24 March 2005


As I am getting ready to return to hallowed ol' Point I'm taking stock of what I've got done. Haven't seen anyone really outside of the family and a couple neighbors on walks. I've got the exblonde tomorrow so that makes up for it some tho. I'm barely gonna finish Homeward Bound and not even touch Chronicles of Narnia. I blame this partly on being at the slow part of HB so it took me awhile to get going. This does wrap things up from the previous 7 books (the quadrology and trilogy) as far as I can tell. Got some personal stuff sorted but had some personal stuff unwravel too. Think I am glacial in personal matters whatever they be, two steps forward and one back. (Don't ask what, I won't say what specifically is going on here, if I want to say I will.) Got the beginnings of a Dark Side deck so Seth and Brent can stomp on me. Whatever happened to my DS Lando tho? Didn't get it done, maybe tonight, but that's unlikely. No web stuff got done, didn't expect to get much done since my computer is back home but still feel like I shoulda accomplished something on that front.

What did I do? Well I did read a bunch, generall after about 1AM. I did watch waaaaay too much TV and I am glad I don't usually do that, there's rarely anything good on. Did get a lot of things done that needed to be done. Played Conquest of the New World a ton. Still playing in fact. Those bloody explorers are a pain. You'd think three people on the side of mountain being hunted by several hundred would be easier to kill! Anyhow, guess that's what I've done. Not sure anyone cares... (see Abby you're not the only one who writes weird entries!)

Off to pack!

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