look at the events of 9/11 and surrounding it and democracy does function on us being educated.

13 September 2006

Armed Struggle

Lately life has been kinda surreal for me. Today the sunlight seemed to help to cut through it a little bit. I hate the start of the semester if mostly cause I have to find my footing. Knew it'd happen and it still seems to throw me. Oh well. Pete Yorn is a pretty decent musician. I am enjoying one of his songs free and he had on a soundtrack I bought way back that became one of my "London Hits", ie a song I discovered digging through my iPod music files while abroad. Good stuff. Also good stuff: a couple of my books are shipping including the Ennegram book so now we have one in Stevens Point not tied to one of the wayward XA leadership folks. Then again maybe I am a wayward XA leadership type til end of December. Who knows. My curiosity is: if leadership sucks this much informally how much does it suck professionally? Maybe CEOs get paid boatloads of money because all they do is meet with people as powerful as them. That would be most unfun.

Random theology thought I've had of late. Why do we need all these incredibly big words and confusing stuff relating towards God? I mean theology, philosphy, etc, etc all seem to try explain what Jesus did with simple parables. It strikes me that what is happening is that humans in their attempts to both understand and be superior to each other have created a field that while it attempts to explain God pushes many farther from it especially those who don't have that kind of high extreme end thinking. It just seems to me that when Jesus and then His disciples after Him could explain things in relatively simple terms so that all could understand and do it to a satisfaction that God would enshrine their works for all to read that we should do the same or else we simply distort/diminish/hide the true message from others. I suppose its bound to happen either way but I just think that maybe some very fervent people are helping the enemy by getting overly technical on things. I doubt this will change anyone's position but that's ok. The faith lives regardless the people and how they believe and that's what matters.

Huh, that was long. Did I mention I really like Pete Yorn's music? The new song has been looping throughout this. Impressive eh? So yea. This is a long content heavy post. You know what's really sad? Some employer might look through this and judge me unhirable. Does this thing really accurately portray me well enough to determine my employment? What an odd world we live in!

11 September 2006

"This honored comrade's identity rests with God." We were still there 62 years ago and we're still here 5 years later. Faith manages.

09 September 2006


"What was it like being dead?"
"It was alright. No sales tax!"

Ah rvb you made me chuckle again.

So in the news or something like that I've ordered all three of The Red Star graphic novels. I was very impressed with the artwork that Green Ronin used for the RPG of the same name and the story is intriquing. I am pretty excited for that.

Incidentally I also pre-ordered Makeshift Miracle from Zub as he just opened it up for pre-orders. I'm rather vague on the story but he is a phenomenal (spl?) artist. I'm mostly familiar with his work through UDON for Exalted but after perusing his liverjournal for past year or so I've also enjoyed his random sketches. They are amusing and fun to look at. For awhile I think one of my icons was of his sketches of an Invader Zim character.

So I am really pumped about this fall because I should get some outstanding looking graphic novels to read. That's all for now.

05 September 2006

Stutter Step

Somehow I am already off-balance this semester. Maybe I am always like this the first couple weeks I just never quite remember it from semester to semester. I usually adjust a little slower then most to change and naturally this is a big change. Suddenly I have work and classes to manage and mentally I have gotten times a little off. Work is slow initially and that is probably good.

It's tough because this is the point a lot of people jump "gung-ho" into the school year while I prefer to ease slowly in. So in a couple weeks I'll look back and this slump and wonder what I was thinking. Until then, who knows.

Classes will be interesting I think. History 212 will probably be pretty dull. I am hoping my other history class (215 I think) will be better but considering that it is a 200 level class I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath. Rel 101 might actually be something of a mental challenge. It also tackles the major religions from an academic standpoint which is kind of tough for me. Part of me will most likely chafe as Christianity is played out as no different as any other belief system. Ah well, that's secular schools for you and it's good growth to be able to step back and analyze your own beliefs and those of others. WDMD 305 may be very interesting. The normal Prof up and resigned end of July and the old head of the CIS department got pulled in to take over. Alas he has a very different teaching style and teaching philosphy then the previous prof. The old one was more focused on design and using Dreamweaver (prolly the most used professional web development software). This prof is instead eschewing Dreamweaver for mostly hand coding and doing stuff with PHP, MySQL, and a little Cold Fusion. I'm fine with all that it shouldn't be too much of a challenge except maybe the PHP which apparently he thinks all of us have taken WDMD 301 (and thus are fairly familiar with it) when we all haven't. CIS Web emphasis and WDMD Minors don't nessecarily need to take it. I also gather that WDMD majors didn't understand it all that well because a lot of WDMD is design. Basically it looks like the Prof is ignoring how the major is set up (whether for right or wrong) and following his own beliefs. I guess I'd prefer to go the design route but from my CIS standpoint the coding aspect is probably more practical.

In other news my Dolphins are losing 14-10. Chambers hasn't gotten any catches so I am sad. He's been targeted thrice but hasn't been able to reel one in yet. The D looks kinda weak sadly. Culpepper seems to be doin' ok. The Fins kick/punt returner/WR is pretty talented. I might pick him up if I have some slacking receivers. Have to watch him for a week or two tho.

In brief gaming news I am prepping for Brady's Eberron game by getting familiar with the world. I like some of the concepts for it but overall am skeptical on the setting. I rather prefer Forgotten Realms over it although Forgotten Realms has a lot of issues on its own. Makes me want to develop my own setting. But yeah, that'll probably never happen.

That is all.

Jump Around

So despite having, in theory, a relatively easy schedule today (and my schedule in general) has been kind of crazy. It's def. been worse but there is a prototypical amount of mayhem that must just be required for first day of classes. Fer instance: my work schedule is slightly different then I was given so I actually had more free time then I thought. It's a plus that. To balance out I logged into work this morning set up my work account (so I can get paid) which included setting a password and promptly forgot the password completely. So now I have to wait for admins to change the password and they are doubtless swamped with a million and seven things cause it's the first day.

This weekend now I am shootin' home to get the CRV cleaned up from the road trip (CRV sayeth: "Hoorayeth!") but at the same time Al & Steph are out of town this week so they really need people there to help out at church. Normally Carl could fill in and do my job just fine-it's relatively easy and all- but Carl is gone this weekend hence why I am going home.

Like I said, kinda crazy. I'm sure it'll all work out. Especially if I write down my password this time...

04 September 2006

Football Season Begins

Ah you know the football season is right around the corner when the Fantasy Football drafts are abound. Tyler and I did a couple drafts so I'll have an interesting season keeping tabs on things.

Despite having two days without classes my schedule still looks to be fairly busy. Work's 14 hours really fills a lot of time too. Here's hoping for a good semester!

One Semester Left

One day of summer left and then I've got one last semester of school. Crazy.

02 September 2006

Oh funny

Brits do have more fun especially when it comes to the names of their ministers!

01 September 2006


Work schedule is in and it's not too bad. Worse thing is I am working in the LRC. This is something I had hoped to avoid. I also work at 0700-0900 but oddly enough this doesn't bother me much. I can sleep in a lot on this schedule so getting up early will be good discipline for me and will hopefully also keep my sleep schedule in decent check. Mostly you just hear stories about LRC so would prefer not to deal with that.

Have 7 hours in the CPS in 4 & 3 hour shifts Mon/Tues. Won't be bad tho and might be easier depending on if Prof's reserve the main lab alot. We shall see. I work under Dani in South Quad on Thursday evenings so that should be interesting. Ironically I will have now worked over half the different labs I think. It'd be close. I've worked North, South, UC, CCC, CPS, LRC & (N)FAC. That leaves Allen, HEC, CNR, CAC, & SCI. Pretty close I guess. We have a lot of computers labs. Swarms in fact.

Final thoughts on things. It's a good schedule. I get Wed & Fri off as requested. I got the weekend off for the first time. I figured I'd still get that cause I am still vaguely low in the ranks. Can't complain and just gotta hope things go smooth in the LRC. Oh and my later LRC shift I've got one of the LRC LC's with me anyways so that should smooth things out anyways.

All in all I am happy I got a lot of time in the CPS (even sans Filteau should be fun) and a shift under Dani (I love knowing my boss, makes life so much easier knowing their tolerances and making them happy.) Looks to be a good way to end things!