31 July 2006

Mental Stimulation

Yea, I got to debate and discuss some of the deeper things in life this evening and it was great. I need to do that more often!

Have you ever wondered?

Why whenever the Israelis retalitate when terrorists attack them that they are "violating human rights" or "committing war crimes" but the terrorists apparently are not even when they specifically target civilians? Not that the Israel campaign in Lebanon is really a good thing at the moment, they do seem to be targetting civillians at this point which is a bit unusual, generally they are more tactful about it. Suppose I shouldn't expect parity in the press or general public tho should I? Especially not in the US or Europe.

30 July 2006

One Hundred and What!

So tomorrow the temp is supposed to be 102 with a heat index of over 110. Needless to say VB will probably be canceled and that makes me sad. I've highly enjoyed the event but hard to pull folks out in that kind of heat. Please God cool things down here!

28 July 2006

Today I just feel inadequate.

27 July 2006

What The...

Well if you missed it the oil corporation's handed in their earnings for the second quarter. Guess Katrina didn't really hurt them that bad. Kind of wonder why they needed any government aid though when they have a profit of between 5 to 10 billion dollars. More then ever I'd scream profit windfalls tax!! I think they can survive on half their profits. Cause ya know 2.5 to 5 billion dollars ain't enough to support research or pay their executives. Or maybe feed Africa.

Sorry, just frustrates me a bit. Also makes me wish I was an oil exec or had large shares of their stocks.

Sort of Busy?

Yea, kind of in the midst of being somewhat busy to the point I can't think of much of interest to post of late. Or at least not put up much of quality. Hopefully that'll maybe change this weekend so guess check back at whatever random pace you normally check?

Anyhow, I am greatly enjoying my Cowboy Bebop tuneage. It's quite good and oh so varied!

24 July 2006

It rained so we didn't play VB edition

Yea, so volleyball got rained out and that leaves me with nothing to do in a time I generally hoped would be spent on socializing. :/

Anyhow Tyler seems to think I need to talk about the books I got this weekend. Not really sure anyone would care so instead I will provide random video footage of explosions to amuse. When all else fails nuke them from orbit...

The music I ordered finally did come. It's several import CDs of Cowboy Bebop soundtracks. Now unsurprisingly they are bootlegs but I got them through a keep Amazon Marketplace vendor so I am not terribly surprised and they are very high quality. I am highly enjoying the music though especially the stuff from "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" of which I really love the soundtrack but up to this point only had a few songs from it. That was mostly cause I hadn't seen the movie until after Napster got buried so I lost my access to foreign music. I always had hoped iTunes would pick this kind of stuff up but they haven't yet.

Probably a canidate for best soundtrack of the year for me but we'll see how the staying power is. Certainly the musical variety remains fantastic. Cowboy Bebop really does cover nearly every musically genre so have to give a salute to Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts for that.

22 July 2006


I'll be gone a couple days to visit the sister and a friend who reside in the Twin Cities burbs. It'll be my first time driving in that large of a population (Madison or Green Bay not sure who is bigger held the record prior) so wish me luck or prayers to not kill myself in traffic.

I got a couple of the WoD books today. I realized somehow I forgot to order WoD: Armory so may have to get that from Bookworld. I am still pretty excited about running this game (even gonna have a Police Chaplain named Al) but honestly it won't have a chance to get off ground for awhile. If I am unlucky and have to move away from Point to work who knows when it'll happen.

But anyhow have a good weekend all.

20 July 2006

The Thing and other things

So a bunch of ECSPers watched John Carpenter's The Thing tonight. Kinda gross and rather nerve wracking at times but in the end not incredibly long term scary. Unless you are going to Antarctica and the neighboring camp has Norwegians and sled dogs. John Carpenter's movies are rather fun to watch, he makes them nicely suspenseful (although most of his characters are a bit dense, the tendency to split up is amazing, gamers learn not to do this can't horror movie characters learn to do it) and usually not way too graphic like horror movies these days. Extremely over the top gorey violence does not ever equal a good plot and especially does not cause you to think!

I just had a random thought, I dought anyone else will do this cause hardly anyone reads this who also blogs (ok hardly anyone reads this period you all got better taste or stuff to do :D ). What's on favorites toolbar? You know the little quicklinks that you can customize just below the URL address?

I've got a bunch. I'll list them name on the toolbar and where it goes.

APOD: Aka Astronomy Picture of the Day. A very long running page the updates with different pictures relating to astronomy. Covers the whole gamut and has some very beautiful pictures.

RPG.net: The one RPG site I visit regularily. Has very active forums. It's the place where I get my random motivational pictures from and keep tabs on RPG news.

Scifi Wire: SciFi Channel's New page. It keeps tabs on SciFi news although lately I've gone their less and it has become less and less useful over time.

Comics: My daily comics fix from GoComics.com (also Comics.com)

Radar: Weather radar at Intellicast techinically this one looks over St. Cloud, MN but it covers all of Wisconsin and Minnesota so I can see what's coming.

Forecast: Intellicast forecast for Stevens Point. Varying accuracy although the far end of the 10 day forecast is wrong as much as it is right.

MAHQ: Mecha Anime Headquarters. Not so useful anymore but occasionally fun to read. I think the name explains itself.

RvB: Red vs. Blue, the webshow. It's funny but has slowly gone downhill overtime. Still check out season 1 if you can, it'll make you laugh (warning bad language in the shows).

AOL Mail: Yea, that explains itself.

Blogger: My link to maintain this blog and others.

PP: Pointless Pointer or what you are reading right now. I use my blog as a links collection for everyone else's blog so I pass through this a lot. Screws up my hit count :/

Gmail: Google e-mail. You want an invite just ask.

UWSP Mail: Also self explanatory. Sorry to get one of these you need to lay down a couple thousand dollars every couple months.

DTRPG: Drive Thru RPG. I only mainly go here from their free RPG that changes every couple weeks. Interesting site tho that is really changing how RPGs are distributed.

Facebook: Yes, I go there too often. That college networking page. It's better then mySpace so quit looking at me like that.

WP: Wikepedia, all the information you could ever want and cross-referenced 3,000 ways. Sure it's not perfect but I got a B in History using this (and it would have been an A except for stuff that wasn't its fault).

IMDB: The Internet Movie Database. Every actor for every movie and tv show ever. Or close to it. The Wikipedia of movies more or less.

D2L: The nefarious Desire 2 Learn site that most UWSP students have suffered through and apparently now most UW students are saddled with. In December that one will be banished forever.

That was fun wasn't it? Time for bed, presentation later this morning.

18 July 2006


So I just bought the entire mortals line of WoD off Amazon. It's not as bad as you think but yet it is. I really shouldn't spend money like this but it's hard. I am bored and for whatever reason I got it in my head to attempt to run a mortal WoD game at some point in the future. Someone take Amazon (and probably Noble Knight too) away from me. They tempt me with too many books: rpg, fiction, non-fiction! A couple of the supplements should be interesting reads though as they are either adventures or locations.

My basic idea is to run a mortals game centered in Stevens Point where the PCs are University students. This gives common ground and might also give a chance to make things a little creepier. Something amiss in Schmeekle, the thing that got out of the CNR building (other then the standard fare that escapes the herptology folks), and so on and so forth. Not a hack and slash kind of horror story but probably something closer to Call Cthulu, not that I have read that. I just remember how much fun I had freaking out my PCs in my Exalted game when they were in a couple places they thought were infested by demons but didn't know where. I'd like to run a game like that but without all the weird powers that the major lines bring and also want to run something different from the standard fantasy fare. Plus nWoD is a pretty simple system especially for folk who are used to oWoD and Exalted (the other major Storyteller systems).

I suppose this really deserves to be in my gaming blog less then here but oh well. I'm not even sure when I'd run this game. Certainly not this summer when I have three games I am in. In the fall I dunno because I will be running Exalted and in two games (maybe three). I'm just really excited by the possibilities. But don't worry those in my Exalted game. I am still plotting your utter demise, I mean exciting new adventures! :D

17 July 2006


I forgot how fun it is to read fiction. I'm already on the second Janisaries book. At this rate I migh even finish all three in a week or less. That'd be really good as I'd feel more caught up on my reading. They're also pretty interesting and it had been forever since I read the first one. Think sometime when we still have the RV so that must have been sophomore year of high school or earlier.

I remember when I really started reading a lot in middle school how I could not understand how my Dad could forget the plot of books he'd read. By high school I had realized that your brain simply cannot keep track of all the information, at least not in a way we can dredge up, and with the amount of books Dad has read that he's prolly forgotten most of the stuff about most of them. I've hit that point where a lot of the books I've read are like that. I can barely remember details of any of the Star Wars novels I read in middle school and high school even the really good ones. Plus all the Heinlein's I've gone through. Wish I had better memory but somehow too that makes owning the books better because you can go back and re-read them and it's fun all over again.

16 July 2006

Night Watch

Well Allison and I watched Nochnoy Dozor (in English "Night Watch") last night. It was pretty good. A bit hard to follow but far more plot I think then you American equivalent horror film. I suppose more stuff will make sense in the remaining parts of the trilogy which haven't come out to the US or come out at all, yet.

Not a lot else new at the moment. Lars is attempting to run a play by e-mail (PBEM) game of the Iron Heroes variant. It should be interesting although I am a little miffed that right off the bat I am limited to only 5 PC levels of character because of his strange background system. Honestly, I understand imposing limits on characters but I hate when your growth is removed from your hands or your background is heavily controlled. I don't mind if you have to be from a certain region or what-not or if there are certain classes aren't allowed (ie no magic users or no divine magic, etc, etc) but I hate being told by no choice of my own, you will be limited severely in character generation through no choice of your own. It's not a roleplaying challenge if I get it forced on me (and it's not my fault why it happened, ie if I went and got my character maimed in play it'd make sense) but I guess we'll have to see.

Anyhow, time to go to bed. Morning cometh far to soon!

12 July 2006


Well finally finished Naruto so I can give Dani back the last 6 DVDs. I suppose technically I haven't finished it yet because the show continues to be produced in Japan and the subs are about a season behind. Dani is actually getting the next 3 I think so I suppose in a month or two I will have another 2 dozen episodes to catch up on. The show is ok, some of the characters are quite interesting but the pacing is horrible a lot of the time and there are a lot of elements that show that this is, by nature, a kid's show.

Speaking of finishing things, when I finish Secret Soldiers I'll be about halfway done with the books I bought while I was in London. I am nearly done with Armed Struggle so when I get to that after Janisaries it should go pretty quick. That leaves me with The Road to Berlin which will take forver to read. It's bigger then The Road to Stalingrad by far and that took awhile to finish. I also have Barbarossa which is more of a German perspective of the whole Russian campaign and also encompasses the entire thing. It's smaller then The Road to Stalingrad so it might not take all that long depending on the writing style. I love reading history but it can be slow going.

Of course then I have several Man-Kzin Wars to knock off and a Tom Clancy novel, The Color of Magic, and at least one Heinlein novel. Probably more things beyond that. The list is long. I really need to read a lot this summer so I can catch up!

That's all. Ex-blonde, go cheer for Twism as he presents again tomorrow :D
"I don't believe it. The sharks have jumped themselves." A quote from RPG.net (on flying sharks that have ranged bite attacks).

Today was interesting. I got up and decided to go for a bike ride and do some errands. Visited some folks and got a couple outstanding errands finished so it was all good. Managed to bike for maybe 45 minutes or so and on the way back I see Seth pulling into his place so I visited him. Then Yakul decided to go for a run so I helped Seth look. In the end was out biking/erranding for nearly 3 hours. That's a lot of biking for me especially on a light lunch. Then after cooling off and cleaning up Lars call me when I am making chow. I feel kind of bad because I wasn't very chatty even though I hardly get to talk to Lars anymore. Guess my stomach has more control of my actions then I thought :/

I am excitedly waiting for some mail to come. I ordered a couple of Cowboy Bebop soundtracks off Amazon. I went through one of the vendors so even though they are imports they were pretty cheap. I'm hoping they weren't bootlegs but honestly if the CDs are good quality I don't terribly mind, I am getting it for the music so if it's all there and CD quality I can live with that (considering it was a third of the price).

I started a random project yesterday: putting all the D & D monsters onto on spreadsheet. This way I can sort them by CR/HP/type/name/book/whatever and at some point maybe I'll run a low level D & D game where I can take advantage of the information. Either way it's a project and it'll probably take me forever since I have all the Monster Manuals and they probably have a 100+ monsters in each and then there's the 20 other books too :o It'll keep me busy though.

I am trying to get back into Secret Soldiers to finish that so I can start on Janisaries so that way I can get to the later (and smaller, the first Janisaries book is illustrated) Janisaries series before or during the trip out west. Speaking of that you know how hard it is to coordinate 5 people meeting? I need to get everyone who is going out west together but noone's schedule meshes. We gotta meet tho before we go to hammer things out so hopefully that'll sort itself out!

Well I've rambled enough here for now. Time to go find something productive to do.

11 July 2006


I love forecasts some days. Google says that it's supposed to be thunderstorms today and intellicast claims its sunny. Now currently it's been cloudy all of the day so I find it highly amusing both are way off. Maybe it'll storm and clear up before the sun sets tho!

Volleyball was a lot of fun yesterday. Actually yesterday in general was a lot of fun. I got to hang out with people for over half the day and got exercise, ate good (if incredibly unhealthy) food all day it seems. I think my efforts to eat healthy and/or shed a little weight are doomed to fail. I work out somewhat regularily and bike to class and play volleyball and am attempting to eat less (if I am failing I am eating my usual consumption) and still I stay the same.

Anyhow, need to go to County Market because I am almost out of juice, milk and fruit.

09 July 2006


So I caught that last 10 minutes of the World Cup finale. What an excellent finish. Thankfully the Italians crushed the French! Now I am in desperate need of a rest, too much driving today!

London 7/7

I have just realized I forgot a rather sad moment in history that passed a year ago Friday. The only drive in to work I specifically remember from all of last summer, when London was attacked. London will always have a place in my heart.

Two much lesser notes, no Carl's game this week but some random gaming related thoughts.  Follow one of the previous game links back to the other blog. From there you can find your way to the main page of the blog (rather then the specific game post).

Dani's D & D Rnd 4

Here is Dani's game for this week. A very short entry.

08 July 2006

LAN to the AM

So last night we had a pizza/movie (Pirates of the Carribean 2)/LAN night. Pirates 2 was ok, the first was better go figure. Apparently a lot of people didn't know that Pirates 3 was already in filming and thus there will be a sequal which is, not unsurprisingly, set up in this movie.

LAN was awesome. Lots of fun. We played Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It was only 5 of us initially and 6 later on so at times things were a little slow and at times bloody frustrating because it's hard to overwhelm an enemy when your numbers are so small. I did a lot of offense and a lot of defense. Offense usually won although a couple times the D held out once we reduced game time down to 10 minutes from 20. Played almost every map they had to offer.

Some favorite: the submarine base. A lot of fun to swim around even if it made it bloody hard to patrol against attacking engineers. The Allied war documents level that the Allies absolutely owned on. I don't even know the name. Basically for the first two rounds I sat in the gaurd tower with the machine gun and cut down enemies while Seth and Ron were everywhere and nowhere popping up and killing the Axis. The few guys who did get through met long range death that they didn't even locate the source of until the second round. The third round they pressed that so I abandoned the tower for a different vantage point. That level would be a challenge to win for the Axis with small numbers honestly. It's very easy for the Allies to defend.

In the end we stayed up til 3:30 AM playing and I didn't get to bed til past 4. It ruined my attempts to reset my sleep schedule to a more regular time but that's ok. I'll have to get up early tomorrow and Monday so hopefully I'll get back into things then.

That's all for now. I will do a write up for Dani's game eventually. It'll be short because I was the only one who showed.

07 July 2006


I hate it when it looks like I have a lot going on and most of it falls through.

06 July 2006

Which is important - it's science that's led us to discover these things, but science is also pathetically impotent against them, in much the same way that pretending to be a My Little Pony is useless against a nuclear explosion.

(from RPG.net forums)

05 July 2006


So I was watching "The Gathering", the pilot episode of Babylon 5, and I caught something I had missed when I saw it the first time so many years back. When Kosh first meets Jeffrey Sinclair (well actually someone impersonating him) he addresses him "Entil zha, Valen". Now most people probably missed it completely and even those who wondered would probably figure it was some sort of Vorlon greeting. However you learn (prolly is season 1) that Valen was the greatest of the Minbari who set up their current form of government and rule of law. Why would Kosh refer to Sinclair as Valen? Because in Season 3 we find out they are one in the same. Talk about planning ahead. In the trailer they already had laid down plot points for a season 3 years later.

Also Ed Wasser, Mr. Morden, plays one of the C&C crew.

04 July 2006


So late on this 4th of July I am sitting back after an enjoyable semi-productive day and have to say that one of the most interesting soundtracks I have to just listen is too is the original score of .Hack//Sign. It's a variety of music that is all pretty easy to listen to and evoke various moods and flavours. One of the best "listen to while working/playing" scores out there.

That is all.
Who dares wins

03 July 2006


Harry Potter to the Dark Side, originally uploaded by mirv120.

My Short Attention Span

I've rather noticed I get easily sidelined from any self projects I start. I stay interested for a day or two then lose all interest again for awhile. It's part of the reason RPG books are generally scattered throughout my place because I reading several parts of several of them at any given time!

So World Cup results are both surprising and a little dissapointing. England lost. They played well considering. Tough game to watch tho. France beating Brazil, well who would have guessed? Brazil was bound to lose at some point though. Probably make them that much more of a threat in 4 years.

Today def feels busy even if I did slip a two hour nap in already. It probably feels so strange because I've been up since 7:30 and done a ton of errands already. I still need to finish cleaning tho. Isn't that fun? Volleyball tonight! Last week I did a decent job at assembling people I am hoping I might be able to pull that off again. Plus hopefully Seth & Evie will show too making the job of having enough folk a little easier.

Carl's D & D Rnd 4

Here is the latest and greatest from the City of Stone. Warning it's long, I guess I am fairly into Carl's game cause I remember things to a fairly scary amount of detail. If only I could do that for lectures!

01 July 2006

Many Things

Well have a bunch of random things to talk about so maybe one of them will be interesting. Prolly not. We shall see.

So I went for an hour bike ride tonight. Did not actually plan to go for that long but wanted to go at least 30 minutes and ended up in Iverson Park. Now I've been to Iverson a few times and thought I knew its basic layout. However I hadn't actually explored on foot or on bicycle and it turns out to be huge in comparison to what it looks like. I figured the Plover River was its border but it stretches over with trails beyond it and trails that run out past the railroad track as well. Needless to say I spent a lot of the ride exploring far more then I thought.

They started demolishing the UC this week. Ironically they took out any nearby trees first. Not sure why, Tyler suspects to please Goulet. However they have proceeded now to demolish several walls. Progress?

Ok, just two random things for now.