29 June 2004

HP 6

Will be titled HP and the Half Blood Prince. Here is the link.

You Don't Need to Bother

Well it's 0318. I finally got some useful stuff done. E-mailed a few people (which took some courage all on its own, not exactly sure why something so simple should be so hard). Right now though, my thoughts seem just kind of broken and all, as if I am in one of those ever present moments of transition to I know not what. I guess Europe lies somewhere out there, but that really feels like an ending to me, as if I don't need to worry about anything beyond that. Invariably this is probably false as if it isn't I am not quite sure what it would mean. Then again if I recall correctly-wish I had memory like Illyan's (noone's gonna get that at all)- someone predicted, right at the end of school year, that I'd find happiness there so maybe the ending is a happiness if that makes any sense.
Things are dull here, I totaled it up and there are only about 3 people who I would probably want to hang out with in La Crosse. One is actually not here for the summer, another is incredibly busy juggling work and a play rehearsal, and the other has a g/f with which he is very close to and so not much time to do stuff with him. Can't really compete with a beautiful woman unsurprisingly.
I am finally getting out to visit one of my friends who water-skies down in the Dells, she sounded really happy that I was coming down to visit so that made me feel good. It's nice not to feel like a burden on other people and a lot of people I am around I wonder if I am simply just another burden for them and that if they could they'd just quietly slip away. A lot of my "friends" have done just that so I sometimes wonder if I have just that kind of affect on people. Have to admit right now I am in the kind of self-reflective mood where I can easily pinpoint negative things about myself so that is certainly biasing my opinion. Who knows tho.
Some random notes related to London this fall: there is another guy from La Crosse going but don't recognize his name. Will be curious to see which highschool he went to. Also very happy to see that I was correct and we are going to spend some time at Normandy. For me going that whole way and not seeing Normandy would not make much sense, afterall part of the reason we can even see the world is because of the guys who came there hard way 60 years ago. It is hard to comprehend that guys younger then me who had mostly never probably left their home states died far away on a foreign beach. Not really the way I would think that they would want to see the world and somehow I think the welcome was a bit colder then the one we get now.
Further random drifting. I have continued pinging randomly through my Exalted books and paused now on The Outcaste particularily the 7th Legion/Lookshy chapter. With this and the numbers given in the Kingdom of Halta you begin to realize, there are somewhere between 1-2 billion people-people in this case being anyone with some human ancestry/blood so Wyld Tainted, Beastmen, God-Blooded, Exalts all count but not spirits, elementals, and such- in Creation. My guess is probably close to a billion cover the Blessed Isle and another billion inhabit the Threshold. Probably under a billion on the Isle to be more specific but I would hazard to see the Realm and its states are at or above a billion. I give the Threshold a slightly larger population then the Realm due to its size even though a fair amount of it is much less habitable. The real trick is that whatever the population is, you have to multiply that by at least 10 times, probably more to account for both the Great Contagion and the Usurpation. So back in the First Age there were a lot of people. That would make sense though since in theory it was the height of civilization though. I wonder if we're ever going to have a time where look back and say "Those days were the height of the human race." Actually swinging back to Exalted it must have been hardest most of all for those Sidereal who lived through it all, especially those who opposed the Usurpation to watch civilization slowly decline and waste away but for any of them it would be strange to think back to life in the old (old, old, old, old, old) days and how easy it was and how good things were. Even the "relatively" short lived Dragon Blooded of the Shogunate must have missed the old ways even if this way meant they got to run things. For people in the Second Age it would have to be hard to believe how things were when only really Lookshy and (sort of) the Imperial City remain as what the First Age was like and both of them are certainly shadows of whatever past glories they or cities like them had. It's no wonder the Second Age is the Age of Sorrows, so much has been lost and in there really isn't a sense that this will change. Just some maybe fool's chance of a hope that these returning Anathema might change the inoxerable drumbeat of history.
And yes Brent most of the last paragraph probably represents some type of escapism. Have to say I am guilty of it. It's part of me I think to dig into the fictions I read and think about them. I like histories, even made up ones if they are done well, and so I am not going to hide it! Not sure if this relates at all to what you were saying probably not. But as I said, I am rather guilty of escaping from "reality" when I have got nothing else to do. However I don't run away from reality when I need to deal with it, only when I am bored or burning off created energy-that's called using your imagination I think- so this is more then likely not what you were commenting but rather those people who escape reality when it confronts them. Either way if you read this Brent and I totally misunderstood you I am sure you will be more then happy to straighten me out, or attempt to at least, somewhere along the way.
Let's see, is there anything else I care to stab out and talk about right now? I guess not, this entry's pretty big anyhow, finally got over my sort of blogger's block and turned out a decent entry. Whilst I was doing this I uploaded a few pictures for Holly's perusal so maybe I will link that directory in here later. Granting the pictures are huge because I prefer the Large format on my digital camera and the-pause to consult user's manual- 2272 x 1704 images are usually around a MB in size and I am too lazy to crop them down and upload them like that. But you have no right to complain how long it takes to load them because whilst uploading them I was also downloading Red vs Blue episodes 36, which took over 2 hours no less, so my poor dinky little AOL modem connection was crying under the strain (wuss). Anyhow I guess I am done for now. Enjoy this incredibly long ramble or if you are insomniac you can thank me later for a bona-fide way to fall asleep! :P

28 June 2004

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

Apple WWDC announces the newest addition to their OS's: Tiger.

In other news, Michael Moore's new movie seems to be doing quite well. I just hope at some point he quits calling these things the truth and starts calling them opinion pieces or conspiracy theories. Mostly because he cuts out what argues against his theories and ignores the stated facts. Anyhow while I respect that he makes movies (and does quite well at it) it frustrates me that he calls this the truth when he selectively edits out things which argue against his theories. That's my rant.

Turns out our new Shopko store manager is going up to the Stevens Point store before taking full charge back here because they are amazingly somehow in worse shape then us.

26 June 2004

Obligatory 7AM Post

Or something like that. Happy Birthday Lars! Get to work on your blog sometime :P

Anyhow, this week has been busy, i've been working alot and doing some rereading of Exalted books after getting Aspect Book: Earth. In relation to that I have now backtracked into Sidereals and Games of Divinity. Now I am further back tracking to the Storyteller's Companion. I suspect branching into Dragon Blooded and the Core book will happen as well. Eventually a lot of books will be reread though. That's how my Exalted reading usually goes. Whenever I read my original Core book or the Abyssals back I always get a strange sense of nostalgia. It's kind of weird but oh well, nostalgia is kind of a good feeling I think so I don't mind. I have put Nobilis on hold again but I've now cranked through roughly 2/3rds of that superb book. RSB's writing continues to be superb and I highly suggest taking a look at it even if it seems a bit odd at times.

Anyhow I am gonna get myself a waffle then try and fall asleep. I need to start reading the textbook for my A/A credit and also need to finish up Proverbs which has been getting sidetracked too much. This week I think I'll finally be able to get out of La Crosse. I need to call Jessie and she if she wants a visitor in the Dells. I am continuing to feel rather lonely here, blah.

21 June 2004

18 June 2004


Nestled in next to the Red Dragon Inn and Hall somewhere in the dank, tepid warehouse districts sprawled across one of the hubs of the multiverse. A barely functioning neon sign designates this establishment as the Star's End Bar and Grille. Aside from that the exterior is unremarkable, just another grimy building in a sea of such places. The front door is a simple job comprised of a steel slab moved by compressed air salvaged from a wrecked starship long ago. Inside is an eclectic mix of modern and ancient. Old wooden tables and chairs cover the main floor area, minus the far left area with a rarely used band shell and dance floor. Beside the band shell along the back wall is a back stairway to the upstairs and a few old room that can be reserved for a few coins. A fireplace which is somehow always blazing despite any obvious attempt to feed it sits along the left wall. A few worn out armchairs occasionally find their way in front of it. Along the right wall almost opposite to the band shell is a beat up looking juke box acquired from a wrecked freighter by one of the bar's original proprietor's. All along the right wall are wooden booths with worn fabric upholstery hugging the shadows of the rafters looming over the establishment.
The bar itself is an older nicely polished wood object lining nearly nearly 2/3rds of the back wall. Access is on the left end or there is an entrance from the kitchen directly behind it. A modern looking cash register half visible behind the bar shows off the clash of modern and ancient which permeates the entire place. The bar stools are the kind which move and somehow they all actually seem to match despite the faint aire of neglect the place gives off. A replicator sits just to the right of the bar in case people aren't willing to wait for a meal to be cooked, or they don't trust the cook. Next to replicator are the bathrooms with faded symbols for male and female upon their respective doors.
This is Star's End Bar and Grille. Most of its regular patrons refer to it as SEB out of laziness and a certain insider feeling of having a nickname to the place where they spend their evenings.

((Something I've wanted to try, Star's End Bar did exist for awhile on AOL as the home to FFRP, I think it has gone away now. Anyhow it was a great setting, so I am gonna play with it now. Hope its an interesting read at some point.))

16 June 2004


Just something I was reading on the Ambrosia boards. What depresses me is that while apparently Christians persecute non-believers all the time (sometimes in our very existing) but non-believers "never" persecute Christians. After spending a debate on #ev3 (the irc branch of said webboards) it strikes me that whereas we have faith which requires no logic only a trust in God, they are relying on science and facts. Facts which weren't facts 100 years ago and won't be facts in 100 years. When I pointed this out they seemed to bluster and change the subject. Granting in the greater sphere of things I should probably just not have spoken up but I hate it when people who don't believe in God trash His name so they can feel more secure about their beliefs. It'd just be nice though if neither side jabbed out at the other. I know I'm guilty of doing that, so heh, maybe I'll take my own words to heart. :/

Anyhow, not ranting now, I am looking forward to work tonight despite how my feet are gonna hurt and/or bleed. I am getting rather lonely here at home and some human contact would be really nice. You'd think with AIM and e-mail that such a thing wouldn't be an issue but it rather is alas.

Happily I got to talk with Jessie last night, first time in awhile. Hopefully I can get down and visit her sometime, I miss her. Granting I miss lots of my friends right now. It's boring in La Crosse!

For Twism

mirv120 is a radioactive squirrel!!


From Go-Quiz.com

14 June 2004

One Long Week

Guess that would be the best way to describe it. Sure some interesting stuff but not a lot. Mainly my crazy schedule has now kept me from keeping in touch with anyone. Away messages aren't as good as talking. (Ok yes, I could in theory call people but I hate talking on the phone, besides who'd want to be called by me?) One bright side I must admit tho is the few people I know in England, visiting or actual residents, are awake when I am! I've been chatting alot on irc.ambrosia.com (port 6667, channel #ev3 if you want know about IRC) so that has killed time. Granting that is time pointlessly spent but I have been pretty bored.
Played so much mah-jong and Bubble Trouble that it boggles the mind (doubled my previous record set in Bubble Trouble) and now I've started Operation Uranus in Stalingrad. That will take me awhile, I'll be lucky to be done in a month. Try micromanaging 3.5 total armies spread over an entire front.
Final comments: updated the side bar links. Discovered Lars has finally broken down and started a blog. Was under the impression he wasn't that impressed with them so not sure what'll come of it. I removed or edited some blogs too. No big worries. Just continued tweaking by me.

13 June 2004

Audio Video

Quick notes: go hit MAHQ and check out the latest posts (near the top well at least near the same date as this entry) for, yay(!), Gundam SEED DVD! Granting I'll wait til box set comes out. Hopefully around Christmas time but more likely a year or so from the initial release this August.

If I had a cell phone I'd try out audioblogging. No link here but I think it might be audioblog.com. Check out blogger.com, it should link you. It's cool but I'd want to make sure I am not paying long distance fees. Who knows though. I will write some more later, going to get off the line here so I can get phone call from the sister if that happens.

11 June 2004

Random Entry

Yea, I don't have much to say, keep trying to write some fiction but not been able to get things going. Maybe sometime. Anyhow playing around with the digital camera, might put a picture or two up on my old webpage for yer perusance. Mom's new car is nice. It occurs to me once we get rid of Bonneville when I need to go someplace where the truck (which is nominally my vehicle until I get my own this winter) that I'll get either the Camry or the Maxima to travel with. Pretty cool, not that I don't love my truck but it's awkward to get in and out of busy/tight places and it's nice to have a car. Just now both parents are gonna be protective as hell with their respective vehicles. Oh well, either works for me although if the Camry takes a tape adapter (it actually has a tape deck) then I'd prefer her over the Maxima (which has no deck) so I can use the iPod.
Parents want me to go with them to visit Grandma this weekend. Normally I wouldn't go but since I don't work and my sleep schedule is nominally normal (I fell asleep at 8PM yesterday actually) and my little cousins from Colorado. Good reason to go!

08 June 2004

Getting Ready for Europe

Yes, the old PP has been slightly modified as I prepare to depart for lands far away.
First off I must address an important issue that has surely been on everyone's minds. What will happen to the Steiner Fan Club of America when it loses one of its members for a semester? Well never fear because the brilliant leadership of the SFCoA has put a plan into action to spread the goodness of Steiner to the rest of world. Europe shall be civilized at last! France will bow to the greatness of Steiner as it should! Yes, that's right, I have become the first Missionary for the Steiner Fan Club of America, sent to far flung heathen countries to civilize them to the greatness that is Steiner!
In other news I now own a digital camera so I can record my trip this fall. Since I am fairly immobile this week and due to that haven't got much to do I am probably going try and become fairly proficient in its use. My sleep schedule this week is totally shot to hell as well so I am barely sleeping (do not have to switch to days from overnights, second time I've had to and what a mess, worse I will have to switch back once I more mobile) so if these are coming at odds time of the day, for me at least, go figure!

06 June 2004


First off, a less important thing but perhaps some of you might be interested. A new site opened up called Drive Thru RPG.com. Opening an account (for free as far as I can see) has no drawbacks other then adding your e-mail address to another list. But you can download a free e-book copy of the Exalted core rules if you do so. I downloaded it anyhow.

I was gonna write something about remembering the sacrifices of those who died in service of the US 60 years ago. However I cannot think of something deep and moving to say. I intend to pay my respects in person this fall.

04 June 2004

Bradbury on Moore

Ray Bradbury sounds off on Michael Moore stealing his title. Hmm, seems Moore didn't ask the author if he could rip off his title... :/

Short Gaming Note

Following the latest entry for the Gamethink blog I have gone to The Forge which is proported to have an extensive amount of gaming knowledge and a lot of theory tossed around about RPGs and how they work. It looks to be good, but very jargon heavy so first thing I'd suggest doing is going to the Articles and reading the glossary. It's long and rather confusing but understanding the basic terms even a little going in can help for some basic understanding. For people who are really into gaming for more then just killing things this is probably worth your time if you have time!

Yea, I worked out at 4AM. Now I am gonna pop in the shower and try to get to sleep early (in my context of early). Enjoy the doublepost night from me :D

Shrek and other things

Well went camera shopping with Dad (looking for a digital camera for this fall). Got kind of an idea what I want, especially because tonight I went online to Nikkon and Canon and some other sites and found Mac capable ones. So now just have to do some last minute comparing and/buying kinda stuff.

Saw Shrek 2 after that. Didn't have anyone to watch it with, not many people I can hang with here so not a big surprise I guess. Caught Ryan there tho cause he was working but yea can't talk very long because he actually does work some nights (just some rare nights!). The movie was surprisingly good for a sequal although I have to agree with Ryan's assesment that it wasn't as good as the first although it had its moments. Still worth your money to go see it even at the price theaters charge these days. Debating whether to spend money to see HP #3 and Day After Tomorrow. Or I could buy some more books. Hmm...

Just for Allison who thinks Exalted occupies my barely functional mind all the time here is some random facts. An Eclipse class Solar Exalted (the penultimate Exalt because they can learn charms of other Exalts, Spirits, and presumably Fae) who has all the Solar Charms and all MA charms (even Sidereal plus the normal Terrestial ones which are of course universal), all spells and has Essence 10 and Att/Ab all equal to 10 costs just under 8600 XP. Now one with all spirit charms costs just under 10000 XP however that's a rougher estimate cause I was too lazy to count all the spirit charms. Similarily assuming each type of Exalt has about 200 charms that means this Exalt with every possible charm would be just over 25000 XP. Things like necromancy balance for less Sidereal charms, etc. Toss in specialties and combos and definately talking around 30000 XP. However a 30000 XP Solar should be so well comboed and specialized that nothing would touch him ever. It's safe to assume that higher end charms would have been developed by such an Exalt which would all for scene long total invulnerability for nearly everything.

Some random numbers (which I mighta done before for some other commentary):
Personal Essence: 40
Peripheral Essence: 100 (assuming that virtues max out at 5, if they can go to 10 then add another Periphal)
Total Essence Pool: 140

Total time to learn all this fun stuff (assuming only all Solar and Spirit charms and spells that can be attained from such plus above maxed out stats): 32 years, 2 months, and 4 days.

For an Exalt who lives a natural minimum of roughly 2000 years (extended through charms to over 7000-that's right an Exalted could have been born in 5000 BCE and still be walking the cool green hills of earth today) this is nothing. Kind of makes me wonder if I did the math wrong. Of course more and more charms will probably be written up as the years progress so these numbers will only go up.

I should note to those who actually play Exalted this makes a character from scratch using XP so training times and XP costs are gonna be probably several years and at least 100 XP more then if I had taken that into account.

Happy Allison? :P

For the record the thing most on my mind is usually girls, a rather frustrating thing for me. It's nice to be able to throw myself into simple things like this which I can immerse and absorb and distract myself. I feel both blessed and cursed to know so many beautiful young women who think of me as a friend. Hopefully I manage to actually be a good friend, there are days I wonder if I've ever been or if I am just being self serving and that I have lost many of the good qualities I once valued. Perhaps I am just a little bitter (or more then a little and unwilling to admit that much) but I don't think I will drift any further down this path. At night I get a little more self analytical even at work which surprisingly some nights gives me an incredible amount of time to think although I don't really pick the subject my mind just kind of picks something and sticks to it.

That all said and done, I've finished watching part of Return of the King again. The best part by and far for me is the lighting of the beacons of Gondon/Rohan. That's just cool.

Some additional notes on the whole thong thing. Most in reply to the comment I got: it would seem to me that if two people are down to their underwear that they probably aren't going to waste their time playing with that now. And as for decoration well if you are down to that little clothing one would hope that you find the other person in the situation beautiful enough to need no decoration at all. Call me a simpleton (or a pyscho for thinking about such things, but I blame the old ladies for bringing up this whole mess in the first place then!) but I have to say the most beautiful thing on this planet are humans and no make-up, kinky clothing -underwear or otherwise- will enhance that, please note I am not for public nudity however (!!!), so what's the point? You're just ruining a naturally perfect beauty.

Ok, that was rambling, maybe somewhat thoughtful, but rambling nonetheless. Time to get a little exercise before I hit the sack. I keep tossing some story ideas I might try entertaining thru this venue but no promises.

As Wolfwood would say: "May God go with you my friends!"

03 June 2004


Sure, sleep deprived people write stuff like this.

Anyhow after the somewhat infamous musical thongs about 2 years back Shopko has outdone themselves again. Yes the family friendly store took a moment from sending us beer mugs, et al to send us thongs with zippers in the front. Now theoretically for guys I could maybe understand this but these are girls thongs -no I don't go near that section store myself but the old ladies who I work with got a kick(?) out of it and brought us guys over to see- so what are the zippers for? All I can think of is my favorite line from a James Bond movie (from Q of course): "Kinky 007".

Yea bedtime now.