04 March 2005

Dancing 101

Exotic title eh? It does seem like I am jumping from one thing to another lately. Mostly one homework assignment to another, although the Requirements diagrams turned out really nice so it's all good. Usually I feel like my work in CIS 323 is substandard but today I thought it was decent even if I was guessing a ton as usual. Perhaps I am learning something after all.

I've come down with something again. Not another stomach bug thank God, two in a week and I'd throw in the towel and go home and hide under my old bed. It is the type that causes you to ache slightly all over and feel just slightly dazed all the time. This is usually the precursor to me blowing my nose 300000000000 times a day but it's lasted for more then a day so I am a little wary. Last time that happened I had mono. Hopefully get 10-11 hours of sleep tonight and that will help although maybe I will skip church on Sunday (for shame I know) and give myself some more. Alas spiritual time and physical let the body rest time clash as they are both equally important and play off each other. Well if I sleep in Sunday I'll fit some God time into my day since at this point I have no homework do til Tuesday (yay!).

Speaking of general business I have been neglecting to keep in touch with people as well as I should. This week I actually made some progress is reversing that, don't ask me how, this week was mostly utterly insane. However I talked with Brianna, Krystal, and Abby, Julie, and Allison all a bunch this week so doing pretty good. Also got to talk to the ex-blonde last night (causing me however to neglect my house guests some, sorry! *humbly begs forgiveness for bad multi-tasking abilities*). Now if only the ex-blonde would return blonde so I can save three keystrokes when talking to her. And yes she does have a name but I am a bad person and don't use it much! Maybe she is tolerant of crazy people. She does play Halo. Speaking of that, why don't we get people together and play Halo? It's a bloody brilliant game! Or even a little TS2 on the Gamecube, it's also pretty kickass if more hyperactive. All it seems that Twism and I play is Madden and that's gonna get harder after we win the Superbowl tomorrow since we're switching up to All-Madden. McNabb's QB rating my cease being a positive number altogether.

Anyhow, this is a long ramble, hope everyone enjoyed it. I need to go and do some stuff and sort some pictures from Europe so maybe I can send out a decent mix to people who want them (in which case if you do, leave comment or e-mail me or something).

1 comment:

8rent said...

Spiritual time cannot be bracketed. It either transcends everything else or it isn't there at all. Infuse God into your day and see what happens! :)