16 December 2004


Well as of late I am greatly contributing to the economy. Using early Christmas money I have gotten a Gamecube with MarioKart (of course!) and Time Splitters 2 is on the way. Alas Eric is gone most of the week so I can't pass on the good news. The bigger news is however that I have purchased a new car. Much excitement here although my poor savings are gonna feel even more hollow and empty (include now that I need to cover insurance and tomorrow I am officially signing on an apartment too). Happily my car has a tape deck so I can use my iPod (via cassette adaptor) in it and it has a 115v plug so I can charge it as I go especially since the charge is down to an hour and it retains that for less then a day. Really need to send that it but it's another expense. Maybe I shoulda spent my Christmas money on that (alas too late to think of that now).
Work wasn't too bad Wed. morning. I work again tonight and tomorrow night. This'll mean a long day of which I will probably be sleeping alot whilst Dad drives me to Point and back. Alas no time to visit people I missed the previous trip last week. I still feel bad cause I showed up Allison for lunch last Friday. I hate it when people miss things and then I go and do it myself. Really feel like whacking myself with a pole-arm several times over. Blah. :(
I have just noticed this is still on Brit time +1 (daylight savings time threw that off). Should really change that. Don't need to be reminded that I am far away. I think most of the group is back now. I've seen a few online. Strange I won't see them for a bit. Depressing I won't see Tricia for, well, a long time most likely.
Anyhow, this spring I challenge a bunch of people to Mario Kart with two seperate Gamecubes! We should have room at the apartment to set up that and still have seating for 8 people. We can kick Steiner's ass for sure if there are 7 of us ruthlessly gunning for him! Plus Twism can kill those damn ducks (some people might actually know what I am talking about from freshman year) again.

Oops, almost forgot. Our family has the (strange, ridiculous, cool, fascinating?) habit of naming our vehicles. I need a good guy's name that starts with A. If anyone of the 1 readers care to partcipate.

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