28 April 2007

April Winds Down

Well this week was not fun at work and next may be rather un-fun as well. In good news I'll have my house in less then a month and that's worth a cheer. Not much else to speak of.

Got Scion: Hero and am working my way through that. Also re-reading Ptolus for the parts on Jabel Shammar Sunday's finale of Ptolus. I put down Velvet Elvis as I don't want serious reading at the moment. Debating what to read in its stead.

Started watching a Showtime show called: The Tudors about Henry VIII during the early part of his reign. It's rather over-dramatized but that's tv for you. Not a fantastic show but ah well. Happily Heroes is into new episodes.

22 April 2007


I've apparently become and adult, much to the amusement of my peers, and I did not even realize it. Granted I'm working full time in a job that I went to college for so that makes sense and I'll be a home owner in a month or so. But it still sits strange with me.

Guess it's finally dawning on me all the changes. Not sure I'm ready but too late for that. Have to keep going forward.

In reading news I finished The Silmarillion and Impossible Country a week or two ago. I am now attempting to get into Velvet Elvis but without much luck. I don't want a serious read at the moment and it very much is.

It's almost May.


The city I live and work in hosts the world's largest trivia contest. A further testament to the nuttiness of north central Wisconsin. Google actually spikes because of this event. Amazing.

11 April 2007

Winter in April

I almost wrote Aprill... it's snowing. Kinda amazing, wish it'd warm up but it is kind of pretty. I'll admit I'm a sucker for snow. Be nice if it was in the 70s again though. Samurai 7 is pretty impressive, two of the DVDs have blemishes but otherwise I'm highly enjoying it. This week has been rather strange in so many ways. That's all for now, highly thinking about crashing soon.

08 April 2007


Oy, can't say this weekend was the greatest. There are times I just wanted to shout this (or some slightly more targeted variation). However a new week dawns so I'll try and get to bed early and hope things turn out better in the end.

In other news, I picked up some Gear Krieg books whens I got Rappan Athuk: Reloaded last week and they are interesting. They kinda make me want to to do war gaming stuff. Not so much minis stuff but the tactical scenarios and such. When I was home I got out my dad's old Avalon Hill Battle for Midway and figured out the rules (really simple it turns out, at least for a college grad :D ). Dad and I even played out the simple version of the game, no surface combat allowed. I played the US because the Japanese technically have an advantage, especially cause Dad knows the American forces are afoot. I still managed to win, our carriers struck at the same time and the Enterprise survived on my side but none of the Japanese ones made it. Just like the real battle it was all over in one major airstrike, the rest was just anti-climatic.

I picked up the 3rd Season of Futurama and the complete set of Samurai 7 (anime remake of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, pretty good thus far). I now have all of Futurama until the new stuff comes out this year. Have to admit both of these were impulse buys to help me feel better after the lousy news on Saturday. Wish I had a better way of cheering myself up.

Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend, I know I haven't posted much granting I'm not sure many people even read this either way but I will try and post a little more often. Things have just been...busy

07 April 2007


Guess I'll keep looking, so close :/