23 June 2008


Well this week's mission is to bike into work everyday. It's roughly 2 miles to work (probably a little bit less but I don't have an exact way to measure it so I just discussed with Chuck who used to live down the street) so it's not a long ride but with a backpack I've found it's a little more challenging. So a good daily work out to supplement the Wii Fit. Or have the Wii Fit supplement this? Either way hope the weather cooperates so I can do this all week (and maybe next).

18 June 2008

To the glorious racers of the kart and bike

So just raced for hour and a half with 2 friends in regional races. Our intern is darn good, so's my girlfriend. The competition was indeed tough. For some reason I can't get individual friend races to work but pack us into a regional and we pretty well dominate the place. And by we I mean most of my friends, I uh, mediocre the place. Anyhow that was fun and I am sure there will be much discussion at work of the said races tomorrow.

17 June 2008

Purges and Clean-up

Yes, it finally happened. All those quiet blogs that never get updated, all those quiet blogs that have been deleted. Some of the top blogs have been moved down to the quiet blog rolls. I think I miss the glory days of this blog when I had a dozen or more active blogs listed plus a half dozen authors' blogs as well. Even think a decent amount of readers turned in. Now it feels like a ghost town.

Ah well, I think I'll be the old man who stubbornly refuses to give up for a little while longer. Even if the old man doesn't get out on the porch to rant about things as much.

16 June 2008

4th Edition

Possibly better off over on my gaming blog...
Well I got the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition core set on Friday. Courtesy of Amazon where the gift set where it was in the top 10 bestsellers for weeks. Now it's at 39 although the PHB edges slightly ahead at 32. Who says RPGs don't sell?

So anyhow I've paged through, read, skimmed and otherwise tried to get a basic feel for the game. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure I like it. It seems a little too simple now and more focused towards tactical combat to almost the exclusion of everything else. Granted creating tactical situations appears immensely easier and playing looks to be streamlined but many of the roleplaying elements feel removed.

Ok, yea I know me complaining about lack of roleplaying is ironic. I tend to lean towards the tactical/combat aspects of a game. Yet even those things seem more controlled in 4th Ed. However that may be due to the lack of books to provide options. The roleplaying part well even I occasionally like to have interesting side stuff to use out of combat even if I don't make as much use of it as I could. It's not a game killer but it does narrow down the scope of games that can be played.

The monster manual focuses heavily on very easy to use monsters well set for different levels and strategies. I enjoyed that they did this making instant combat easy to do. Unsure how easy it is to adjust levels but I've heard it's not all that hard. The lack of good creatures made me a little sad especially the lack of the metallic dragons. I await to see if they have another manual with emphasis on good creatures or at least a decent accounting of them. The Draconomicon coming out in the fall only covers chromatic dragons so perhaps the second part of that covers the metallics and maybe the third covers the gem dragons (ie the neutrals).

Overall final judgment leans towards a negative reaction but actual game play (alas probably not soon) will be the true deciding factor. Also a benefit will be how I like the updates to the Forgotten Realms. I figure I will probably keep plugged in just to follow that story.

09 June 2008

RIAA Litigations and how the Tech Community can Help


I realize I had a big barrage of posts and then went mostly silent again. I should rectify this but alas my big insurance exam is later this week so I really should be studying. More after the exam?

03 June 2008

Obama vs McCain. Nov 4th

Bring your own popcorn. Local participation for all applicants of 18 years and older as of venue date.