29 December 2004

Ditto to that...

Overheard by one of the (nighttime) radio DJs, said mildy in jest. "I'm like a gas station trash can, girls don't want be anywhere near me unless they absolutely have too. And then just for bare minimum of time." I know this feeling quite well sometimes.
Spent the night hanging out with John and Ben. Yes, the Madden computer is superior to most humans, just admit it. John gave me 50 episodes of Naruto and 10 of Bleach so lots of viewing to do. Can probably get some more Naruto so might have him burning a lot of CDs for me!
Got my hair shortened today. Back to the normal everyday (for what the past 15 years?) look. I don't think I change very much physically.
Well must get to work, need to sort out a CD for Jessie and one for John. Maybe find a snack. E-mail some folks. I work tomorrow night, blah!

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