01 January 2005


Was shocked to see this maganize at the 'Ko but picked it up as it is the premire anime magazine. I had thought it was just Japanese only but they have an American version for us non-Japanese speaking Yanks. Guess we have taken to anime enough to make it worth their while. Decent magazine, there is a ton more anime then I can even imagine. A lot of it does not even slightly interest me but a couple shows peaked my interest. Not sure if I will ever see them cause you need to spend money to get the DVDs...

Slowly working to unlock the last levels that I have a chance in hell to unlock in Time Splitter's. Of course I fall about 4 hands (yes hands) short of unlocking Chasm. Gonna leave lots of this talented unlocking stuff to Twism who is a master at this, just like about everything he attempts.

Some well wishes to people who are about to travel or other such things. Primarily that'd be Krystal, Leah, and Jessie. Some are Ireland bound and one is going to Utah. Hope both journies are safe. Happy birthday to Colleen who is 21 in two days. Yea to Ryan for being un-single again. Hope it lasts old man :D

I haven't anything else to randomly mention so I'll just end this now. Fun that.


Nick said...

You were reading Glamour at work, weren't you. You probably gave it Rachel when you were done.

By the way, if you're looking for a six-figure income, I know an Italian guy in New York who can hook you up if you don't mind not knowing his name. You just have to work some weekends. Really nice guy when he's a nice guy... :D

Beeks said...

lol Nick the magazine's name would be: Newtype Hence my title. Guess you have to be a huge nerd to know that :D I wouldn't steal Rachel's Glamour, I'd be in trouble then!