20 February 2007

Body of a Journalist

So the title of this post is the actual title of the newest DMZ graphic novel not Death of a... as previously stated in the last post. In other news apparently the way large amounts of data are stored is about to change unless you're Google because you seemed to have figured that out already. No links, you should just hit up Slashdot on this date or do a Google search along the lines of "Google File System".

As an odd addendum to this I am re-watching some random episodes from early in Babylon 5's 4th Season. The episode after the end of the Shadow War starts off with Sheridan recording into his log: "The Shadow war is over. We won!" I have to admit it's not the most moving line in initial aspect but the way it is spoken conveys such a sense of surprise that while it doesn't sound dramatic it really is. This is someone writing (possibly for the 2nd time in his life having survived the Earth-Minbari war) that amazingly despite the odds he and those he cares about are alive. And he is amazed by it all.

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