25 October 2004

50 hours in Belfast

Spent the weekend in Belfast. Despite the general paranoia of people in this group it is an absolutely safe city. Lowest crime rate on the continent (wonder why eh?). The murals were beautiful and I got really lucky when I took a turn off Shankhill Rd and found some of the more famous murals. Sadly didn't make a lucky turn like that off Falls Rd. The Botanic Gardens were wonderful too although I in general love parks and finding another one was a good deal for me. The weather was fantastic, usually it rains alot there like everywhere else in the UK but Friday was cloudy and Saturday was sunny. Rather chilly but that just made it feel like home. Actually the entire city gave a feel of the midwest, maybe a little less well off but they are much more down to earth there then in London. I loved being able to walk down streets and know their history (troubled as it is). Anyhow if you go to Europe don't discount Belfast, Northern Ireland is a wonderful place.

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