28 December 2004


So the little saga of too easy Madden has wrapped. The Dolphins went undefeated for the season. After the romp in the AFC championships I kinda figured the Superbowl would be a little milder. Well 84-0 later I am not quite sure. I got a TD less but I shut out the opposing offense for the first time. Peyton Manning threw 6 Ints (his QB rating at the end was a whopping 11.2). More amazing considering I let the defense play itself just pick formations. Set a few Superbowl records. It doesn't really matter tho, we'll see if I can do any good at All-Pro. Since my complete dominance is unlikely (I imagine the opposing D will get better at making picks from my lousy passes) those of you who dislike Madden will be relieved of that annoyance from this blogsphere.

I reformatted the iPod in a last ditch attempt to fix its battery, short of sending it in. I'd rather not spend money on it. So far it looks like it's doin' a little better but I will have to see. I still think it's on it's last ropes but if I can make it survive a little longer will that's money not spent ya know?

Found out that River City Hobbies appears to be discotinuing most of its RPG book collection which it's only had a for a year or two as far as I know. Picked up the Blue Planet (v2) Player's Guide. I am pretty sure Uncle Hugo's has the Moderator's Guide so I could run the game now in theory. I had the v1 Core book but all the expansions are for v2 only and they are completely different! You are probably asking how I can spend money so freely on RPG books and I am not quite sure. I like reading and I like RPGs. If anything it's my guilty pleasure. I should be better once I go back to Point, reduced to just getting Exalted books. Thankfully none of those come out til mid-February or so. I am thinking I might try and run a Blue Planet if I can get some interest. More importantly I need to get the ball rolling on this theoretical Exalted game I am running in the spring. I have started writing up some stuff but I need to find out who's all playing. Incidentally if you are reading this and interested in being that game drop me an e-mail (prefferably at my Gmail addy, I keep forgetting to check my UWSP mail and it's caused problems of various minor sorts lately). I am not sure if it will run Wednesday nights (at GASP) or some other night. Kinda depends on schedules so let me know what your schedule is if/when you e-mail me.

So now I am poking thru the BioHazard Games homepage some since I had to find the link for Blue Planet. Seems like they might actually be recovering from the doldrums. Not sure if they will do ok. I have heard the RPGs have been hitting a slump lately. Granted it's more D20 system related. Probably as WotC tightens up their grip on the OGL stuff. Anyhow I generally have enjoyed the premise of the story (hence wanting to run a game) so I hope they continue to put out more material. Come on, who hasn't wanted to ever play a dolphin or an orca? I have since Startide Rising. Always a fun read. I really do enjoy reading RPG books. I probably should just sit down and re-read the stuff I've got but what fun is that?

So this whole having an apartment thing is fairly intensive when thinking about all the stuff you need to get, ie basic amentities. Chairs, tables, silverware, cookware, etc. At least I can get furniture from sister (who is getting a new house and wants decent stuff now, w00t! I get the rejects) and parents/grandparents. The other stuff well I got some for Christmas but the rest needs to be bought. A lot needs to be thought of first. I should really have a list cause I always think of it at some point when I can't write it down or do anything about it.

Right, another long entry. Whee, enjoy.

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