22 December 2004

As Advertised

So gonna try for a more substantial entry for once. Probably the first since I got back. Or not. Who knows. Work has not been that bad somehow. Basically things haven't changed. This can be seen as a good and a bad thing. They haven't gotten worse but nothing has really improved. We do have a kick-ass overnight manager. He does work. Yea, that's a first. I guess the GO doesn't want the managers to do much work (another genius decision by them, let's pay 6-7 people to not work help out on the floor) but those who do are generally well liked, boosting morale and all that. Of course the GO is oblivious to such things. They would probably be unaware to the floor burning out from under them. Then again I think Shopko is losing a lot of ground lately (got nothing to prove that, should check FT.com or something or an equivalent and see what they say) against their competitors and the stuff they do just makes it worse. I wish that'd turn around, don't want the world run by Wal-Mart!
I haven't switched the time back yet. Sue me. Maybe after this. Too lazy to save this as a draft and do it. Perhaps afterwards. Random curiosity: why aren't my grades up yet? It's not like I can hurry them along but most of my classes have been done for over half a month! Guess IP doesn't submit them til late (and yes I am sure they route thru IP).
Ok. I am tired of trying to multi-task therefore I'm gonna stop trying to blog at the moment. Maybe I will get a better entry later. Or not.

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