03 May 2005


Added two new blogs (Mary and Katie) and moved some other down to the quiet section. Any complaints about who's where should be sent to my roommate since I let him make the picks (and then I pared the list down, he's pretty harsh on us blog/journaling types).

BTW I hate CIS 323!


Beeks said...

Who're you praytell?

Anonymous said...

I can complain here, can't I? Amuse reads this... So how did Brent and I get stranded in a sea of 10 girls? :-P

Anonymous said...

he changed his lol

TJHMuse said...

Yes Nick. Complain!!! Then there will be something interesting to read after I crawl through Beeks posts! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no kidding. Gotta spice this place up a bit! The pictures are a good step in the right direction though!

Beeks said...

Eh I prefer real content not a bunch of pictures etc. The pictures must add to the thing and too many means it takes longer to load. :P

Anonymous said...

You deleted my comment!

Beeks said...

It was irrelevent, complain to Twism on his blog. Not mine :o

Anonymous said...

Irrelevant to what?