30 March 2005

Lost From Al-Nasaryia

Happy Birthday to Ms. Allison who is now two decades young. Still a child compared to us old geezers but well trying hard to catch up (heaven knows why) to old elderly.

AIM went down this evening. Boy when it came back up that was a zoo of everyone IMing everyone else making it sure it wasn't just them.

Didn't get nearly as much done tonight as I wanted too and I am gonna be up much later then I intended. Tonight was not the highlight of my life.

Should get to bed now. Don't be angry exblonde.


TJHMuse said...

Can tonight be the exclaimation point?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mikiel, I asked Julie if Al-Nasaryia was a place in DUNE and she's like, "No, Abby... it's a city in Iraq." Well, there's my overwelming lack of knowledge of current events. Oh, and Julie says she feels bad that she hasn't said anything sexual to Tyler today... she's in withdraw now.