30 September 2005

Feeling verk weak minded these days. Think I really need to just take a weekend (mostly) to myself...

28 September 2005

Exalted Rnd 2

Well round 1 doesn't get much mention cause it was basically set-up. Now we actually did some stuff. I have to admit my block was fairly non-action packed. I got the characters from Nexus to Nechara (down in the Hundred Kingdoms). In between I basically wanted them to plan out what they would do but turns out they are still somewhat disorganized and also I hadn't given them enough to work with the previous session. Enroute to actually give them some action I had one of the character's "catch" a river dragon whilst fishing. It of course pulled her in and we had a brief fight scene that ended with a wounded river dragon passing out on the bottom before being pummeled to death by a shadow. Arrive in the Redoubt (ie Nechara) and get the low-down on things. At this point things get more interesting for me: I had hoped to lead the Circle to Lubo but they opted to sneak into Lubo's occupied neighbor France (yes I intentionally am mocking the French they deserve to be mocked repeatedly). Initially there was discussion of just flying straight into Wabash, the intended final destination.

Pause for a break when hot tea was spilled one of the players and one of the core books. Thankfully not the Limited Edition core.

The party gets within a day's journy of the French border to discover everyone has departed. In fact they've been gone awhile. They didn't really flee in a mad rush, they just left. Party sets up camp in an abandoned house and two members decide to go make booze seeing as there's none left in the town. The two members (brilliantly) decide to go out into the dark to pick dandelions to make wine (in one night no less). Of course about this point the Local 401 Undead make an appearance only to get reamed by Isaac's very powerful, quasi-invincible grand daiklave wielding, and very shiny Dawn caste. Hungry ghosts and zombies begin to fall. With two zombies left Brady moves up to heal Isaac-who can heal 1L & 1B a turn already-and gets seriously womped by a zombie. We're talking 5 of 7 health levels gone. I probably should have commented on this before he did it, not that I woulda killed his character, but I neglected to do so. The two zombies of course die for even thinking of existing much less hurting someone other then Isaac.

An ok session I think. When I introduce real Exalts as opponents I should probably go over how quick folks can die and applying common sense. Combat ran pretty well, even flowed. Next time have to spread troops out more to go after everyone. Incidentally undead in future campaigns will become extras, this current batch were full stats because if they were extras Isaac woulda dropped them all in 2-3 turns.

That's all, I imagine most people don't care. G'night.

27 September 2005

Protest Politics

Been awhile since I've commented on politics so here's my quasi-bi-annual foray into the realm...

One of my friends told me she had been involved in the protests that had happened this weekend in Washington. Now I told her that I thought the protest was stupid. Which got me to thinking, why do I think it's stupid. Is it just me disliking the endless anti-war, anti-Bush protests? Is it me hating protests in general or do I have a logical reason for saying this.

This is what I came up with.

Overall I think I dislike it because they blame Bush for everything. No matter what happens it's his fault and they tie the war into it irrationally. Take the current situation, the belief seems to be out there that if our troops weren't in Iraq that the situation in New Orleans would be a lot less (the whole "Make levees, not war"). Now this ignores the common fact that most of these troops never do any response to natural disasters when they're here. National Gaurd responds and they currently are responding to New Orleans. This anger may be rightly centered at President Bush, although in the past state governors have been saddled with handling natural disasters, for not preparing a national response but claiming that 100,000 troops would make the difference is ludicris. Even the military would have to withdraw in the wake of that storm and even they would have operating with a completely destroyed infratstructure.

Another related arguement is that money for the war has kept money getting to Katrina victims. Again, where do they figure? Congress acted immediately (in the Congressional sense of the word) to appropriate funds. Seperate areas of funding so the two don't relate.

Now what probably bothers me more. The arguement to pull out. This generally stems from the wish not to have anymore of our soldiers die. I think everyone can agree we don't want to see our friends and loved ones over there one second longer then they need to be. At the same time if we pull out to save several thousand of our troops lives when we started this mess and several million people are killed or injured because we bailed. Along with that well the entire Middle East would hate us some more, no gaurantee they will like us much if we stayed but at least we tried to fix our mess up, and most of the world would we think even lower of us. In the end I think it's a matter of honor as well. Do we stay even when it's tough, even when our leaders got us in the for the wrong reason, because we think it's right to help out and promote a better way of life? I guess people's opinions may differ but I know that it's not fair to sacrifice people I don't know just because I don't know them. That was done in Rwanda 50 years after we promised never to let it happen again.

Ok last thing: Bush lied to us. Can't say for sure he did but more then likely he did. So why not ask why that happened and find out how it happened? Obviously something disrupted our checks and balances and certainly we need those checks and balances. Instead of demanding an impossible change (pulling out) why not demand some explanations? This just seems like a better use of time. If all else come up with an exit strategy that allows us to get out soon. Right now we can't but I'd bet a large sum of money the the Bush White House wants out of Iraq right now more then anyone else.

Well that's it, this may be a bit disjointed but sort of lays out my thoughts (heh my thoughts might just be disjointed too).

26 September 2005


Best way to explain to layman why Marines are part of the Navy (read on RPG.net). MARINES = "My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment, Sir!" :D Funny. I should go to bed soon :o

Minor Updates (YAY)

You prolly won't even notice them. Abby's back though. Yayayayayayayayayay!


25 September 2005

As promised

So I have more then 10 shows I like but these are the big ones.

1) Babylon 5
2) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
3) Stargate SG-1
4) Star Trek (Original)
5) Star Trek: The Next Generation
6) Earth: Final Conflict (1st season only)/ Andromeda (again 1st season only)
7) Battlestar Galactica (new version)
8) Invisible Man (newer Sci-Fi version)
9) Firefly
10) Farscape

Amusing picture pointed on on the Exalted LJ Community.

24 September 2005

Sci-Fi ranks

So on Slashdot they had an article that pointed to a Boston Globe article that ranked the Top 50 sci-fi shows of all time.

Not sure I have 50 but wonder how many I've watched and how I'd rank them...

20 September 2005

Turning Ups and Things

So interesting discovery today. The 11th book in the Wheel of Time series is set to come out. Last time I looked Robert Jordan was releasing a prequal and the end was nowhere in sight for the folks in the WoT universe. However the reviews note that book 11 is back to the original fast pace of the early books (say 1-5) and that it looks like the series may be imminently close to wrapping up (in X # of books where X is probably still a large number, alas). Two sad things, one, I've only finished book 1 and have no time to read books 2-10 much less #11, two, I am stuck with the crappy American artwork covers unless I decide to pay for British prices and ship overseas. Since I'm not going to get the books anytime soon I may hold off and hope that I am working back at the clinic fulltime and pony up for the decent covered books.
For comparison: Europe America.

Blah, we need better bookcovers here. Part of the reason I picked up book 1 in the Oxford St. Borders was that it looked cool.

A really odd thing when I was killing time in class today. Google has their new blog search mechanism up and I was doing one of the traditional time killers: searching my name. The single entry it turned up was none other then an old friend from high school. Small world. Anyhow, I need to manage links on here as it so after this post going to change that.

Mario Kart tonight. Eric and I are trying to re-organize the sessions of old despite it now involving 2 CAs (one a super senior), an ARC, and a senior. Scheduling's a bitch no two ways around it. I'm out.

19 September 2005

Semper Fidelis

It was a battle we couldn't win and we didn't.
Life can be a frightening image for those who live in these times.
The shadow reaches far
And its depths are vast.
Its agents are everywhere and everyone.
But we're not alone.
We're still out there, fighting.
And we will win.

It's only a matter of time.

17 September 2005

I'm alright

I can’t believe the news today
Oh, I can’t close my eyes and make it go away

-U2, Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Yea. Not much new to talk about. Got GITS, enjoyed it. Nice diversion. Been busy enough to keep me from reading tho :/

Anyhow, XA Informational Meeting tomorrow night at 7:07 PM 073 Debot. Free pizza. So go for those of you who read this in the next 18 or so hours.

13 September 2005

Just pray. Stop right now and pray.

08 September 2005

This Amuses Me


Technical Updates

Removed Rachel's blog since it no longer works. Moved Mary's blog up. Enjoy.

07 September 2005

Other Content

Well I was going to work out today but I got massively soaked walking to my class today and by the time it was over was a shivering starving shell of a human being. That's life I guess.

Anyhow. I just got done ordering a ton of books off Amazon for classes. Now hang on, all you readers out there are saying, doesn't UWSP have a text rental policy? Why yes, they do. It's just that some professors opt to have no books for you to rent and 3 for you to purchase (and that's for environmental literacy no less). Even better they expect you to start reading from them ASAP so that way you will probably buy them from the bookstore full price. Isn't that cheerful? Now granted we still pay far less on textbooks then most schools since roughly half of them we rent but the simple fact is we're still buying half of them. Shouldn't it be a "half-rental" policy? And the book buy-back system is a joke (but any college student knows that whether they have a rental or purchase policy). Just a random complaint...

Happily I did discover on Amazon that GITS is finally out in box set so I ponied up for that.

I had another random rant that I intended to mention but it has already slipped my mind. Guess it will have to wait for another time.

I am going to be running an Exalted game this fall for GASP (really, I swear). I've got at least one taker thus far and hopefully I can wrangle in some more. Thinking it'll be something of a mercenary campaign initially but considering that I have all the Exalted books (barring the one that comes out end of October) it could go just about anywhere.

06 September 2005

Some Content

Pinpricks of light for a moment add themselves to the stars. Below a maelstrom rages, a mad rage of color, emotion, death and life. Above slides slender narrowed hulls akin to warships of old cutting a clean path through the wisps of planet. Clean white chariots. Death flies among them, in them, with them. Its presence is not simply noticed by those below, it is felt. The silent harbringers advance with an almost casual purpose.

Inside total silence. Last checks of equipment and coordinates. Signals between vessels cooperating in their delivery of their Heinleinesque cargoes to their prospective clients. "Doomtroopers Unite" peals across the comms as the ship shudders a brief moment disgorging in perfect columns of people dirtwards. Joining the tone are other anthem to the lethal agents departing, "Deathlords Again", "The God of Death Returns" and the ubiquitous "Louie, Louie"

Passing stars, space, atmosphere, clouds, mountains, trees then hitting dirt. For a moment a strange peace. Just dust expanding outwards in covering the moment in silence. Like a winter's snow it quiets the chaos spreading a false sense of tranquility. Everyone outside pauses to watch, to listen, to wonder why their hearts tremble and their souls despair.

Inside business as usual. Young men and women looks out at their new surroundings. It's new but familiar. Same job, different place would cross their minds if they let themselves be distracted. They don't. On one hand they are people but as they plunge away from sky part of them peels off with it. When the strange peace comes it's a silence inside as an entirely different being takes over.

The cloud parts in tiny rays of light, betrayed by their dusty origins. In this moment the death is clean and precise. The next is puncuated by nothing so controlled as one world collapses under the force of another. Despair lasts only for a moment before a more permanent silent is instilled. Time passes very quickly or not at all before peace returns.

In the wreckage they await pick-up. In the wreckage they lie. Lost dreams and controlled nightmares...

05 September 2005

End Penguin

Well tomorrow school starts. I looked today and realized I put almost 7400 miles on the CRV this summer commuting back and forth to Marshfield. That's a lot. Anyhow tomorrow classes start so now school is commencing. The campus is crowded, busy, noisy. Oy.

02 September 2005


Well job is over. Summer is over. Wondering if this fall will better. I dunno...