01 December 2004

Mind the Gap

Well folks, it's been fun. A few months ago I was sitting at home thinking what to write to say "good bye" to Wisconsin. Now I sit here thinking about what to say to London. I didn't get to do half what I wanted, there are so many famous places I didn't see or barely saw. On the whole tho, I have no regrets. I met some great people (who'll hopefully keep in touch). I got to see Belfast a city which I have fallen in love with I think and hope to get back to some day and pray that they may continue the path towards peace. I discovered having the RPG habit in London costs twice as much as in Wisconsin but they have bigger, better stores here so as with everything in life, it's a trade-off.
I will miss the friends I've made in the group. Some I might see regularily, others I may see never again. I miss the people back home and can't wait for Tuesday when I can see them all again! Not sure I miss work but it will be nice to get a paycheck again even if it's in piddly American dollars.
I have thought a lot about travelling and I think (although woe to anyone who leaks this to my parents) that before I graduate I will take advantage of these trips and sneak over here again. I'm thinking Ireland. For now though I am going to relax as all my homework is in and I have only token classes tomorrow. I even managed an A in the first of my WE classes. Fancy that.
In the meantime I am enjoying being able to laugh at the British humor of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, enjoying Regent's Park (and its subsidary Primrose Hill), and late night movie/Risk sessions.
The iPod did hold up for 3 months but barely so I guess my one worry has been answered.
After this entry, this will once again return to the frozen wastes of Wisconsin, hope you all enjoyed the pointless commentary. If not well Exalted: Fair Folk came out Monday so pick up a copy (and harass White Wolf to hurry up and send me mine) and read that instead. Until Wisconsin, cheers!

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