27 December 2004

Tis the Season To Do Modifications

So we added some new blogs of people I know, etc. They are in the usual place. Moved a couple down to the "Quiet Blogs" section do to inactivity. Still easy to find. Yes if you are wondering some of the quiet blogs do update once in awhile. Laura's just did not long ago. Other notes: I finally switched the time back to the ol' Yankee standard CST. So now it makes sense when I am posting. Or does it? It's not like my schedule is normal anyhow. Theoretically later today or this week I will try and post some interesting read-I am feeling introspective this week so prolly along those lines- so check back if you need to fall asleep quickly or just want to say "duh! You didn't know that all along?" to me the next time we talk.

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