27 April 2008

Mario Kart Wii First Impressions

Well all the levels are unlocked. Folky, Steiner, and Carl came over and we slogged through all 32 tracks on 150cc and battled it out balloon and coin style. (Our team lost both battles and Steiner did not dominate in the races, the world is upside down!) Overall a fantastic new game. Cycles are hard on some levels and while I like the Wii Wheel my back hurts like hell, I need to find a good position to play it in I think my posture is off. Or just use the gamecube controller. Overall looks like a keeper especially with instant online play.

18 April 2008


"Gem has agents of five or six separate apocalypses gunning for it." - from rpg.net

15 April 2008


It's nice to be outside again. I've been getting out on walks that are outside and it's great. The next couple months I will have to bone up before it gets so hot that I retreat down to the basement (where I will revel in the fact that it stays too cool unlike now). I attempted to seed some grass down tonight, we'll see if it sticks. Have to keep up on the watering and hope for the best. Also will be curious if any of the lillies of the valley survive next to my garage. There's still snow there so they might not even know it's spring yet. Then again considering this weekend Wisconsin might not be quite sure yet either.

Got Scion: God and Little Wars (wargaming by HG Wells, does that make us nerds more legit when a classic writer wrote on something we do?). Both are interesting, S:G rounds out the series although White Wolf is releasing a pair of books Scion: Companion and Ragnarok later this year. Not terribly interested in either but they managed to do something rare in the gaming world, put out a new series that actually took hold and did well.

That's all for now. Going to go enjoy the latest Tudors episode.

09 April 2008


Well both Exalted books arrived yesterday and I have been geeking through them. Impressively DMZ: #4 Friendly Fire showed up today and I have read through it. I love graphic novels in that you can read them fairly quick. DMZ is an interesting read. Depsite having opposing views with the author (Brian Wood) I still find I enjoy the series. It's very gritty, sometimes I think it attempts to be over gritty at times that actually weakens its case, but in the end it generally gets across the feel of a hopeless war. Except this one is on our home turf. Some of the premises might be hard to believe but that doesn't reduce the story much. And after all I enjoy Exalted so this should be a piece of cake for believability.

02 April 2008

More random

So for fun irony I ordered the latest Exalted books on Amazon which ship in "1 to 3 weeks" as well as 2 books in that were in stock (Scion: God and Little Wars). Now guess which two are shipping? Don't get me wrong I am excited to get them now rather then 1-3 weeks from now but just find it kind of funny.

I am slightly amused by the random search results that turn up on this blog. I wonder how deep people go when they stumble across this.

Checkbox hmm

So my little Gmail thing now has checkboxes. They don't do anything but they are there. Wonder what they'll do. I'll send in some Tauren marines and find out?