27 December 2004

Old Friends

So one of my old friends from way back in elementary school stopped by this evening. Lately it seems like I've been hearing from people I haven't in awhile. I really like keeping in touch with people. Granted some I try harder with some more then others and lately it seems like I haven't been really succeeding. Somehow I lose touch or people drift away. This is probably a natural tendency in the world I guess. It frustrates me. Then again I suppose there are people I want to not keep in touch with so I should assume there are people who want to do the same with me. I wonder why sometimes although in a lot of cases I figure it's cause I creeped them out or something along those lines. Blah to my lack of social skills. But ok enough self pity! I am really happy that I got to see my friend and that a couple friends I haven't talked to in awhile I've gotten to talk to (some of them don't reply to e-mails so I wonder sometimes but even I am lousy with e-mails these days). Here's hoping I can keep in better touch with them. And also people from this fall. Here's hoping!

"Could it be you're what they call a hunter?"

I love this quote from Witch Hunter Robin. Just thought I'd use that to seperate thoughts. Anyhow...a word of note for Madden 2005 users. Difficulty setting of "Pro" is not very hard. I've plugged through a season in franchise with it and gone undefeated. All I have left is the Superbowl. Score of the AFC Championship game: 91-6. Yes that's right I set records (personal ones mind you, best game all season) for passing yards, offensive yards, total tds in a game, passing tds in a game. Think that is all of them. Rather shocked I did it then but well turns out the Raider backfield couldn't cover very well beyond 30 yards from scrimmage so I started burning them deep with Ward, my custom WR, Chambers, James, Kleinsasser, Gonzalez, and Shockey. Yea I got TDs will all of them plus Vick on the ground. After the Superbowl I'm gonna erase the franchise and start over on higher difficulty. I wish in madden I didn't need to deal with resigning players and salaries and all that crap. I just wanna create my team and play is that too much to ask? I was hoping I could turn everything off but that, no such luck!

Think I've got really bad breath. Maybe that explains my problems from the first paragraph, eh? Have to pick up some breath mints or something.

So let's see. What a strange entry thus far. Can I capitolize on it? I'll drift briefly to RPG books. I now own 72 of them from 10 seperate games (9 playable). Finished watching the Star Wars trilogy on DVD. They modified two thing: in Empire Strikes Back the Emperor hologram is more Emp. like and the Emp's dialogue is modified. This is ok, it feels weird tho because I am so familiar with the old dialogue. In Return of the Jedi the end has Naboo in the celebration scene (why?) and a younger Anakin who looks well evil and doesn't fit in. Keep the old Anakin! Wonder why George Lucas can't leave these alone. Guess those are the ones we'll all know. VCR's are dissapearing. Still worth the money and the documentary is good too (rather long tho).

So now this is a very long entry. I should stop because I've heard people hate long entries. And self-pity. I have flawlessly combined them so they should hate this entry! Perfection? :D


Nick said...

Altoids are good, but I'm a gum person myself. Altoid Gum!

Anonymous said...

hey beeker. just sending a note to say happy holidays. i hope you had a good christmas.

Anonymous said...

oops. forgot that i was posting anonymously.....laura.
(i think that my brain is still on vacation)