27 February 2006

X, among other things

Home was...home. Good and bad. I think the weekend got off on a rather bad footing and that threw the mood. Had a great sleep the first night and miserable sleep the second and that threw me as well.

Picked up Neuromancer by William Gibson. It's considered to be the beginning of the Cyberpunk sub-genre. Also found and read Cyberpunk which it turns out is a short story that's available on the web. Both of these are old 80s classics and like the movies of the time feel a bit cheesy. Cyberpunk moreso then Neuromancer. Both attach a lot of significance to RAM and ROM in ways that makes no sense. It feels like they are throwing out big terms to make it feel more futuristic but since they used real terms their futuristic outlook gets burned 20 years down the road. Wonder if all science fiction is slotted for that. War of the Worlds certainly isn't very scary to our modern technology unless retold. Neuromancer also hurt itself a bit with a sex scene very early on that could of course develop into something else but felt idiotically gratuitous to the wrong kind of people. But it was written in the 80s so go figure. The plot itself has not developed very far so I am withholding judgement. I'll also grant that just because it set the foundation of the genre doesn't mean that it was the best story ever to come out from it.

Moving on, at home I also picked up half the anime "X" (quotes mine). Was kind of skeptical about it but I've been wanting to branch my interests out beyond what is on TV and I had read a little about it online. I've watched through all the episodes (before you all die of shock it's less the 6 hours of show and I had all Saturday/Sunday nights to watch). I was busy doing homework throughout though so I am going to re-watch more slowly to pay better attention. Thoughts just far: some Biblical imagery, I've read that it is a take on Revelations and the two characters could in theory be construed in a very odd way as Christ/Anti-Christ. This isn't a new thing in anime so it doesn't bother me a terrible lot. I haven't really read Revelations so it just seems like plot to me. The plot itself starts off kind of slowly and is very very confusing. There are almost too many main characters and halfway through the series I hardly know any of the characters by name. Some of them have already started dying so I won't get a chance to learn their names! (Part of the reason I am going to re-watch.) On the more positive side: the voice actors are made up of a bunch of folks I am familiar with so while I can't keep track of the character's names I can easily and readily identify them. The musical theme if rather repetitive is also very enjoyable so I look forward to the listening aspect of the show. The art is well done and realistic. This is a serious show so it never waxes into the silliness some other shows I've seen do.

Well, that's probably a long enough ramble for all of you especially since most people who read this probably care very little about science fiction (especially cyberpunk) or anime (especially any anime) I suppose this was a rather useless post. Sorry, better find yourself something good to be interested in like science fiction and/or anime :D

24 February 2006

Last to bed, first to rise

But only on Fridays! And mostly cause I hung out at Al and Steph's til 2AM after babysitting. Thanks for staying asleep Alex!

This morning has been an interesting one. Got going a bit late on the account that I pushed my alarm back to the last possible moment I could set it and still have a quasi-reasonable chance of making it to work by 7:45. Now I wouldn't have made it at all except for the wonderful invention of U-Pass. Ironically I think Kleiner supported this back in the day when I was more indifferent although I did vote to continue it this week so rather karmic. So I managed to get to work at 7:46. This isn't technically late because the lab doesn't officially open til 8 but we are supposed to be there 15 minutes early to open the lab in case a professor needs to prep for class.

Get there and the door to the attached lab is wide open. The one with the "EMERGENCY DOOR DO NOT OPEN" in size 72 font that's bright red. Yup, one of the professors (who shall remain nameless although anyone who has worked a CPS shift prolly can guess) has gone and opened the door. Now thankfully he knows how to deactivate the alarm so security is not enroute getting ready to throttle the numbskull who ruined their coffee and donuts but still! DO NOT OPEN applies to everyone! Even the LAs aren't supposed to open that door. The only people who are supposed to go through are a) security b) people in a dire emergency. Everyone else is supposed to go through the main doors and the only ones who are allowed to open them are Lab staff and security. They don't even give maintenance keys to these rooms! (Kinda amazing how much power/authority they give the LAs but a lot of responsibility to be on time for opening shifts and to not abuse the power after a lab closes.) In the professor's defense he claimed to not know when I'd be coming so perhaps he honestly thought that I would arrive there at 7:59:59. I've been opening for 5 weeks tho and that latest I've come I think is -hang on I can check- 7:48.

Anyhow talked with him and stressed it's my butt on the line. This might not be true but they could argue cause I was late, by even a minute that he didn't know if I'd be much later then usual and he needed to prep for class. Kind of hoping this honest fear for my job and telling him that we're supposed to be here 15 minutes early for opening shifts will keep him from opening up from now on.

Alright, rant done. Surprised I could muster that much energy on 4 hours of sleep. I was in a really nice dream too when the alarm sounded :/

23 February 2006

Updates, etc

Well sitting in the living room of Al and Steph's "monitoring" Alex who is soundly asleep as long as the stupid dog shuts up. So did a little updating of the blog lists on the side to hopefully better reflect whose is active and not. The quiet list is getting enormous. Yea, it's a boring technical update, more interesting content below!


I think in Hebrew pause is "selah" although that kind of pause is almost certainly a more reflective pause then this probably will be.

Things seem to be settling down at bit. I am finally getting into a routine I think even though it's actually week 5 now. I cannot believe that much time has passed by. We're almost 1/3rd a way through the semester. That means I'm almost a 1/6th ways through my last year at UWSP. I just have to hope now that while I am settling into a routine that it doesn't become a rut.

Al has me babysitting again tonight. Well technically more monitoring as Alex will hopefully be pretty much on her way to sleeping when I get there. Not completely thrilled to do it but if they think I will be alright then not much to worry about. Besides all the girl's are just a phone call away and I have multiple levels of expert advice. Here's praying that Alex is very tired and sleeps the whole night tho! Think I will take some GITS:SAC and watch that.

Speaking of GITS I looked it up on Wikipedia and unsurprisingly it was well covered. However I got to dig through some of the deeper meanings of the show and now I have a much better grasp of a Stand-Alone Complex. It's funny I didn't understand it before as they quote it almost directly from the show. The concept itself is pretty cool, I was trying to think of an actual real world example of it but so far haven't had much luck.

This weekend I will be going home. I haven't been home in a little over a month so it hasn't really been all that long. Part of me really wants to go to either Barnes and Noble or River City Hobbies and go buy some RPGs but I said I would hold off on that this year. It's good that I made the promise but darned if it isn't hard to keep! I love buying books especially RPGs! Granted there is lots I can read when I'm home. Dad has one of the finest science fiction collections I've ever stumbled upon, especially since our tastes are very similiar.

Well much as I'd like to keep rambling I should pack up for Goulet's class at 3. If you're reading this and haven't read the poem below you really should. It's quite good and frankly it very suddenly explained a number of things about Rememberance Day to me.


In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

-John McCrae, 1915

And now I know why the symbol for rememberance in the British Empire is a poppy...

21 February 2006

Job Fairs Suck

It was pretty much a waste of my time and any "potential" employers I talked too. They seemed uninterested for the most part. Possibly the most interested was Liberty Insurance but they had no internships really open so kinda too little too late. I am afraid to ask Evie how bad of an impression I made.

It's nice to have warm weather again ya know? It's funny now that the weather really isn't any warmer them a week and a half ago but it feels warmer since we had that bitter bitter cold. Go figure. Not that I am complaining. If my body thinks it's warmer then it really is I'll take it.

I am enjoying the one side benefit of the jbo fair though: no Goulet and no work today. I would have worked but I would have been rather pressed at the fair. As it was I think we spent a good hour there possibly longer. Not sure how. So I can sort of relax although I still need to study for the map test tomorrow. Blah, so many random places in the Middle East. Not quite sure why I need to know all of them. I can hit major capitols and all the nations (except for maybe mixing up Oman and Yemen although it's really not that hard either).

Going home this weekend. Not sure if I really want to go home but I have an appointment monday morning so not much choice. That's all I got. Whee.

18 February 2006

Exalted Rnd. 9

"Not on a shiny day with a million of my friends"
"The butterflies are dissapearing!"

Well second round of spring (er well it was spring last session now it got cold) Exalted was last night. Two of our players (the Twilight and the Eclipse) were unable to make it but luckily we got a new Zenith so there was still three people to go out and deal with events. Upon returning to the capitol the Vermillion legion is sent off to re-equip/recover. They have informed that House Mnemon has ascended to the Scarlet Throne on the backs of demons. As this happens the Twilight and Eclipse are summoned North to deal with a demon problem.

The rest of the Circle begins to attempt to deal with any new issues. There aren't any besides some extra demon occurences. So they go about their normal business until weird things begin happening. Eventually they find their way to the villa of one of their Dragon-Blooded students. The place is abandoned. Like noone has been there in a day and they just up and left. Finally the Zenith attempts to feel any strange presences, detects fading aura of demons and opts to spontaneously torch the place.

Post fire the Solars opt to increase security in the capitol. They also plan to forge south where problems are being reported in Chaya. Before they head south however demons are spotted in the capitol so they investigate more. This leads to a humorous moment when our stealthy Night caste manages to botch her roll and sets off the Twilight's paranoid security around his library. Shortly after getting out of that debacle the Night stumbles upon one of the minor nation's embassy unprotected. She goes and gets help and they arrive to find everyone missing but the Ambassador and his gaurds sealed/warded in the upstairs. The demons have fled.


Absolutely bitterly completely cold! The CRV barely started but it did manage to start. I'll post Exalted results sometime this weekend. Night!

16 February 2006

Snow en masse

It's rather deep, soon to be blowing kind of cool :D


Wow, it is really, really, really snowing out there. I sure wish I could be curled up at home watching it snow rather then running around out in it. This morning I got lucky a classmate gave me a ride in. Totally did not expect it but it was much better then walking, he is truly a scholar and a gentleman.

After Goulet's boringness I have to go install Oracle 9i and some other software on a couple computer's for Client/Server. Should be straight forward I hope. After that I need to do another group project. Hopefully I will be able to get out by 7 but who knows.

The walk back should be interesting because I doubt anything has been really shoveled. Why can't we get days off of school?!?
Princess Mononoke. Interesting movie. Very nice animation. Then again Miyazaki's movies tend to be very well drawn. Anyhow time to sleep. 'Nother long day of class and projects. Whee.

13 February 2006

Great so now I feel more single then I did before...

12 February 2006


Well after doin' t-bell, hardees, and grazies in that order plus not enough sleep and some stress tossed in my body reminds me that I'm not a freshman anymore. Blah! I feel old and kinda embarrassed.

Did you see the Grey's? They blew up Kyle Chandler! Cripes, whose gonna save Chicago now the little tabby cat? It's one of those things you could kinda predict as he walked out but still. I dunno, I've read about the nasty effects of gernades, etc being a student of military history but it's still scary to see it. Pink mist, ack. Can't believe they killed Hobson. But George rocked. George++

Other news. None in particular. Another busy week. It look like I've got approx. 12 to go and then summer and hopefully another internship at the Clinic. Life doesn't slow down from here it only gets more hectic. Just have to live with it.

11 February 2006

Point Con Finale

Well today was annual budget. Gave Amanda the wrong room so it was just me facing the 13 less then cheerful looking budget folk. However I think I did alright. Talked with Melissa and she said they'd prolly axe some of the budget for Salt (so students would have to pay part but not all). So hopefully that's the worst that'll happen.

PointCon was this weekend. Almost didn't go. But decided to stop in and put a little money into the raffle (that White Wolf owes bigtime for getting me hooked to Exalted) and then talked Isaac into running a game of D20 Modern/Apocalypse. Was fun, lots of gunfire. Kinda wish we could have had more time to explore but the LARP called several people away. The raffle treated me well- $10 put in for 12 tickets of which 6 returned dividends so I now have a pound of dice and 5 new books including a Rifter!

Anyhow now I need to do some homework that I neglected to do this afternoon. Would love to hang with folks (especially cause I did so all afternoon) but Flash calls and then Goulet.

10 February 2006

Yay for walks!

So the Olympics have started, how many people are going to try and watch? I think I may try and have it on as background noise but actual watching will be limited sadly. Too dang busy!


So randomly looking at US highways that have run by or run by my places of residence. US 14 runs literally from Chicago to Yellowstone and the irony is I have driven on the road I can look at from my bedroom Window nearly a 1000 miles from home! US 10 runs straight my place here to my sister's place (and yes doubters it does reach the Twin Cities it even goes to Fargo). Pretty cool. :D

Yea, I'm a nerd. And I love Wikipedia!


More fun from the brilliant minds who get angry over stuff from half a year ago (presumably in about a decade they're going to be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally ticked about Iraq when they finally notice it's been invaded).

From the Beeb: "Long live Islam. Destroy Denmark. Destroy Israel. Destroy George Bush. Destroy America," protesters shouted as they marched to the Danish embassy in the rain from a nearby mosque.

Lesse, George Bush has 0 connection to this nor does America (well we finally printed some of the cartoon last week but who hasn't by now?) The Israelis aren't that suicidal, they know if they did something like this their neighbors would use it as a pretext to invade (and then promptly get destroyed again). Oops, guess somehow people got their stories mixed up! So I'd really love to see who's pulling the strings on the Islamic masses.

09 February 2006

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost

I like it almost as much as my all-time favorite (if overused) quote: "Faith manages."


That's been today's theme. Ever have one of those days where everything should be just fine but one little thing derails everything else? Yea. So it hasn't been a bad day, just not a good one...

Anyhow, hope you all had better ones then me!

07 February 2006


So does a country count if it neglects to fail to protect embassies placed in good faith in their countries? Seriously, I'd cut my own ties with those countries. I don't think Syria, Lebanon, or Iran can survive as well without Denmark or Norway (or the EU) then the other way around.

More humorous is the fact that these "spontaneous" protests are not only protesting against Denmark but also very quickly the United States and Israel. Seriously, it's understandable that they have an issue with Denmark but as soon as you turn every complaint you have against the US and Israel the arguement becomes invalid. It just screams "someone behind the scenes is pushing an agenda" as well as happily using a bunch of faithful believers as pawns. It has ocurred to me that at some point in the future Islam will look back at this point in history and bemoan the corrupt and hateful leaders who pushed their own agendas onto their religion. History seems to be repeating itself.

Frankly while I understand the outrage I can't understand the violent response. For that matter I really don't understand why violence is always the response. I just want to ask them that if they are so right in their beliefs why do they kill everyone who challenges them? Shouldn't the faith be strong enough to withstand such menial assualts? Isn't the bully's response violence when he is too dumb or unsure of himself to be react any other way? Wouldn't testing the faith and having it withstand the onslaught without fighting back show more strength?

The depressing thing is I have no way to ask this of any leader over there. I'm not sure they'd even listen. At this point I guess they've got an awful lot of power, just judging from past events where even moderate governments are allowing these protests to take place, so I suppose it'd take actual divine intervention to get them to change their tune.

Well I should really go and work on Flash now...

06 February 2006

Jack Johnson

So I bought one of the older Jack Johnson albums (On and On) today. Now I've been listening to it along with In Between Dreams and I've noticed that whenever I hear a song from In Between Dreams it feels odd. Not that the music is bad, it's quite good. I wouldn't have bought more Jack Johnson if I hadn't enjoyed the earlier stuff. Somehow it just evokes a strange mix of feelings. I'm not sure what. I listened to it mostly in the summer when I was working so I guess it's tied into something from this summer. At a loss what it is and if I can get it back or even if I want it back.

Oh yay

Someone remind me I'm dumb. Also, I hate Flash, just so everyone is aware of that!

05 February 2006

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Well first off congrats to the Steelers for making history. Not that many folks here care. How'd I end up as the only die hard football fan?

Things feel like they are on edge. They will either slide back into the doldrums or lighten up. I dunno how things will fall but really hope for a better outcome. Anyhow here's hoping. At least accepting certain facts of reality again.

Anyhow. In other news I really don't want to do Flash. Seriously, I just hate doing homework for that class. I know I need to and that it'll actually be kinda cool to know more stuff but it seems like way too much work. However I said I'd do two weeks worth of reading in all my classes so I have to do it. Me and my darn promises eh?

Can't think of much else to babble about. Positive attitudes! :D

Exalted Rnd. 8

"Smile at them" -diplomacy at its best
"As much fun as it would be to flirt with you I think I'm just gonna roll." -um, one of those times the role v roll play problem is easily solved.
"Cause dragons are better then gods." -well sorta...

This was the welcome back to playing your ST hasn't done enough preparing so therefore there will be a minimum of rollplaying but did I mention you'll get 100 XP session. So yea, think it was a little slow but anyhow: teh recap 2.5! So the Realm had their civil war. Mnemon won. Yay an almost identical personality to the Empress. Wonder how she'll turn out as a replacement? Soooo that little fiasco gives our plucky Solars a decade to consume 1/3 of the Hundred Kingdoms completely and another 1/3rd really (really really) likes them. Mask of Winters loses a minor war which only helps to make the Threshold love the Solars even more. Way to go MoW, make your enemies stronger. Or is that what you want?!? The other major events during the downtime: Rathess joins up. Not many details but lots of Dragon King tech went out to the group. Plus several hearthstones. On the downside a fair amount of resources will get drained into Rathess to make it of any use. Finally the Guild got talked into selling 51% of itself to the Solars (well the Eclipse did smile...). However the Solars promptly outlaw slavery and the Guild revolts. Essentially everyone South of Nexus is pro-Solar and everyone North is pro-old school. More trouble except that the Solars now have a powerful supply train and are filthier rich.

So the actual plot: very short. In the aftermath of the Realm civil war the Vermillion legion flees in the general direction of Caelestis. Taking their new airship they flew out and meet the legion. Some negotiations ensue (more smiling yes) and the Vermillion legion joins ranks.

02 February 2006

Monthly Funs

"They were playing Wagner, that's the most fun I've had in about 6 months." -Tyr

Now I remember why I bought 1st Season of Andromeda!

2 years

Somehow this schenanigan I call a blog has survived two years. Don't ask me how. Honestly I figured it'd have petered out by now. This last year has probably looked pretty negative if everything is weighed in. That's because when I'm down/lonely/generally in a pessmistic mood I seem to post more then when I'm happy. Sorry to the -2 readers out there. I'd promise this year would be better but not completely sure I could keep that promise.

Feeling a little in limbo at the moment. Not quite sure where things are going except that whatever I thought they'd do they probably won't. That's life. I've found I can't predict what life will be like from semester to semester. Odd to think things change that much or that fast. I wonder if they'll continue to change that much once I've graduated. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Signed for the new apartment, move in end of May if I'm lucky. Got to see Jenny yesterday! That was a happy surprise. Also might get to see her again Saturday. Kind of crazy since I haven't seen her since May of last year. That's part life too I guess having people dissapear and then show up suddenly only to have them leave again. (One strange concept about life, you can be so close to someone and then have circumstance split you forever. I think of two guys who rowed together for 17 hours at Dunkirk saving lives and then never saw each other again. Surely braving death together makes you brothers but then life takes you on your seperate course!)

I do feel kinda lonely right now. Think it's the fact I am so busy that I am just jumping from thing to thing and haven't established a pattern for the semester. I am very much a creature of patterns so I always feel off-balance (and am far more easily shaken) when I am in-between routines.

Well think I will dig into Rifts. Only 25+ books left. How much of a nerd am I that I am plugging away through an entire RPG series in a semester? Speaking of books though I finally got a fun assignment. I get to read two books on the modern Middle East and review them! I ordered a couple books off Amazon. One on the Yom Kippur War (seemed appropriate considering I read about 6 Days War last semester) and another more general book covering how the 3 different religions have dealt with Israel. Both look interesting and were decently rated. Plus they appeared to be relatively un-biased. I may be pro-Israeli for the most part but I realize there's another side to this war.

Anyhow, that's a long anniversay/birthday post. Time to relax and read.