23 November 2004

Almost Undisputed Trivia Champs

And we were the only international team too. The joint US-Canadian (UW Stevens Point and U of Quelph) effort brought a close second place! It would help if the guy doing the trivia knew his Star Wars quotes correctly. Which movie do you think "You're all clear kid, now let's blow this thing and go home" came from? Anyhow...
Almost done with the World War 2 paper rough draft. Then I've only got the 10-20 page Brit History paper on the IRA and the Shakespeare paper all 6 or so pages of crap I need to turn out for that lousy class. I don't like it much, can you tell?
Exalted: Fair Folk is almost out. The artists/authors have gotten their copies. Finally got to see some art and charm trees (technically art) and they look very cool. Fae (er Raksha is technically what we're supposed to call them now) nobles are incredibly bad-ass. They start out with 3 dots in all attributes and get a 10/7/4 breakdown (max of 7 starting in any attribute) so they can do a heck of a lot of damage from the get go although I suspect there are some serious drawbacks to keep them from maruading freely across Creation. Regardless running around with beginning characters who could easily have Str + Ath of 12 (that's strong enough to throw a Volkswagen around folks!) from the get-go should make a ST or two a bit nervous. At least I'll have another fun thing to toss into my game I am theoretically running this spring. Need to work out details whence I get back home to all my beloved books but if you are a Pointer and want in let me know! (Lars ya count even though you technically graduated several decades ago. ;) )
Not much else to talk about on the England front at the moment. The farthest I have gotten away from ISH or MTH is for walks with Trisha into Regents Park (which at max is a mile and probably not even that far away). I am happy cause I found someone to walk with! It has also managed to warm up appreciably here from last weekend which is nice. Jeff took some iniative, which itself is not unheard of, and figured out to turn our radiators on, although they aren't very warm they help. Plus Jeff didn't kill us all in turning the radiators on! Luckily his girlfriend sent him something to warm the place up but he can't open it up to see what it is til Dec. 1st (hehe I know what it is!).
I should return to my paper now. I am enjoying reading about the Russian front in World War II which I think is seriously under covered in American classes. The Russians could have beaten the Germans without us and what do most Americans think the major turning point of the war was? Normandy. Don't get me wrong that was quite important for post-war things but the Russians coulda rolled right to Normandy if need be. That woulda been one heck of a Soviet Union then!

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