09 December 2004

Live From Point

Well I'm back. It might be noticed the time is still Greenwich Mean, I will fix that later. Apartment shopping here goes slowly. Hopefully more luck tomorrow but who knows. This is coming live from the Lars residence. (He's not dead just busy and Jaybez hasn't mastered typing...yet.) Not much to report. Feeling a little out of place to some extent tho, I've found that people have changed. Maybe it's me but the way some people are now is just different then when I left them. It seems to me their values have shifted. I don't know. I guess I feel a little left out, which granting where I've been, I have. You can't expect to be a major part of people's lives and live 4000 miles away at the same time. It doesn't work. So I am dealing with that.
I could really use a good walk thru Regent's Park but that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I also need a shave but my razor is back home. So I am gonna be very fuzzy when I get back Friday. Not like I need to worry about anyone kissing me. I think the one chance I had is now far away London and she won't be coming home to the US. :(

That's life. This was your first post-Europe entry. Enjoy.

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