29 August 2005


So it was commented on by one of my friends that Point is somewhat nicer in the summer when it's a much quieter little town and that it's sad that it's changing back to it's busier, noiser ways. It's been on my mind now for a couple days as well. Things are changing. August had a lot of changes and I realized that it's really just leading up to the massive schedule upheaval known as Fall Semester. I don't like change much. My life is running well if I am in a routine and can stay there. That will go away in a couple days though. Then I will spend a couple weeks resituating myself trying to balance everything and missing the long summer nights of hanging with people whose company I have greatly enjoyed. Now I know change in inevitable but that doesn't mean I can't have my simple dream.

In hindsight June 1 - August 31 hasn't been all that bad if I may predict two days into the future. I've made new friends and strengthened older friendships both very dear things to me. I'm still single and still wondering if I am reading signals correctly or not but if anything I'm in no rush as friendship stands above relationship for me (except in moments of weakness perhaps). I've learned more about programming in 3 months then in 3 years of college. Learned more about hospitals then in 20 years of life.

This is my moment of looking back as once again I step forward into another unknown. Seems to be the way the world works for me, 3 months at a time. Now to sleep and another commute.

24 August 2005

Remember when?

So this time a year ago I was somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. How about that? Hard to believe it's been that long. I miss it. Well bedtime for me, try to get an actual decent night's sleep for the first time this week :o

Tomorrow, rumors of a pending SW:CCG rematch are whispered on the wind. Amazon shipments coming in the next week or two as well. Fun stuff for the start of the fall semester.

Congrats to two fellow interns (Andy and Evie) who both got kept on for the fall. I am sad I didn't get kept on. Lane said we don't have the budget but the worrying part of me wonders if I didn't cut the mustard and he/Bob are just too nice to say. Andy says I overworry (very true) but I still wonder. Anyhow, bedtime now.

London I miss ya!

20 August 2005


Funny thing about this week. A couple of the days have started out rather badly and ended up not being so bad at all. Today was one of those. Part of it is that if left be my mind can run rather amok and it had lots of solo time in the morning to do just that. But I had a good time visiting Jessie. I got rather sunburned (my knees, arms, and face are all very pink) but that's ok. I'm sure my body is thankful for that odd thing called "Vitamin-D". Home was nice. Ran some errands so now I have a messenger bag for the school year (my backpacks are both deterioating after several years of loyal service). Jon and Twism both use them and they kind of fit what I want and need right now. It'll hold the convertible rather well which is kind of the idea. Also got a wireless mouse-that works for both the mac and convertible-so I can have a real mouse for the convertible at home. Generally speaking won't need it in class but at home it'd be nice especially since I am not used to using the pen or the pad.

Tomorrow not sure if i've got much of anything planned. Not sure if much of anything will happen. Guess I don't mind. When I'm home don't really expect to hang out with anyone. There's noone left here ya know? It's strange for me when my friends in point go back to there friends at home. Everyone I know in Lax has drifted away for the most part. Think Jessie might be one of the few left and she doesn't even live there anymore. Part of me worries same will happen after I graduate from college. Odd thing to worry about right now eh? Guess I'm just crazy in that way.

Yea for a decent day though. Hope everyone has a good weekend or something like that. :D

19 August 2005

Homeward Again

First post with the convertible. Pretty cool :D This week has been odd. Ups and downs. That's life though ain't it? Anyhow this weekend I'm heading home again. Hung around tonight to hang with people and ironically everyone else is gone. Bad planning on my part eh? Tomorrow I'll be in the Dells first to visit Jessie. Haven't seen her since I can't even remember when. December maybe? Anyhow nice to see her again before she dissapears off to whereever she goes. There's an off chance at home I might get to hang out with Traci who I haven't seen in a couple years. That'd be great. Keeping in touch with friends is something that's really important to me. This summer hasn't exactly been all that great for it.

Anyhow, time to sack out. You'd think I'd learn wouldn't ya? :/

17 August 2005

Weddings and Convertibles

Well the wedding went well. Odd to think of my sister with a different last name. Odd to think of her husband as family. He's a nice guy though and his family's pretty cool. I ended up dancing a whole bunch more then I planned to. Well if you call what I do dancing. Trying to dance at least? Not sure if there are any pictures of that.

Ended up with a ton of chocolate and flowers in my possesion. My sister massively overbought these so my parents had me dispose of them. Luckily I know people who will never say no to chocolate or flowers and I get to allow the 6 in me to be absurdly nice to my friends for no logical reason (although they are probably wondering what's going on in my head, granted giving chocolate and flowers could be construed as the wrong signals but hopefully they aren't freaked or anything).

For gift from the party (is that the correct term?) I got a glass stein and a 6-pack of Woodchuck's. That'll go reaaaaaaally fast. Maybe not. My roommate had one. First time I've seen him drink. Certainly the non-drinkers of our complex.

My convertible came and it's all set up and running great. There are several wireless networks detectable from our living room and the strongest is totally unsecure so I helped myself even though we have our own internet. Ironically the wireless configures itself so it's easier to use at the moment. I like the convertible quite a bit although I still need to register things. Stupid MSFT anti-piracy paranoia.

Well that's all for now. Many thanks to one Mr. Andrew K fellow intern and Pointer who unknowingly helped drag me out of rather depressed mood. Thought today was gonna suck but turned out rather nice.

11 August 2005

Life Rolls On

Well heading back home tomorrow for my sister's wedding. Probably means no updates this weekend. Not that I've been very active as it is on here but it's summer so I imagine less people take a look here anyways. This should be an interesting weekend though. Mostly think I already want to be back up here though with friends and such and my usual routine (which has become somewhat destroyed in August :/ ).

Life is rather quiet at work. At home well I'm not quite sure. I'm a little baffled on my situation with the opposite sex at the moment. Not sure really where I stand. Oy. Things will sort out I'm sure just hope I'm not confusing friendship for somethin' else and being my usual self am worried I'd ruin a friendship stumbling through this.

Aside: Terrell Owens needs to be taken down a notch. Actually a lot of notches. Seriously the man's full of himself! What is it these days with professional athletes and money these days? So many don't care about the game at all, they just play for money and want tons of it. Sheesh, they outshine the players who are good and love the game enough to not go for the huge money all the time.

Anyhow, time to pack and all that. Have a good weekend all.

06 August 2005

After the storm two weeks ago...

You Can't Take the Sky From Me

As some of you may be aware Sid is being called up this week to go to Kuwait. His unit is based in Marshfield and they city is having a send-off to honor the unit before they are deployed. If you're in the area stop by and catch the parade. It's 1PM (ala 1300 for you 24 clock folks) running from the Marshfield Armory down Central Avenue to 5th Street then to Columbus High School. Stop by and show a little support for the troops, we owe them a lot.

Random life note: I live summer fruit: peaches, plums, apricots, mmmmmm :)

Some sort of something

Is that prettier?

Today's kind of clean-up and errands day. Washed the kitchen floor, did laundry, do dishes a little later (once the floor dries up), get groceries-no fruit for me to snack on, try and get a little work for Evergreen Church's page done, and that'll prolly get me to the evening fine. Def. relaxing with folks tonight if I can help it. It's not all bad here anyways, watching Firefly and Stargate taped from last night and enjoying random music from iTunes.

Bought an anime movie called Appleseed yesterday on a whim. Story was so-so, anime movies tend to always feel rushed to me. Guess when you watch shows you expect a little more development so sets a higher bar. Animation itself was interesting, most of it was CGI with just character close-ups being handdrawn (although at times they looked CGI too). Meshed pretty well but felt rather different then the standard anime. Up to now mostly just combat sequences have been CGI and they've been with large mecha so it looks ok. CGI machines look fairly natural for obvious reasons. Soundtrack was alright but not spectacular.

I've purchased a convertible. This type of convertible is not the vehicle type however. It's a tablet PC that has a keyboard. So it can convert from being a laptop to being a tablet. Very cool. I hadn't really intended to get one but the clinic uses them almost exclusively now (tablets being phased out) and a decently equipped one isn't all that much more expensive or less powerful then a laptop. Plus you can write on them, it's pretty cool. For testing on Friday I got to use Bob's tablet and it's rather fun to be able to write on your computer! So waiting rather excitedly for that.

Hope you all didn't miss it but Brent has been chronicaling his and Lars' adventures at the great, grand, quasi-annual, possibly symphonic General Council of the A/G. Enjoy or something...

So after working steadfastly at a Windows box all summer I've noticed when I come home, a)whenever I go away from my computer I feel the urge to lock it b) I try to control + something rather then cmd + something. I fear IT is slowly creeping into all facets of my computer life.

So there's a long ramble. Believe it or not it's actualy 1551 right now not 1241. This post took all afternoon.

01 August 2005


To celebrate the fact that tomorrow I am going to have to mess with print templates until the last vestiges of my sanity dissapear I have gone through and re-tooled the site. The usual updating has been slipped in. Now I'd imagine the color-scheme really hasn't improved from the dreaded purple on yellow of UWSP but I hope it's not hard on the eyes to read. I might change the colors again. (Side note, Al commented in between helping me set up Dreamweaver so things have changed some more. For the better is debatable, hopefully more readable tho.)

Anyhow things ran out of time. Funny how that happens. Catch ya later.