I stand between the darkness and the light, I am grey.
Faith manages!
03 November 2004
No side.
Mike, you might want to stay in England if you can help it, although to be optomistic atleast he can never win again. I'm so tired i stayed up watching the stressful election. Miss you much.
An entry is forthcoming, it has been in the works since afternoon of 3 Nov, was going to do it today but did not get as much homework acomplished as had planned. Seeing as that is due on Thursday and Wednesday I had other stuff to do my take on the US elections will have to wait. Other news will commence after that. In the meantime I must go find my roommate off doing things only legal in Amsterdam and the three girls who I promised I'd call when we were going to start the movie. Less then 3 weeks left in London.
you might want to stay in England if you can help it, although to be optomistic atleast he can never win again. I'm so tired i stayed up watching the stressful election. Miss you much.
I think you could be less tired if you went to bed and found out in the morning.
Okay, Mike, email me at shenendoahkami@aol.com. Write your name in the title, that way I know it isn't SPAM. I want to hear more from you too! :)
Hmm 2
shenendoahkami sounds pretty scandalous to me.
And he complains about other people not updating?
An entry is forthcoming, it has been in the works since afternoon of 3 Nov, was going to do it today but did not get as much homework acomplished as had planned. Seeing as that is due on Thursday and Wednesday I had other stuff to do my take on the US elections will have to wait. Other news will commence after that. In the meantime I must go find my roommate off doing things only legal in Amsterdam and the three girls who I promised I'd call when we were going to start the movie. Less then 3 weeks left in London.
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