11 December 2005


So when i'm doing homework I randomly listen to iTunes...

1896 songs

Sort by title:
First: (Ghost) Riders in the Sky - Johnny Cash
Last: something in Japanese - GITS: SAC 2nd OST

Longest Song (ignoring a few non-songs prior): A New Hope and End Credits - John Williams
Shortest Song: Ironside - Quincy Jones

By Album:
First: Open Your Heart - Yuki Kajiura (.hack//Sign soundtrack)
Last: That was a crazy game of poker - OAR

Top Five:
Wind (short) - Akeboshi, Invoke4 - Gundam SEED, Anna ni Isshodattanoni - Gundam SEED, Evangelion Opening Theme - Neo Genesis Evangelion, Dijurido - Yoko Kanno (Cowboy Bebop)

Yea, lots of anime soundtracks floating around there. Better get cracking on java.

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